is /proc/net/wireless really gone?

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Happy New Year everyone,

I am getting an error message on my status bar (which depends on
a manager called bumblebee-status). The message reads:

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/net/wireless' 

This has been the case for weeks. I assumed the issue would go away
after subsequent updates but it persists. All the while, I cannot see
the state of my wireless connections via the status bar. 

I filed a bug report against bumblebee-status
The maintainer thinks my wireless driver has issues. I, therefore, filed
a corresponding report against the driver

According to the driver maintainer, Fedora deprecated "Wireless
Extensions" which is responsible for "/proc/net/wireless". While the
decision does not affect the operations of the wireless driver (because
I am able to access the internet through the device), tools
that query network status via "/proc/net/wireless" appear to be

I even have a related report againt the kernel
( What is the way forward? 
What is the alternative to "/proc/net/wireless"?  Perhaps, someone here
may have information that will be beneficial to the maintainers above.

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