The following Fedora 28 Security updates need testing: Age URL 355 jgraphx- 304 nodejs-brace-expansion-1.1.11-1.fc28 303 nodejs-atob-2.1.1-1.fc28 179 xerces-c27-2.7.0-28.fc28 131 nginx-1.14.1-1.fc28 111 squid-4.4-1.fc28 107 tomcat-8.5.35-1.fc28 38 bind-9.11.5-4.P4.fc28 26 freerdp-2.0.0-49.20190304git435872b.fc28 gnome-boxes-3.28.5-2.fc28 pidgin-sipe-1.24.0-3.fc28 remmina-1.3.3-1.fc28 25 libu2f-host-1.1.8-1.fc28 25 ntp-4.2.8p13-1.fc28 12 libssh2-1.8.1-1.fc28 11 libarchive-3.3.3-6.fc28 11 python3-3.6.8-3.fc28 9 ghostscript-9.26-4.fc28 7 golang-googlecode-go-crypto-0-0.25.20190324gitb7391e9.fc28 5 thunderbird-60.6.1-1.fc28 5 fuse-2.9.9-1.fc28 5 gnutls-3.6.5-3.fc28 3 aria2-1.34.0-4.fc28 3 clamav-0.101.2-1.fc28 3 chromium-73.0.3683.86-2.fc28 2 ntfs-3g-2017.3.23-11.fc28 The following Fedora 28 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved: Age URL 111 nfs-utils-2.3.3-1.rc2.fc28 75 totem-pl-parser-3.26.2-1.fc28 67 volume_key-0.3.12-2.fc28 66 ostree-2019.1-2.fc28 rpm-ostree-2019.1-1.fc28 58 iproute-4.20.0-1.fc28 41 dhcp-4.3.6-22.fc28 dnsperf-2.2.1-1.fc28 bind-dyndb-ldap-11.1-13.fc28 bind-9.11.5-2.P1.fc28 35 udisks2-2.7.6-3.fc28 21 koji-1.17.0-5.fc28 20 fedfind-4.2.2-1.fc28 python-productmd-1.20-1.fc28 17 libseccomp-2.4.0-0.fc28 17 fedora-repos-28-7 12 python-productmd-1.21-1.fc28 12 psmisc-23.1-3.1.fc28 12 libssh2-1.8.1-1.fc28 12 osinfo-db-20190319-1.fc28 11 python3-3.6.8-3.fc28 11 libarchive-3.3.3-6.fc28 9 polkit-0.115-2.3.fc28 5 gnutls-3.6.5-3.fc28 5 sssd-1.16.4-2.fc28 5 audit-2.8.5-2.fc28 5 fuse-2.9.9-1.fc28 5 thunderbird-60.6.1-1.fc28 5 pcre2-10.32-9.fc28 5 nspr-4.21.0-1.fc28 nss-3.43.0-1.fc28 3 glusterfs-4.1.8-1.fc28 3 gzip-1.9-4.fc28 2 ntfs-3g-2017.3.23-11.fc28 1 highlight-3.50-1.fc28 The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 28 updates-testing R-Cairo-1.5.10-1.fc28 R-spelling-1.2-2.fc28 appstream-data-28-13.fc28 falkon-pdfreader-0-0.1.20190118giteefc135.fc28 firefox-66.0.2-1.fc28 flatpak-module-tools-0.9.3-1.fc28 fotoxx-19.7-1.fc28 magic-8.2.102-1.fc28 php-aws-sdk3-3.91.0-1.fc28 poppler-0.62.0-20.fc28 prunerepo-1.15-1.fc28 python-dask-1.1.5-1.fc28 python-numcodecs-0.6.3-3.fc28 python-operator-courier-1.3.0-1.fc28 roundcubemail-1.3.9-1.fc28 sos-collector-1.7-1.fc28 Details about builds: ================================================================================ R-Cairo-1.5.10-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-ba73dc96c6) R Graphics Device using Cairo Graphics Library for Creating High-Quality Bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), Vector (PDF, SVG, PostScript) and Display (X11 and Win32) Output -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to latest version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.5.10-1 - Update to latest version * Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5.9-6 - Rebuilt for * Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5.9-5 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1693895 - R-Cairo-1.5-10 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-spelling-1.2-2.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-134c17eaee) Tools for Spell Checking in R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Backport patch to work with new knitr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.2-2 - Backport patch to work with new knitr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ appstream-data-28-13.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-8b18e60211) Fedora AppStream metadata -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: New metadata version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Kalev Lember <klember@xxxxxxxxxx> - 28-13 - New metadata version - Update fedora-categories.xml and fedora-popular.xml with changed app IDs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ falkon-pdfreader-0-0.1.20190118giteefc135.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-10064d08d9) PDF reader extension for Falkon using pdf.js -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Initial release of package for Falkon browser's PDF reader plugin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ firefox-66.0.2-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-a51d6c2384) Mozilla Firefox Web browser -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: - Updated to latest upstream (66.0.2) - Fixed BlueJeans playback issues (Bug 1691831) ---- - Wayland popup menu/ tooltip fixes (mozbz#1539471) ---- - New upstream version with Pwn2Own security fixes - Details at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 66.0.2-1 - Updated to 66.0.2 (Build 1) - Added fixes for mozbz#1526243, mozbz#1540145 * Thu Mar 28 2019 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 66.0.1-4 - Added fix for mozbz#1539471 - wayland popups/tooltips * Wed Mar 27 2019 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 66.0.1-3 - Added fix for mozbz#526293 - show remote locations at file chooser dialog * Fri Mar 22 2019 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 66.0.1-1 - Updated to 66.0.1 (Build 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1691831 - Video in Firefox 66 constantly freezes in Bluejeans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ flatpak-module-tools-0.9.3-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-77710d039b) Tools for maintaining Flatpak applications and runtimes as Fedora modules -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: * Fix a compatibility problem with recent flatpak-module-tools where log messages from a local module build wouldn't be displayed. * Fix a compatibility problem with recent Flatpak where the repository for a test install wouldn't be created correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 fedora-toolbox <otaylor@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.3-1 - Version 0.9.3 - fix module-build-service and Flatpak compat issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ fotoxx-19.7-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-a318ca7703) Photo editor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: 19.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 19.7-1 - 19.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1694334 - fotoxx-19.7 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ magic-8.2.102-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-4db607b3c1) A very capable VLSI layout tool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: New version 8.2.102 is released. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 8.2.102-1 - 8.2.102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-aws-sdk3-3.91.0-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-edd17bae8f) Amazon Web Services framework for PHP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: ## 3.91.0 - 2019-04-01 * `Aws\` - Adds helper function to parse full-line hash comments for credentials and config files, which was removed in PHP 7's implemention of parse_ini_file. * `Aws\EMR` - Amazon EMR adds the ability to modify instance group configurations on a running cluster through the new "configurations" field in the ModifyInstanceGroups API. * `Aws\SSM` - March 2019 documentation updates for Systems Manager. ## 3.90.13 - 2019-03-29 * `Aws\CloudWatch` - Added 3 new APIs, and one additional parameter to PutMetricAlarm API, to support tagging of CloudWatch Alarms. * `Aws\Comprehend` - With this release AWS Comprehend supports encryption of output results of analysis jobs and volume data on the storage volume attached to the compute instance that processes the analysis job. * `Aws\Greengrass` - Greengrass APIs now support tagging operations on resources ## 3.90.12 - 2019-03-28 * `Aws\CloudFront` - Parse the private key used to sign Cloudfront Urls once during construction instead of on every call to ->sign(). For a 2048bit key, this dropped the signing time from 1.3ms to 0.7ms. For a 1024bit key, the time went from 0.40ms to 0.16ms. * `Aws\MediaLive` - This release adds a new output locking mode synchronized to the Unix epoch. * `Aws\PinpointEmail` - This release adds support for using the Amazon Pinpoint Email API to tag the following types of Amazon Pinpoint resources: configuration sets; dedicated IP pools; deliverability dashboard reports; and, email identities. A tag is a label that you optionally define and associate with these types of resources. Tags can help you categorize and manage these resources in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria. A resource can have as many as 50 tags. For more information, see the Amazon Pinpoint Email API Reference. * `Aws\ServiceCatalog` - Adds "Tags" field in UpdateProvisionedProduct API. The product should have a new RESOURCE_UPDATE Constraint with TagUpdateOnProvisionedProduct field set to ALLOWED for it to work. See API docs for CreateConstraint for more information * `Aws\WorkSpaces` - Amazon WorkSpaces adds tagging support for WorkSpaces Images, WorkSpaces directories, WorkSpaces bundles and IP Access control groups. ## 3.90.11 - 2019-03-27 * `Aws\AppMesh` - This release includes AWS Tagging integration for App Mesh, VirtualNode access logging, TCP routing, and Mesh-wide external traffic egress control. See for more details. * `Aws\EC2` - You can now launch the new Amazon EC2 R5ad and M5ad instances that feature local NVMe attached SSD instance storage (up to 3600 GB). M5ad and R5ad feature AMD EPYC processors that offer a 10% cost savings over the M5d and R5d EC2 instances. * `Aws\ECS` - This release of Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) introduces support for external deployment controllers for ECS services with the launch of task set management APIs. Task sets are a new primitive for controlled management of application deployments within a single ECS service. * `Aws\ElasticLoadBalancingv2` - This release adds support for routing based on HTTP headers, methods, query string or query parameters and source IP addresses in Application Load Balancer. * `Aws\S3` - S3 Glacier Deep Archive provides secure, durable object storage class for long term data archival. This SDK release provides API support for this new storage class. * `Aws\StorageGateway` - This change allows you to select a pool for archiving virtual tapes. Pools are associated with S3 storage classes. You can now choose to archive virtual tapes in either S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class. CreateTapes API now takes a new PoolId parameter which can either be GLACIER or DEEP_ARCHIVE. Tapes created with this parameter will be archived in the corresponding storage class. * `Aws\Transfer` - This release adds PrivateLink support to your AWS SFTP server endpoint, enabling the customer to access their SFTP server within a VPC, without having to traverse the internet. Customers can now can create a server and specify an option whether they want the endpoint to be hosted as public or in their VPC, and with the in VPC option, SFTP clients and users can access the server only from the customer's VPC or from their on-premises environments using DX or VPN. This release also relaxes the SFTP user name requirements to allow underscores and hyphens. ## 3.90.10 - 2019-03-26 * `Aws\Glue` - This new feature will now allow customers to add a customized csv classifier with classifier API. They can specify a custom delimiter, quote symbol and control other behavior they'd like crawlers to have while recognizing csv files * `Aws\WorkMail` - Documentation updates for Amazon WorkMail. ## 3.90.9 - 2019-03-25 * `Aws\DirectConnect` - Direct Connect gateway enables you to establish connectivity between your on-premise networks and Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) in any commercial AWS Region (except in China) using AWS Direct Connect connections at any AWS Direct Connect location. This release enables multi-account support for Direct Connect gateway, with multi-account support for Direct Connect gateway, you can associate up to ten VPCs from any AWS account with a Direct Connect gateway. The AWS accounts owning VPCs and the Direct Connect gateway must belong to the same AWS payer account ID. This release also enables Direct Connect Gateway owners to allocate allowed prefixes from each associated VPCs. * `Aws\FMS` - AWS Firewall Manager now allows customer to centrally enable AWS Shield Advanced DDoS protection for their entire AWS infrastructure, across accounts and applications. * `Aws\IoT1ClickDevicesService` - This release adds tagging support for AWS IoT 1-Click Device resources. Use these APIs to add, remove, or list tags on Devices, and leverage the tags for various authorization and billing scenarios. This release also adds the ARN property for DescribeDevice response object. * `Aws\IoTAnalytics` - This change allows you to specify the number of versions of IoT Analytics data set content to be retained. Previously, the number of versions was managed implicitly via the setting of the data set's retention period. * `Aws\MediaConvert` - This release adds support for detailed job progress status and S3 server-side output encryption. In addition, the anti- alias filter will now be automatically applied to all outputs * `Aws\RoboMaker` - Added additional progress metadata fields for robot deployments * `Aws\TranscribeService` - Amazon Transcribe - With this release Amazon Transcribe enhances the custom vocabulary feature to improve accuracy by providing customization on pronunciations and output formatting. ## 3.90.8 - 2019-03-22 * `Aws\IoT1ClickProjects` - This release adds tagging support for AWS IoT 1-Click Project resources. Use these APIs to add, remove, or list tags on Projects, and leverage the tags for various authorization and billing scenarios. This release also adds the ARN property to projects for DescribeProject and ListProject responses. * `Aws\TranscribeService` - Amazon Transcribe - support transcriptions from audio sources in German (de-DE) and Korean (ko-KR). ## 3.90.7 - 2019-03-21 * `Aws\AutoScaling` - Documentation updates for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling * `Aws\CloudWatchEvents` - Added 3 new APIs, and one additional parameter to the PutRule API, to support tagging of CloudWatch Events rules. * `Aws\CognitoIdentityProvider` - This release adds tags and tag-based access control support to Amazon Cognito User Pools. * `Aws\IoT` - This release adds the GetStatistics API for the AWS IoT Fleet Indexing Service, which allows customers to query for statistics about registered devices that match a search query. This release only supports the count statistics. For more information about this API, see * `Aws\Lightsail` - This release adds the DeleteKnownHostKeys API, which enables Lightsail's browser-based SSH or RDP clients to connect to the instance after a host key mismatch. ## 3.90.6 - 2019-03-20 * `Aws\CodePipeline` - Add support for viewing details of each action execution belonging to past and latest pipeline executions that have occurred in customer's pipeline. The details include start/updated times, action execution results, input/output artifacts information, etc. Customers also have the option to add pipelineExecutionId in the input to filter the results down to a single pipeline execution. * `Aws\CognitoIdentity` - This release adds tags and tag-based access control support to Amazon Cognito Identity Pools (Federated Identities). * `Aws\MarketplaceMetering` - This release increases AWS Marketplace Metering Service maximum usage quantity to 2147483647 and makes parameters usage quantity and dryrun optional. ## 3.90.5 - 2019-03-19 * `Aws\ConfigService` - AWS Config adds a new API called SelectResourceConfig to run advanced queries based on resource configuration properties. * `Aws\EKS` - Added support to control private/public access to the Kubernetes API-server endpoint ## 3.90.4 - 2019-03-18 * `Aws\Chime` - This release adds support for the Amazon Chime Business Calling and Voice Connector features. * `Aws\DatabaseMigrationService` - S3 Endpoint Settings added support for 1) Migrating to Amazon S3 as a target in Parquet format 2) Encrypting S3 objects after migration with custom KMS Server-Side encryption. Redshift Endpoint Settings added support for encrypting intermediate S3 objects during migration with custom KMS Server-Side encryption. * `Aws\EC2` - DescribeFpgaImages API now returns a new DataRetentionSupport attribute to indicate if the AFI meets the requirements to support DRAM data retention. DataRetentionSupport is a read-only attribute. ## 3.90.3 - 2019-03-14 * `Aws\ACM` - AWS Certificate Manager has added a new API action, RenewCertificate. RenewCertificate causes ACM to force the renewal of any private certificate which has been exported. * `Aws\ACMPCA` - AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private CA allows customers to manage permissions on their CAs. Customers can grant or deny AWS Certificate Manager permission to renew exported private certificates. * `Aws\CloudWatch` - New Messages parameter for the output of GetMetricData, to support new metric search functionality. * `Aws\ConfigService` - AWS Config - add ability to tag, untag and list tags for ConfigRule, ConfigurationAggregator and AggregationAuthorization resource types. Tags can be used for various scenarios including tag based authorization. * `Aws\EC2` - This release adds tagging support for Dedicated Host Reservations. * `Aws\IoT` - In this release, AWS IoT introduces support for tagging OTA Update and Stream resources. For more information about tagging, see the AWS IoT Developer Guide. * `Aws\SageMaker` - Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now supports random search and hyperparameter scaling. ## 3.90.2 - 2019-03-13 * `Aws\CloudWatchLogs` - Documentation updates for logs * `Aws\ConfigService` - Config released Remediation APIs allowing Remediation of Config Rules ## 3.90.1 - 2019-03-12 * `Aws\ServerlessApplicationRepository` - The AWS Serverless Application Repository now supports associating a ZIP source code archive with versions of an application. ## 3.90.0 - 2019-03-11 * `Aws\` - Adds ability to clone existing Sdk instance with extra arguments. * `Aws\CostExplorer` - The only change in this release is to make TimePeriod a required parameter in GetCostAndUsageRequest. * `Aws\ElasticBeanstalk` - Elastic Beanstalk added support for tagging, and tag-based access control, of all Elastic Beanstalk resources. * `Aws\Glue` - CreateDevEndpoint and UpdateDevEndpoint now support Arguments to configure the DevEndpoint. * `Aws\IoT` - Documentation updates for iot * `Aws\QuickSight` - Amazon QuickSight user and group operation results now include group principal IDs and user principal IDs. This release also adds "DeleteUserByPrincipalId", which deletes users given their principal ID. The update also improves role session name validation. * `Aws\Rekognition` - Documentation updates for Amazon Rekognition ## 3.89.1 - 2019-03-08 * `Aws\CodeBuild` - CodeBuild also now supports Git Submodules. CodeBuild now supports opting out of Encryption for S3 Build Logs. By default these logs are encrypted. * `Aws\S3` - Documentation updates for s3 * `Aws\SageMaker` - SageMaker notebook instances now support enabling or disabling root access for notebook users. SageMaker Neo now supports rk3399 and rk3288 as compilation target devices. ## 3.89.0 - 2019-03-07 * `Aws\AppMesh` - This release includes a new version of the AWS App Mesh APIs. You can read more about the new APIs here: * `Aws\AutoScaling` - Documentation updates for autoscaling * `Aws\ECS` - This release of Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) introduces additional task definition parameters that enable you to define dependencies for container startup and shutdown, a per-container start and stop timeout value, as well as an AWS App Mesh proxy configuration which eases the integration between Amazon ECS and AWS App Mesh. * `Aws\GameLift` - Amazon GameLift-hosted instances can now securely access resources on other AWS services using IAM roles. See more details at * `Aws\Greengrass` - Greengrass group UID and GID settings can now be configured to use a provided default via FunctionDefaultConfig. If configured, all Lambda processes in your deployed Greengrass group will by default start with the provided UID and/or GID, rather than by default starting with UID "ggc_user" and GID "ggc_group" as they would if not configured. Individual Lambdas can also be configured to override the defaults if desired via each object in the Functions list of your FunctionDefinitionVersion. * `Aws\MediaLive` - This release adds a MediaPackage output group, simplifying configuration of outputs to AWS Elemental MediaPackage. * `Aws\RDS` - You can configure your Aurora database cluster to automatically copy tags on the cluster to any automated or manual database cluster snapshots that are created from the cluster. This allows you to easily set metadata on your snapshots to match the parent cluster, including access policies. You may enable or disable this functionality while creating a new cluster, or by modifying an existing database cluster. * `Aws\S3` - Updates the S3 stream wrapper to be able to write empty files for PHP 7+. ## 3.88.1 - 2019-03-06 * `Aws\DirectConnect` - Exposed a new available port speeds field in the DescribeLocation api call. * `Aws\EC2` - This release adds pagination support for ec2.DescribeVpcs, ec2.DescribeInternetGateways and ec2.DescribeNetworkAcls APIs * `Aws\EFS` - Documentation updates for elasticfilesystem adding new examples for EFS Lifecycle Management feature. ## 3.88.0 - 2019-03-05 * `Aws\CodeDeploy` - Documentation updates for codedeploy * `Aws\MediaLive` - This release adds support for pausing and unpausing one or both pipelines at scheduled times. * `Aws\StorageGateway` - ActivateGateway, CreateNFSFileShare and CreateSMBFileShare APIs support a new parameter: Tags (to be attached to the created resource). Output for DescribeNFSFileShare, DescribeSMBFileShare and DescribeGatewayInformation APIs now also list the Tags associated with the resource. Minimum length of a KMSKey is now 7 characters. * `Aws\Test` - Refactor client iterator tests to use mocked model data. * `Aws\Textract` - This release is intended ONLY for customers that are officially part of the Amazon Textract Preview program. If you are not officially part of the Amazon Textract program THIS WILL NOT WORK. Our two main regions for Amazon Textract Preview are N. Virginia and Dublin. Also some members have been added to Oregon and Ohio. If you are outside of any of these AWS regions, Amazon Textract Preview definitely will not work. If you would like to be part of the Amazon Textract program, you can officially request sign up here - To set expectations appropriately, we are aiming to admit new preview participants once a week until General Availability. ## 3.87.23 - 2019-03-04 * `Aws\MediaPackage` - This release adds support for user-defined tagging of MediaPackage resources. Users may now call operations to list, add and remove tags from channels and origin- endpoints. Users can also specify tags to be attached to these resources during their creation. Describe and list operations on these resources will now additionally return any tags associated with them. * `Aws\SSM` - This release updates AWS Systems Manager APIs to support service settings for AWS customers. A service setting is a key-value pair that defines how a user interacts with or uses an AWS service, and is typically created and consumed by the AWS service team. AWS customers can read a service setting via GetServiceSetting API and update the setting via UpdateServiceSetting API or ResetServiceSetting API, which are introduced in this release. For example, if an AWS service charges money to the account based on a feature or service usage, then the AWS service team might create a setting with the default value of "false". This means the user can't use this feature unless they update the setting to "true" and intentionally opt in for a paid feature. ## 3.87.22 - 2019-03-01 * `Aws\AutoScalingPlans` - Documentation updates for autoscaling-plans * `Aws\EC2` - This release adds support for modifying instance event start time which allows users to reschedule EC2 events. ## 3.87.21 - 2019-02-28 * `Aws\AlexaForBusiness` - This release adds the PutInvitationConfiguration API to configure the user invitation email template with custom attributes, and the GetInvitationConfiguration API to retrieve the configured values. * `Aws\ApiGatewayV2` - Marking certain properties as explicitly required and fixing an issue with the GetApiMappings operation for ApiMapping resources. * `Aws\ApplicationAutoScaling` - Documentation updates for application-autoscaling * `Aws\SSM` - AWS Systems Manager State Manager now supports associations using documents shared by other AWS accounts. ## 3.87.20 - 2019-02-27 * `Aws\WAF` - Documentation updates for waf * `Aws\WAFRegional` - Documentation updates for waf-regional ## 3.87.19 - 2019-02-26 * `Aws\ApplicationDiscoveryService` - Documentation updates for discovery * `Aws\CostandUsageReportService` - Adding support for Athena and new report preferences to the Cost and Usage Report API. * `Aws\MediaConvert` - AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added several features including support for: auto-rotation or user-specified rotation of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees; multiple output groups with DRM; ESAM XML documents to specify ad insertion points; Offline Apple HLS FairPlay content protection. * `Aws\OpsWorksCM` - Documentation updates for opsworkscm * `Aws\Organizations` - Documentation updates for AWS Organizations * `Aws\Pinpoint` - This release adds support for the Amazon Resource Groups Tagging API to Amazon Pinpoint, which means that you can now add and manage tags for Amazon Pinpoint projects (apps), campaigns, and segments. A tag is a label that you optionally define and associate with Amazon Pinpoint resource. Tags can help you categorize and manage these types of resources in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria. For example, you can use tags to apply policies or automation, or to identify resources that are subject to certain compliance requirements. A project, campaign, or segment can have as many as 50 tags. For more information about using and managing tags in Amazon Pinpoint, see the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide at For more information about the Amazon Resource Group Tagging API, see the Amazon Resource Group Tagging API Reference at pstagging/latest/APIReference/Welcome.html. * `Aws\ResourceGroups` - Documentation updates for Resource Groups API; updating description of Tag API. ## 3.87.18 - 2019-02-25 * `Aws\Api` - Fixes validation on assoc arrays having a 0 index. * `Aws\AutoScaling` - Added support for passing an empty SpotMaxPrice parameter to remove a value previously set when updating an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group. * `Aws\CostExplorer` - Added metrics to normalized units. * `Aws\ElasticLoadBalancingv2` - This release enables you to use the existing client secret when modifying a rule with an action of type authenticate-oidc. * `Aws\MediaStore` - This release adds support for access logging, which provides detailed records for the requests that are made to objects in a container. ## 3.87.17 - 2019-02-22 * `Aws\Athena` - This release adds tagging support for Workgroups to Amazon Athena. Use these APIs to add, remove, or list tags on Workgroups, and leverage the tags for various authorization and billing scenarios. * `Aws\Cloud9` - Adding EnvironmentLifecycle to the Environment data type. * `Aws\Glue` - AWS Glue adds support for assigning AWS resource tags to jobs, triggers, development endpoints, and crawlers. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. With this capacity, customers can use tags in AWS Glue to easily organize and identify your resources, create cost allocation reports, and control access to resources. * `Aws\SFN` - This release adds support for tag-on-create. You can now add tags when you create AWS Step Functions activity and state machine resources. For more information about tagging, see AWS Tagging Strategies. ## 3.87.16 - 2019-02-21 * `Aws\CloudWatch` - Documentation updates for monitoring * `Aws\CodeBuild` - Add support for CodeBuild local caching feature * `Aws\KinesisVideo` - Documentation updates for Kinesis Video Streams * `Aws\KinesisVideoArchivedMedia` - In this release, HLS playback of KVS streams can be configured to output MPEG TS fragments using the ContainerFormat parameter. HLS playback of KVS streams can also be configured to include the EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME field using the DisplayFragmentTimestamp parameter. * `Aws\KinesisVideoMedia` - Documentation updates for Kinesis Video Streams * `Aws\Organizations` - Documentation updates for organizations * `Aws\Transfer` - Bug fix: increased the max length allowed for request parameter NextToken when paginating List operations * `Aws\WorkDocs` - Documentation updates for workdocs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Shawn Iwinski <shawn@xxxxxxxx> - 3.91.0-1 - Update to 3.91.0 (RHBZ #1680149) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1680149 - php-aws-sdk3-3.91.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ poppler-0.62.0-20.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-13ba3be562) PDF rendering library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Security fix for CVE-2018-20662, CVE-2019-9631 and CVE-2019-9200. One additional fix for crash detected by ABRT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Marek Kasik <mkasik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.62.0-20 - Constrain number of cycles in rescale filter - Compute correct coverage values for box filter - Resolves: #1686803 * Mon Apr 1 2019 Marek Kasik <mkasik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.62.0-19 - Check for Ref type before unwrapping Object - Resolves: #1694457 * Mon Mar 11 2019 Marek Kasik <mkasik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.62.0-18 - Fix possible crash on broken files in ImageStream::getLine() - Resolves: #1683633 * Fri Mar 8 2019 Marek Kasik <mkasik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.62.0-17 - Synchronize previous patch with upstream (and enable it...) - Related: #1665274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1665273 - CVE-2018-20662 poppler: SIGABRT PDFDoc::setup class in [ 2 ] Bug #1683632 - CVE-2019-9200 poppler: heap-based buffer overflow in function ImageStream::getLine() in [ 3 ] Bug #1686802 - CVE-2019-9631 poppler: heap-based buffer over-read in function downsample_row_box_filter in -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ prunerepo-1.15-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-6f353ff5f3) Remove old packages from rpm-md repository -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: - release from new upstream at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 clime <clime7@xxxxxxxxx> 1.15-1 - fix changelog -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ python-dask-1.1.5-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-5a37ba5f7f) Parallel PyData with Task Scheduling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to latest version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.5-1 - Update to latest version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1694264 - python-dask-1.1.5 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ python-numcodecs-0.6.3-3.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-92e5900abf) Buffer compression and transformation for data storage and communication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Initial package of numcodecs for Python -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1689486 - Review Request: python-numcodecs - Buffer compression and transformation for data storage and communication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ python-operator-courier-1.3.0-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-71e1b42dcb) Library and CLI tool to build, verify and push operator metadata -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Latest upstream. ---- Latest upstream. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.0-1 - new version * Wed Mar 27 2019 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.1-1 - new version * Tue Mar 12 2019 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.0-1 - new version * Mon Mar 11 2019 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.0-1 - new version * Wed Feb 27 2019 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.2-1 - new version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ roundcubemail-1.3.9-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-ecdf09ee0b) Round Cube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: **Roundcube Webmail 1.3.9** This is a service release to update the stable version 1.3 of Roundcube Webmail. It contains fixes to several bugs backported from the master branch. See the complete changelog below. This version in considered stable and we recommend to update all productive installations of Roundcube with it. Please do backup your data before updating! **CHANGELOG** * Fix TinyMCE download location(s) (#6694) * Fix bug where a message/rfc822 part without a filename wasn't listed on the attachments list (#6494) * Fix handling of empty entries in vCard import (#6564) * Fix bug in parsing some IMAP command responses that include unsolicited replies (#6577) * Fix PHP 7.2 compatibility in debug_logger plugin (#6586) * Fix so ANY record is not used for email domain validation, use A, MX, CNAME, AAAA instead (#6581) * Fix so mime_content_type check in Installer uses files that should always be available (i.e. from program/resources) (#6599) * Fix missing CSRF token on a link to download too-big message part (#6621) * Fix bug when aborting dragging with ESC key didn't stop the move action (#6623) * Fix bug where next row wasn't selected after deleting a collapsed thread (#6655) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Sun Mar 31 2019 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.9-1 - update to 1.3.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ sos-collector-1.7-1.fc28 (FEDORA-2019-b46627f571) Capture sosreports from multiple nodes simultaneously -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to the latest upstream 1.7 release. Major changes to how execution inside a container or on containerized hosts is handled. New 'none' cluster to avoid any cluster-level checks at all, allowing users to just provide a list of --nodes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Apr 1 2019 Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7-1 - New upstream release * Sun Feb 3 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.6-3 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ test mailing list -- test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to test-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: