Related to this and server, and remembering that we had a non working cron issue proposed as blocker but we didn't have a clear criteria that was violated to accept the blocker bug, but the majority of the meeting attendees was in favour of blocking because cron was not working on server edition and that was a big issue... could we discuss about having blocking core applications on server flavour? just some basic services, sshd, cron, systemd...
El mié., 7 nov. 2018 11:35, Lukas Ruzicka <lruzicka@xxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
_______________________________________________Hello Fedora QA and friends,
I would like to propose a change of what we define as core applications because I feel that how it is done today is not sufficient. Let me explain.
## How it works today?
The *core applications* are defined in this testcase ( In our matrices, the core applications are only tested for Gnome Workstation. The appropriate test case ( requires that all core applications are installed on the system and that they start. The functionality is apparently tested by the *Desktop Menus Testcase*.
## How I think it could work?
I think we could change how we approach the core applications, how we test them and where we test them. For example:
* A list of generic core applications should be made (or the old list used, see above), so that core applications are not limited to a certain desktop environment (although we only test Gnome). By *generic* I mean that we should not explicitly say, if the terminal application is *gnome-terminal* or anything else. We only say it is a *terminal* application and each spin will pick up what suits best for them.
* Core applications should be promoted to be a part of all Fedora spins. It should not happen that a spin is missing a core application after a clean installation.
* The presence check (that the apps are installed) could be easily done by OpenQA. Possibly, it could be done even for more DE than just Gnome, hence we could enhance the user experience for spin users.
* Functionality of the applications should be redefined - what we expect for them to be doing - and this functionality should be required. I suppose, that we would only block on Workstation functionality, though. However, these guidelines could help the spin teams to decide which apps to use as core apps.
* *Core applications* should not just have a basic functionality, as defined in *Gnome Menus testcase* (, they should be fully functioning.
Before I focus on details, I would like to know your opinions on this matter.
Thank you.
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--Lukáš Růžička
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