The following Fedora 26 Security updates need testing: Age URL 296 docker-distribution-2.6.2-1.git48294d9.fc26 128 keycloak-httpd-client-install-0.8-1.fc26 115 squid-4.0.23-1.fc26 90 bro-2.5.3-1.fc26 57 chromium-65.0.3325.181-1.fc26 51 thunderbird-52.7.0-1.fc26 31 dovecot-2.2.35-1.fc26 28 ruby-2.4.4-88.fc26 9 blktrace-1.2.0-6.fc26 9 webkitgtk4-2.20.2-1.fc26 8 postgresql-9.6.9-1.fc26 7 xen-4.8.3-5.fc26 5 mariadb-10.1.33-1.fc26 0 xdg-utils-1.1.3-1.fc26 0 ca-certificates-2018.2.24-1.0.fc26 The following Fedora 26 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved: Age URL 94 iproute-4.14.1-5.fc26 51 thunderbird-52.7.0-1.fc26 11 python-productmd-1.12-1.fc26 9 webkitgtk4-2.20.2-1.fc26 7 xen-4.8.3-5.fc26 5 osinfo-db-20180514-1.fc26 4 vim-8.0.1842-1.fc26 0 ca-certificates-2018.2.24-1.0.fc26 0 sssd-1.16.1-8.fc26 0 kernel-4.16.9-100.fc26 0 xdg-utils-1.1.3-1.fc26 The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 26 updates-testing R-3.5.0-1.fc26 R-Biobase-2.36.2-4.fc26 R-BiocParallel-1.10.1-3.fc26 R-Biostrings-2.44.0-4.fc26 R-BufferedMatrix-1.44.0-1.fc26 R-BufferedMatrixMethods-1.44.0-1.fc26 R-Cairo-1.5.9-4.fc26 R-FMStable-0.1.2-2.fc26 R-GenomicAlignments-1.12.1-4.fc26 R-GenomicRanges-1.28.3-4.fc26 R-IRanges-2.10.1-4.fc26 R-RCurl- R-RInside-0.2.14-7.fc26 R-ROC-1.46.0-6.fc26 R-RODBC-1.3.15-5.fc26 R-RSQLite-1.1.2-5.fc26 R-Rcompression-0.93.2-20.fc26 R-Rcpp-0.12.16-2.fc26 R-RcppCCTZ-0.2.3-3.fc26 R-Rmpfr-0.7.0-2.fc26 R-Rsamtools-1.28.0-4.fc26 R-Rsolid-0.9.31-24.fc26 R-S4Vectors-0.14.3-4.fc26 R-V8-1.5-5.fc26 R-XML- R-XVector-0.16.0-4.fc26 R-acepack-1.4.1-7.fc26 R-affy-1.54.0-4.fc26 R-affyio-1.46.0-4.fc26 R-ape-5.1-1.fc26 R-backports-1.1.2-3.fc26 R-biglm-0.9.1-13.fc26 R-bindrcpp-0.2.2-2.fc26 R-bit-1.1.13-1.fc26 R-bit64-0.9.7-3.fc26 R-bitops-1.0.6-9.fc26 R-blob-1.1.1-2.fc26 R-caTools-1.17.1-8.fc26 R-callr-2.0.3-2.fc26 R-colorspace-1.3.2-2.fc26 R-commonmark-1.5-2.fc26 R-corpus-0.10.0-2.fc26 R-curl-3.2-2.fc26 R-date-1.2.38-2.fc26 R-deldir-0.1.15-2.fc26 R-digest-0.6.12-4.fc26 R-expm-0.999.2-6.fc26 R-fastmatch-1.1.0-2.fc26 R-filehash-2.4.1-3.fc26 R-fts-0.9.9-2.fc26 R-gamlss.dist-5.0.5-2.fc26 R-gdtools-0.1.7-3.fc26 R-gee-4.13.19-2.fc26 R-geepack-1.2.1-3.fc26 R-getPass-0.2.2-2.fc26 R-gmp- R-gss-2.1.8-2.fc26 R-gtools-3.5.0-2.fc26 R-hexbin-1.27.2-2.fc26 R-highlight- R-htmltools-0.3.6-4.fc26 R-httpuv- R-jpeg-0.1.8-5.fc26 R-jsonlite-1.5-7.fc26 R-later-0.7.1-3.fc26 R-lazyeval-0.2.1-2.fc26 R-littler-0.3.3-4.fc26 R-lmtest-0.9.36-1.fc26 R-lubridate-1.7.3-5.fc26 R-maanova-1.46.1-4.fc26 R-markdown-0.8-5.fc26 R-matrixStats-0.52.2-4.fc26 R-mime-0.5-3.fc26 R-mlbench-2.1.1-2.fc26 R-mnormt-1.5.5-2.fc26 R-msm-1.6.4-4.fc26 R-multtest-2.36.0-1.fc26 R-mvtnorm-1.0.7-1.fc26 R-openssl-1.0.1-2.fc26 R-pbdZMQ-0.3.2-2.fc26 R-pdftools-1.7-1.fc26 R-plyr-1.8.4-6.fc26 R-png-0.1.7-5.fc26 R-poLCA-1.4.1-2.fc26 R-polyclip-1.8.7-1.fc26 R-preprocessCore-1.38.1-4.fc26 R-prettyunits-1.0.2-1.fc26 R-processx- R-qtl-1.42.8-1.fc26 R-reshape2-1.4.3-4.fc26 R-reticulate-1.7-2.fc26 R-rgdal-1.2.18-2.fc26 R-rgeos-0.3.26-2.fc26 R-rlang-0.2.0-2.fc26 R-rlecuyer-0.3.4-5.fc26 R-rtracklayer-1.36.3-4.fc26 R-sourcetools-0.1.7-2.fc26 R-sp-1.2.7-2.fc26 R-statmod-1.4.30-1.fc26 R-statnet.common-4.0.0-2.fc26 R-stringdist- R-stringi-1.2.2-1.fc26 R-testthat-1.0.2-6.fc26 R-tikzDevice-0.11-2.fc26 R-tkrplot-0.0.23-2.fc26 R-utf8-1.1.3-2.fc26 R-uuid-0.1.2-5.fc26 R-waveslim-1.7.5-8.fc26 R-wavethresh-4.6.8-5.fc26 R-webp-0.4-2.fc26 R-webutils-0.6-2.fc26 R-xml2-1.2.0-4.fc26 R-yaml-2.1.19-2.fc26 R-zoo-1.8.1-1.fc26 libsbml-5.16.0-6.fc26 libsedml-0.4.3-9.fc26 rkward-0.6.5-15.fc26 rpy-2.8.6-7.fc26 thunderbird-enigmail-2.0.4-1.fc26 Details about builds: ================================================================================ R-3.5.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) A language for data analysis and graphics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon May 14 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.5.0-1 - update to 3.5.0 - update xz bundle (rhel6 only) - disable tests on armv7hl - disable info builds on rhel 6 * Sun May 13 2018 Stefan O'Rear <sorear2@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.4.4-3 - Add riscv* to target CPU specs * Mon Apr 30 2018 Pete Walter <pwalter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.4.4-2 - Rebuild for ICU 61.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-Biobase-2.36.2-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Base functions for Bioconductor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.36.2-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.36.2-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.36.2-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-BiocParallel-1.10.1-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-Biostrings-2.44.0-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) String objects representing biological sequences -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.44.0-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.44.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.44.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-BufferedMatrix-1.44.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) A matrix data storage object method from bioconductor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.44.0-1 - update to 1.44.0 * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.40.0-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.40.0-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.40.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.40.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-BufferedMatrixMethods-1.44.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Microarray Data related methods that utlize BufferedMatrix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.44.0-1 - update to 1.44.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.40.0-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.40.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.40.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-Cairo-1.5.9-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Use cairo as a high-quality graphics device -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5.9-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5.9-3 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-FMStable-0.1.2-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Finite Moment Stable Distributions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-GenomicAlignments-1.12.1-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Representation and manipulation of short genomic alignments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-GenomicRanges-1.28.3-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Representation and manipulation of genomic intervals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.28.3-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.28.3-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.28.3-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-IRanges-2.10.1-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Low-level containers for storing sets of integer ranges -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.10.1-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.10.1-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.10.1-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-RCurl- (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) General network (HTTP/FTP) client interface for R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-RInside-0.2.14-7.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) C++ Classes to Embed R in C++ Applications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.14-7 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.14-6 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-ROC-1.46.0-6.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Utilities for ROC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.46.0-6 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.46.0-5 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.46.0-4 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-RODBC-1.3.15-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) An ODBC database interface for R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.15-5 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.15-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.15-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.15-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-RSQLite-1.1.2-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) SQLite database interface for R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.2-5 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.2-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.2-3 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-Rcompression-0.93.2-20.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R Package for in-memory compression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.93.2-20 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Fri Mar 23 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.93.2-19 - rebuild * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.93.2-18 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.93.2-17 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.93.2-16 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-Rcpp-0.12.16-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Seamless R and C++ Integration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 TOm Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.12.16-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-RcppCCTZ-0.2.3-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) 'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'CCTZ' Library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.3-3 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-Rmpfr-0.7.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-Rsamtools-1.28.0-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R interface to samtools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.28.0-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.28.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.28.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-Rsolid-0.9.31-24.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Quantile normalization and base calling for second generation sequencing data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.31-24 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.31-23 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.31-22 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.31-21 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-S4Vectors-0.14.3-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) S4 implementation of vectors and lists -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.14.3-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.14.3-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.14.3-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-V8-1.5-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Embedded JavaScript Engine for R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5-5 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-XML- (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Tools for parsing and generating xml within r and s-plus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-XVector-0.16.0-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Representation and manipulation of external sequences -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.16.0-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.16.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.16.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-acepack-1.4.1-7.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) ACE and AVAS methods for choosing regression transformations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.1-7 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.1-6 - Rebuilt for * Fri Feb 2 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.1-5 - rebuild for new libgfortran * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.1-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.1-3 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-affy-1.54.0-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Methods for Affymetrix Oligonucleotide Arrays -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.54.0-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.54.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.54.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-affyio-1.46.0-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Tools for parsing Affymetrix data files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.46.0-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.46.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.46.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-ape-5.1-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-backports-1.1.2-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Reimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.2-3 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.2-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-biglm-0.9.1-13.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Bounded memory linear and generalized linear models -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.1-13 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.1-12 - Rebuilt for * Fri Feb 2 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.1-11 - rebuild for new libgfortran * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.1-10 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.1-9 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-bindrcpp-0.2.2-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) An 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.2-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-bit-1.1.13-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) A class for vectors of 1-bit booleans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.13-1 - update to 1.1-13, rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-bit64-0.9.7-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) A S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.7-3 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-bitops-1.0.6-9.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Functions for Bitwise operations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.6-9 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.6-8 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.6-7 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.6-6 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-blob-1.1.1-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) A Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-caTools-1.17.1-8.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Tools: moving window statistics, gif, base64, roc auc... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.17.1-8 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.17.1-7 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.17.1-6 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.17.1-5 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-callr-2.0.3-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Call R from R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.3-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-colorspace-1.3.2-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Color Space Manipulation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-commonmark-1.5-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-corpus-0.10.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Text Corpus Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-curl-3.2-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.2-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-date-1.2.38-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Functions for Handling Dates -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-deldir-0.1.15-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.15-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-digest-0.6.12-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Create Cryptographic Hash Digest of R Objects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.6.12-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.6.12-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.6.12-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-expm-0.999.2-6.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Computation of the matrix exponential and related quantities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.999.2-6 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.999.2-5 - Rebuilt for * Fri Feb 2 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.999.2-4 - rebuild for new libgfortran * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.999.2-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.999.2-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-fastmatch-1.1.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Fast match() function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-filehash-2.4.1-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Simple Key-Value Database -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-fts-0.9.9-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R interface to tslib (a time series library in c++) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-gamlss.dist-5.0.5-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Distributions for Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.0.5-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-gdtools-0.1.7-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Utilities for Graphical Rendering -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.7-3 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-gee-4.13.19-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Generalized Estimation Equation Solver -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-geepack-1.2.1-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Generalized Estimating Equation Package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.1-3 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-getPass-0.2.2-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Masked User Input -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-gmp- (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Multiple Precision Arithmetic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-gss-2.1.8-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) General Smoothing Splines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.8-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-gtools-3.5.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Various R Programming Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-hexbin-1.27.2-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Hexagonal Binning Routines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-highlight- (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R Syntax Highlighter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - update to * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-htmltools-0.3.6-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Tools for HTML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.6-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.6-3 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-httpuv- (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) HTTP and WebSocket Server Library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-jpeg-0.1.8-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Read and write JPEG images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.8-5 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.8-4 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-jsonlite-1.5-7.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) A Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator for R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5-7 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5-6 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-later-0.7.1-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Utilities for Delaying Function Execution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7.1-3 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-lazyeval-0.2.1-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Lazy (Non-Standard) Evaluation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-littler-0.3.3-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) littler: R at the Command-Line via 'r' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.3-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Mon Apr 30 2018 Pete Walter <pwalter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.3-3 - Rebuild for ICU 61.1 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.3-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-lmtest-0.9.36-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Testing Linear Regression Models for R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.36-1 - update to 0.9.36 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.35-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.35-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.35-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-lubridate-1.7.3-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Make dealing with dates a little easier -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.3-5 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-maanova-1.46.1-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Analysis of N-dye Micro Array using mixed model effect -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.46.1-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.46.1-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.46.1-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-markdown-0.8-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Markdown Rendering for R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.8-5 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.8-4 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-matrixStats-0.52.2-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-mime-0.5-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Map Filenames to MIME Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-mlbench-2.1.1-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Machine Learning Benchmark Problems -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-mnormt-1.5.5-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) The Multivariate Normal and t Distributions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-msm-1.6.4-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Multi-state Markov and hidden Markov models in continuous time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.6.4-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.6.4-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.6.4-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-multtest-2.36.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Multiple hypothesis testing library from Bioconductor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.36.0-1 - update to 2.36.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.32.0-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.32.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.32.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-mvtnorm-1.0.7-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Multivariate normal and T distribution R Package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.7-1 - update to 1.0.7 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.6-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.6-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.6-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-openssl-1.0.1-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-pbdZMQ-0.3.2-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Programming with Big Data -- Interface to ZeroMQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.2-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-pdftools-1.7-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Text Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7-1 - update to 1.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-plyr-1.8.4-6.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.8.4-6 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.8.4-5 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-png-0.1.7-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Read and write PNG images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.7-5 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.7-4 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-poLCA-1.4.1-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Polytomous variable Latent Class Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-polyclip-1.8.7-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Polygon Clipping -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-preprocessCore-1.38.1-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) A collection of pre-processing functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.38.1-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.38.1-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.38.1-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-prettyunits-1.0.2-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-processx- (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Execute and Control System Processes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-qtl-1.42.8-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Tools for analyzing QTL experiments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.42.8-1 - update to 1.42-8 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.41.6-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.41.6-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.41.6-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-reshape2-1.4.3-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.3-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-reticulate-1.7-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R Interface to Python -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-rgdal-1.2.18-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Bindings for the 'Geospatial' Data Abstraction Library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-rgeos-0.3.26-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source ('GEOS') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-rlang-0.2.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-rlecuyer-0.3.4-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R interface to RNG with multiple streams -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.4-5 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.4-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.4-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.4-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-rtracklayer-1.36.3-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R interface to genome browsers and their annotation tracks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.36.3-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.36.3-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.36.3-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-sourcetools-0.1.7-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Tools for Reading, Tokenizing and Parsing R Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-sp-1.2.7-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Classes and Methods for Spatial Data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.7-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-statmod-1.4.30-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Statistical modeling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.30-1 - update to 1.4.30 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.20-8 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.20-7 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.20-6 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-statnet.common-4.0.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project Software -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-stringdist- (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Approximate String Matching and String Distance Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-stringi-1.2.2-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Character String Processing Facilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.2-1 - update to 1.2.2, rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Mon Apr 30 2018 Pete Walter <pwalter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.7-2 - Rebuild for ICU 61.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-testthat-1.0.2-6.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Unit Testing for R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.2-6 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 - hold on to your butts * Fri Mar 23 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.2-5 - rebuild for now, cannot upgrade due to unpackaged deps * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.2-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.2-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.2-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-tikzDevice-0.11-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R Graphics Output in LaTeX Format -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.11-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-tkrplot-0.0.23-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) TK Rplot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-utf8-1.1.3-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Unicode Text Processing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-uuid-0.1.2-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.2-5 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-waveslim-1.7.5-8.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R module, Basic wavelet routines for 1,2 and 3-dimensional signal processing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.5-8 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.5-7 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.5-6 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.5-5 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-wavethresh-4.6.8-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) R module, Software to perform wavelet statistics and transforms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.6.8-5 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.6.8-4 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.6.8-3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.6.8-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-webp-0.4-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) A New Format for Lossless and Lossy Image Compression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-webutils-0.6-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Utility Functions for Developing Web Applications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-xml2-1.2.0-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Parse XML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.0-4 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-yaml-2.1.19-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Methods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.19-2 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ R-zoo-1.8.1-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Z's ordered observations for irregular time series -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed May 16 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.8.1-1 - update to 1.8-1, rebuild for R 3.5.0 * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.13-7 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 2 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.13-6 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.13-5 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ libsbml-5.16.0-6.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Systems Biology Markup Language library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 17 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.16.0-6 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ libsedml-0.4.3-9.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Library that fully supports SED-ML for SBML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri May 18 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1:0.4.3-9 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ rkward-0.6.5-15.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Graphical frontend for R language -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Tue May 15 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.6.5-15 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ rpy-2.8.6-7.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-33332e0276) Python interface to the R language -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update R to 3.5.0. Rebuild rpy and rkward to match. rpy updated to 2.9.3 in Fedora 28. Rebuilt all compiled modules, except for R-shogun (shogun does not build right now). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Tue May 15 2018 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.8.6-7 - rebuild for R 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1567573 - rpy-2.9.3 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1570804 - R-3.5.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ thunderbird-enigmail-2.0.4-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-6020628437) Authentication and encryption extension for Mozilla Thunderbird -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Enigmail update to version 2.0.4, introduces fixes for the efail attack. Please check and modify your Thunderbird settings if required: affects-encrypted-mails -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Sat May 19 2018 Christian Dersch <lupinix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.4-1 - new version fixing efail vulnerability * Fri Feb 9 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.9.9-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1577912 - CVE-2017-17688 CVE-2017-17689 thunderbird-enigmail: various flaws [fedora-all] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ test mailing list -- test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to test-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: