Rochester hosts a mirror, Justin Flory is or used to be there. You should talk to him, he surely knows what, where and who in the area. He's on Telegram as @jflory. He's on Twitter and IRC too but I don't remember his nicks. Hope this helps you.
FAS: Lailah
On 3 April 2018 at 21:19, pmkellly@xxxxxxxxxxxx <pmkellly@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am quite near several collages and universities. I think one of them (Rochester Institute of Technology RIT) may host a fedora mirror. So I was thinking that there might be some people that work on the Fedora Project around here. If there is a local group (Rochester, New York USA) I would like to make contact. If you can help it would be appreciated.
Have a Great Day!
Pat (tablepc)
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