Fedora 26 updates-testing report

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The following Fedora 26 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
 211  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-1bf5a0ce01   python-XStatic-jquery-ui-
 150  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-2522df3526   nodejs-brace-expansion-1.1.7-1.fc26
 104  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-1c053de325   memcached-1.4.39-1.fc26
 100  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-ccb5c8d1e7   docker-distribution-2.6.2-1.git48294d9.fc26
  29  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-6e6f4f95e6   ruby-2.4.2-84.fc26
  16  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-6bff3cf26c   suricata-3.2.4-1.fc26
  13  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-9149114fba   qemu-2.9.1-2.fc26
  11  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-94a173c491   modulemd-1.3.2-1.fc26
   9  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-b52f851dea   calamares-3.1.7-1.fc26
   9  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-ef7c118dbc   tomcat-8.0.47-1.fc26
   9  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-41957e0f90   krb5-1.15.2-4.fc26
   8  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-5c17b4934f   nodejs-6.11.5-1.fc26
   8  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-009bc68243   xen-4.8.2-5.fc26
   8  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-8d2cfc3752   apr-1.6.3-1.fc26
   8  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-329e5fb4c9   apr-util-1.5.4-6.fc26
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-50c790aaed   community-mysql-5.7.20-1.fc26
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-8bf1b0c692   ansible-
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-6fd6877975   wordpress-4.8.3-1.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-ea72793352   fedpkg-1.30-3.fc26 rpkg-1.51-1.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-2c9852dd05   liblouis-2.6.2-12.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-9fbb35aeda   kernel-4.13.11-200.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-e16ed3f7a1   jackson-databind-2.7.6-5.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-379679442e   rubygem-ox-2.4.13-2.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-5cb8354008   perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-0.34-1.fc26

The following Fedora 26 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
 Age URL
  33  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-621a9b4828   iproute-4.13.0-1.fc26
  24  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-8e91b32f31   python3-3.6.3-2.fc26
  22  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-19f599ecd6   chrony-3.2-1.fc26
  16  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-2b44217ccc   kobo-0.7.0-3.fc26
  13  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-9149114fba   qemu-2.9.1-2.fc26
  11  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-04dc465e5b   ModemManager-1.6.10-1.fc26
  11  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-f3aa1f4515   ibus-1.5.17-1.fc26
   9  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-41957e0f90   krb5-1.15.2-4.fc26
   9  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-5158af062e   sssd-1.16.0-1.fc26
   9  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-67025b87e7   python-cryptography-2.0.2-2.fc26
   9  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-34b7ce4fee   libappstream-glib-0.7.3-1.fc26
   8  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-009bc68243   xen-4.8.2-5.fc26
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-8e7d5f5eb0   flatpak-0.10.0-1.fc26 flatpak-builder-0.10.1-1.fc26
   5  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-18db22d7c4   lua-5.3.4-6.fc26
   5  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-307574c83f   libunwind-1.2-2.fc26
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-b04408f1a2   pkgconf-1.3.10-1.fc26
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-e62363eb47   wpa_supplicant-2.6-12.fc26
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-00b24f9251   bind99-9.9.10-3.P3.fc26
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-acf7207aae   glusterfs-3.10.7-1.fc26
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-861946053e   python-productmd-1.9-1.fc26
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-f9b723360f   libinput-1.9.1-1.fc26
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-c133443edc   calibre-3.1.1-2.fc26 fcitx-qt5-1.1.1-2.fc26 gammaray-2.8.1-2.fc26 kf5-akonadi-server-17.04.1-4.fc26 kf5-frameworkintegration-5.38.0-2.fc26 kf5-kdeclarative-5.38.0-2.fc26 kf5-kwayland-5.38.0-2.fc26 kwin-5.10.5-2.fc26 libfm-qt-0.11.2-7.fc26 libqtxdg-2.0.0-6.fc26 lxqt-qtplugin-0.11.1-7.fc26 plasma-integration-5.10.5-2.fc26 python-qt5-5.9-8.fc26 qgnomeplatform-0.3-5.fc26 qstardict-1.2-5.fc26 qt-creator-4.2.2-7.fc26 qt5-doc-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qt3d-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtbase-5.9.2-3.fc26 qt5-qtcanvas3d-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtconnectivity-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtdeclarative-5.9.2-2.fc26 qt5-qtdoc-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtgraphicaleffects-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtimageformats-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtlocation-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtmultimedia-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtquickcontrols-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtquickcontrols2-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtscript-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtsensors-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtserialbus-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtserialport-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtstyleplugins-5.0.0-2
 1.fc26 qt5-qtsvg-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qttools-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qttranslations-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtvirtualkeyboard-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtwayland-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtwebchannel-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtwebengine-5.9.1-5.fc26 qt5-qtwebkit-5.212.0-0.12.alpha2.fc26 qt5-qtwebsockets-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtx11extras-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5-qtxmlpatterns-5.9.2-1.fc26 qt5ct-0.33-2.fc26 sip-4.19.3-4.fc26 ugene-1.27.0-8.fc26 yarock-1.1.6-7.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-8477dfde52   v4l-utils-1.12.5-5.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-2727dc1ce8   iio-sensor-proxy-2.4-1.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-9e682ac8e2   nfs-utils-2.1.1-6.rc6.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-d952a211db   ostree-2017.13-2.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-d664074226   hwdata-0.306-1.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-d1f8de129b   binutils-2.27-28.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-f10b769a7e   pcre2-10.23-10.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-349fb51b4d   pungi-4.1.20-1.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-da5d015449   pcre-8.41-3.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-9d797ffb4b   glib2-2.52.3-2.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-01e4375a1e   pulseaudio-11.1-5.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-d4bde2339f   python2-2.7.14-2.fc26 python2-docs-2.7.14-1.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-231f0f5c1e   ethtool-4.13-1.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-9fbb35aeda   kernel-4.13.11-200.fc26

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 26 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 389-ds-base- (FEDORA-2017-15b4a0e925)
 389 Directory Server (base)
Update Information:

Bump version to

 appstream-0.11.7-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-c602ba76c7)
 Utilities to generate, maintain and access the AppStream database
Update Information:

Latest stable upstream release

 atomic-1.19.1-6.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-cbf83e5281)
 Tool for managing ProjectAtomic systems and containers
Update Information:

Update to final 0.1.24 release.  ----  Add override kernel check.  ----  built
commit 28d4e08   ----  built docker @projectatomic/docker-1.13.1 commit 790e958

  [ 1 ] Bug #1479003 - skopeo-containers file conflict with inn
  [ 2 ] Bug #1478843 - Package version 0.1.23-2.git1bbd87f has a file conflict with inn
  [ 3 ] Bug #1504709 - oc cluster up fails with secrets added to skopeo-containers
  [ 4 ] Bug #1481135 - skopeo man page should provide Fedora/RHEL compatible example
  [ 5 ] Bug #1507679 - Docker default registry change breaks many default behaviors including docker.com tutorial
  [ 6 ] Bug #1509332 - /usr/bin/docker-current: Error response from daemon: linux seccomp: Decoding seccomp profile failed: unexpected end of JSON input.
  [ 7 ] Bug #1507616 - Error response from daemon: linux seccomp: Decoding seccomp profile failed: invalid character '<' after object key:value pair.

 bcc-0.4.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-1d3000a95b)
 BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
Update Information:

New upstream release. Add support for LLVM 5.0 and powerpc (without lua)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1460482 - Exception: Failed to compile BPF module
  [ 2 ] Bug #1505506 - Add support for LLVM 5.0
  [ 3 ] Bug #1479990 - executables and man pages are in /usr/share/ and shouldn't be, docs not in /usr/share/doc and should be

 condor-8.6.7-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-1c44a206ed)
 Condor: High Throughput Computing
Update Information:

Update to latest upstream 8.6.7

 docker-1.13.1-40.git877b6df.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-cbf83e5281)
 Automates deployment of containerized applications
Update Information:

Update to final 0.1.24 release.  ----  Add override kernel check.  ----  built
commit 28d4e08   ----  built docker @projectatomic/docker-1.13.1 commit 790e958

  [ 1 ] Bug #1479003 - skopeo-containers file conflict with inn
  [ 2 ] Bug #1478843 - Package version 0.1.23-2.git1bbd87f has a file conflict with inn
  [ 3 ] Bug #1504709 - oc cluster up fails with secrets added to skopeo-containers
  [ 4 ] Bug #1481135 - skopeo man page should provide Fedora/RHEL compatible example
  [ 5 ] Bug #1507679 - Docker default registry change breaks many default behaviors including docker.com tutorial
  [ 6 ] Bug #1509332 - /usr/bin/docker-current: Error response from daemon: linux seccomp: Decoding seccomp profile failed: unexpected end of JSON input.
  [ 7 ] Bug #1507616 - Error response from daemon: linux seccomp: Decoding seccomp profile failed: invalid character '<' after object key:value pair.

 ethtool-4.13-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-231f0f5c1e)
 Settings tool for Ethernet NICs
Update Information:

ethtool 4.13 ============    * Fix: Do not return error code if no changes were
attempted.   * Fix: Fix formatting of advertise bitmask   * Feature: Document
56000 advertise link modes   * Fix: fix the rx vs tx mixup in set channel
message   * Feature: add support for HWTSTAMP_FILTER_NTP_ALL   * Feature: Add
DMA Coalescing support   * Feature: Remove UDP Fragmentation Offload error
prints   * Feature: stmmac: Add macros for number of registers   * Feature:
stmmac: Add DMA HW Feature Register

  [ 1 ] Bug #1507171 - ethtool-4.13 is available

 git-lfs-2.3.4-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-8156888c9e)
 Git extension for versioning large files
Update Information:

# Packaging changes  * Update from 2.2.1 to 2.3.4. * Ensure all internal tests
pass. * Fix "git lfs help".  # Upstream changelog  In the interest of brevity,
this list includes bugs and features, but not miscellaneous changes, or items
not relevant to Fedora. Please see [the upstream changelog](https://github.com
/git-lfs/git-lfs/releases) for full details.  ## 2.3.4 (18 October, 2017)  ###
Features  * 'git lfs install' updates filters with 'skip-smudge' option #2673
(technoweenie)  ### Bugs  * FastWalkGitRepo: limit number of concurrent
goroutines #2672 (technoweenie) * handle scenario where multiple configuration
values exist in ~/.gitconfig #2659 (shiftkey)  ## 2.3.3 (9 October, 2017)  ###
Bugs  * invoke lfs for 'git update-index', fixing 'status' issues #2647
(technoweenie) * cache http credential helper output by default #2648
(technoweenie)  ## 2.3.2 (3 October, 2017)  ### Features  * bump default
activity timeout from 10s -> 30s #2632 (technoweenie)  ### Bugs  * ensure files
are marked readonly after unlocking by ID #2642 (technoweenie) * add files to
index with path relative to current dir #2641 (technoweenie) * better Netrc
errors #2633 (technoweenie) * only use askpass if credential.helper is not
configured #2637 (technoweenie) * convert backslash to slash when writing to
.gitattributes #2625 (technoweenie)  ## 2.3.1 (27 September, 2017)  ### Features
* add support for SSH_ASKPASS #2609 (technoweenie) * `git lfs migrate --verbose`
option #2610 (technoweenie) * Support standalone custom transfer based on API
URL prefix match #2590 (sprohaska)  ### Bugs  * Improve invalid URL error
messages #2614 (technoweenie) * Fix double counting progress bug #2608
(technoweenie) * trim whitespace from GIT_ASKPASS provided passwords #2607
(technoweenie) * remove mmap usage in Packfile reader #2600 (technoweenie) *
`git lfs clone`: don't fetch for unborn repositories #2598 (shiftkey)  ## 2.3.0
(14 September, 2017)  Git LFS v2.3.0 includes performance optimizations for the
`git-lfs-migrate(1)` and `git-clone(1)` commands, new features, bug-fixes, and
more.  This release was made possible by contributors to Git LFS. Specifically:
- aleb: added support for "standalone" transfer agents, for using `rsync(1)`
and similar with Git LFS. - bozaro: added support for custom `.git/lfs/objects`
directories via the   `lfs.storage` configuration option. - larsxschneider:
fixed a recursive process leak when shelling out to Git,   added new features to
`git lfs ls-files`, extra information in error   messages used for debugging,
documentation changes and more. - mathstuf: contributed a documentation change
clarifying LFS's handling of   empty pointer files.  To everyone who has
contributed to this or previous releases of Git LFS: Thank you!  ### Features  *
git/odb/pack: improve `git lfs migrate` performance   * git/odb/pack: introduce
packed object reassembly #2550 #2551 #2552 #2553 #2554 (ttaylorr)   *
git/odb/pack: teach packfile index entry lookups #2420 #2421 #2422 #2423 #2437
#2441 #2461 (ttaylorr)   * git/{odb,githistory}: don't write unchanged objects
#2541 (ttaylorr) * commands: improve `git clone` performance with 'delay'
capability #2511 #2469 #2468 #2471 #2467 #2476 #2483 (ttaylorr)   * commands:
mark `git lfs clone` as deprecated #2526 (ttaylorr) * commands: enable
`lfs.allowincompletepush` by default #2574 (technoweenie) * commands: teach '--
everything' to `git lfs migrate` #2558 (ttaylorr) * commands: teach `git lfs ls-
files` a '--debug' option #2540 (larsxschneider) * commands,lfs: warn on 4gb
size conversion during clean #2510 #2507 #2459 (ttaylorr) * lfsapi/creds: teach
about GIT_ASKPASS and core.askpass #2500 #2578 (ttaylorr) * commands/status:
indicate missing objects #2438 (ttaylorr) * Allow using custom transfer agents
directly #2429 (aleb) * Add `lfs.storage` parameter for overriding LFS storage
location #2023 (bozaro) * lfsapi: enable credential caching by default #2508
(ttaylorr) * commands/install: teach `--manual` to `git-lfs-install(1)` #2410
(ttaylorr)  ### Bugs  * migrate: fix migrations with subdirectories in '--
include' or '--exclude' #2485 (ttaylorr) * commands/migrate: fix hardlinking
issue when different filesystem is mounted at `/tmp` #2566 (ttaylorr) *
commands: make `git lfs migrate` fetch ref updates before migrating #2538
(ttaylorr) * commands: remove '--above=1mb' default from `git lfs migrate info`
#2460 (ttaylorr) * filepathfilter: fix `HasPrefix()` when no '--include' filters
present #2579 (technoweenie) * git/githistory/log: fix race condition with
`git/githistory/log` tests #2495 (ttaylorr) * git/odb: fix closing object
database test #2457 (ttaylorr) * git/githistory: only update local refs after
migrations #2559 (ttaylorr) * locking: fix unlocking files not removing write
flag #2514 (ttaylorr) * locks: fix unlocking files in a symlinked directory
#2505 (ttaylorr) * commands: teach `git lfs unlock` to ignore status errs in
appropriate conditions #2475 (ttaylorr) * git: expand `GetAttributePaths` check
to include non-LFS lockables #2528 (ttaylorr) * fix multiple `git update-index`
invocations #2531 (larsxschneider) * tools: fix SSH credential cacher expiration
#2530 (ttaylorr) * lfsapi: fix read/write race condition in credential cacher
#2493 (ttaylorr) * lfs: fix cleaning contents larger than 1024 bytes over stdin
#2488 (ttaylorr) * fsck only scans current version of objects #2049 (TheJare) *
progress: fix writing updates to `$GIT_LFS_PROGRESS` #2465 (ttaylorr) *
commands/track: resolve symlinks before comparing attr paths #2463 (ttaylorr) *
test: ensure that empty pointers are empty #2458 (ttaylorr) *
git/githistory/log: prevent 'NaN' showing up in `*PercentageTask` #2455
(ttaylorr) * tq: teach Batch() API to retry itself after io.EOF's #2516

  [ 1 ] Bug #1504322 - git-lfs-2.3.4 is available

 gnome-shell-extension-do-not-disturb-button-16-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-1fb95e3316)
 Hide desktop notifications until you're ready to look at them
Update Information:

Bump to upstream version 16, which ensures compatibility with GNOME 3.26.  ----
Move setup notes from RPM description to packaged README-fedora file.

 golang-github-AudriusButkevicius-kcp-go-0-0.2.20171025.git8ae5f52.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0c56476dd4)
 Full-featured reliable UDP communication library
Update Information:

Bump to commit 8ae5f52.

 jackson-databind-2.7.6-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-e16ed3f7a1)
 General data-binding package for Jackson (2.x)
Update Information:

Security fix for CVE-2017-15095

  [ 1 ] Bug #1506612 - CVE-2017-15095 jackson-databind: Unsafe deserialization due to incomplete black list (incomplete fix for CVE-2017-7525)

 kernel-4.13.11-200.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-9fbb35aeda)
 The Linux kernel
Update Information:

The 4.13.11 update contains a number of important fixes across the tree.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1501215 - CVE-2017-12193 kernel: Null pointer dereference due to incorrect node-splitting in assoc_array implementation

 krita- (FEDORA-2017-7d1168b2bf)
 Krita is a sketching and painting program
Update Information:

New stable krita release, see also

  [ 1 ] Bug #1508868 - krita-3.3.2 is available

 lammps-20171023-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-bd94be3778)
 Molecular Dynamics Simulator
Update Information:

Version bump to 20171023

 lightdm-gtk-2.0.3-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-7942270e13)
 LightDM GTK Greeter
Update Information:

- add language menu again

  [ 1 ] Bug #1506505 - lightdm-gtk lost shutdown button

 mate-power-manager-1.18.1-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-e1397c3369)
 MATE power management service
Update Information:

- update to 1.18.1

 mate-system-monitor-1.18.1-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-ff239229b2)
 Process and resource monitor
Update Information:

- update to 1.18.1 - process table: make search case-insensitive

 module-build-service-1.4.3-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-255c542986)
 The Module Build Service for Modularity
Update Information:

Enhancements:  * Add the ability to specify different rebuild methods * Don't
allow a user to resubmit a module build that is already in the init * Changed
the filters so they execute when everything is built * Handle module builds
without components * Default to reverse ordering by ID in APIs * Use
dogpile.cache to cache the default_buildroot_groups result * Log the original
exception in consumer before trying to do anything else. Also commit the
db.session before doing build.transition * Default verbose to false but present
a lot more information when verbose is false * Schedule components based on
build time * Try to reuse all components in the batch before starting it * Don't
reassign the value of the modulemd when resuming a build * Remove unneeded build
transition * Set 'time_modified' at module creation * Record components through
the backend after module submission * Fix incorrect call to koji API. * Update
the documentation * Default PATCH return value to be the extended_json like POST
* Default verbose to on ordering by id in the module-builds API * allow any SCM
URLs for local builds * Raise UnprocessableEntity instead of ValueError in
pdc.py to forward the error message to Flask client. * added git option which
will return correct return code * Remove old SSL config options. * Remove some
code duplication in views.py

 perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-0.34-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-5cb8354008)
 Make serving static pages painless
Update Information:

Security fix for  CVE-2017-16248.  Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple has been
changed to not serve static files with dots in the names (i.e. .svn, .git, ...)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1509181 - CVE-2017-16248 perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple: Invalid access control

 php-amqplib-2.7.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-e55a4b2d86)
 Pure PHP implementation of the AMQP protocol
Update Information:

This library is a pure PHP implementation of the [AMQP 0-9-1
protocol](http://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html). It's been
tested against [RabbitMQ](http://www.rabbitmq.com/).  Autoloader:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1506734 - Review Request: php-amqplib - Pure PHP implementation of the AMQP protocol

 php-pda-pheanstalk-3.1.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-776c888f65)
 PHP client for beanstalkd queue
Update Information:

Pheanstalk is a pure PHP 5.3+ client for the [beanstalkd
workqueue](http://xph.us/software/beanstalkd/). It has been actively developed,
and used in production by many, since late 2008.  Created by [Paul
Annesley](http://paul.annesley.cc/), Pheanstalk is rigorously unit tested and
written using encapsulated, maintainable object oriented design. Community
feedback, bug reports and patches has led to a stable 1.0 release in 2010, a 2.0
release in 2013, and a 3.0 release in 2014.  Pheanstalk 3.0 introduces PHP
namespaces, PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding standards, and PSR-4 autoloader standard.
beanstalkd up to the latest version 1.4 is supported. All commands and responses
specified in the protocol documentation for beanstalkd 1.3 are implemented.
Autoloader: `/usr/share/php/Pheanstalk/autoload.php`

  [ 1 ] Bug #1505084 - Review Request: php-pda-pheanstalk - PHP client for beanstalkd queue

 php-sebastian-comparator2-2.1.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-269e79338e)
 Compare PHP values for equality
Update Information:

**Version 2.1.0** - 2017-11-03  * **Added**      * Added
`SebastianBergmann\Comparator\Factory::reset()` to unregister all non-default
comparators     * Added support for `phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects` version

 php-stecman-symfony-console-completion-0.7.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-5a9571dcf5)
 Automatic BASH completion for Symfony Console based applications
Update Information:

This package provides automatic (tab) completion in BASH and ZSH for Symfony
Console Component based applications. With zero configuration, this package
allows completion of available command names and the options they provide. User
code can define custom completion behaviour for argument and option values.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1506741 - Review Request: php-stecman-symfony-console-completion - Automatic BASH completion for Symfony Console based applications

 php-symfony4-4.0.0-0.2.beta2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-8117576162)
 Symfony PHP framework (version 4)
Update Information:

Symfony PHP framework (version 4)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1505073 - Review Request: php-symfony4 - Symfony PHP framework (version 4)

 php-vlucas-phpdotenv-2.4.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-42994359f8)
 Loads environment variables from .env
Update Information:

Loads environment variables from .env to getenv(), $_ENV and $_SERVER
automagically.  This is a PHP version of the original [Ruby
dotenv](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv).  Autoloader:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1505076 - Review Request: php-vlucas-phpdotenv - Loads environment variables from .env

 pix-1.6.1-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-b648ee4829)
 Image management application
Update Information:

Update to 1.6.x release

  [ 1 ] Bug #1508419 - pix-1.6.0 is available

 pop-gtk-theme- (FEDORA-2017-23f1f0f25a)
 Version 2 of the Pop GTK+ Theme
Update Information:

Bump and fix BuildRequires.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1507015 - update
  [ 2 ] Bug #1505197 - pop-gtk-theme-2.2.0-0 is available

 rocksndiamonds- (FEDORA-2017-f18745fe33)
 Underground digging game
Update Information:

Update to Adds improved controller support.

 rpm-ostree-2017.10-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-be5e705dc4)
 Hybrid image/package system
Update Information:


 rubygem-ox-2.4.13-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-379679442e)
 Fast XML parser and object serializer
Update Information:

Security fix for CVE-2017-15928

  [ 1 ] Bug #1509206 - CVE-2017-15928 rubygem-ox: Segmentation fault in the parse_obj

 skopeo-0.1.24-7.gitdd2c3e3.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-cbf83e5281)
 Inspect Docker images and repositories on registries
Update Information:

Update to final 0.1.24 release.  ----  Add override kernel check.  ----  built
commit 28d4e08   ----  built docker @projectatomic/docker-1.13.1 commit 790e958

  [ 1 ] Bug #1479003 - skopeo-containers file conflict with inn
  [ 2 ] Bug #1478843 - Package version 0.1.23-2.git1bbd87f has a file conflict with inn
  [ 3 ] Bug #1504709 - oc cluster up fails with secrets added to skopeo-containers
  [ 4 ] Bug #1481135 - skopeo man page should provide Fedora/RHEL compatible example
  [ 5 ] Bug #1507679 - Docker default registry change breaks many default behaviors including docker.com tutorial
  [ 6 ] Bug #1509332 - /usr/bin/docker-current: Error response from daemon: linux seccomp: Decoding seccomp profile failed: unexpected end of JSON input.
  [ 7 ] Bug #1507616 - Error response from daemon: linux seccomp: Decoding seccomp profile failed: invalid character '<' after object key:value pair.

 tasksh-1.2.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-f89248a056)
 Shell command that wraps Taskwarrior commands
Update Information:

New package.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1400427 - Review Request: tasksh - Shell command that wraps Taskwarrior commands

 vacuum-im-1.3.0-0.3.20171028git6b614da.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-130c097e91)
 XMPP/Jabber client
Update Information:

- Adjusted summary description   ----  - Update to 1.3.0-0.2.20171028git6b614da
- Do not run update-desktop-database on Fedora 25+ as per packaging guidelines -
Remove %%dir %%{_libdir}/%%{name}/plugins, it's marked as listed twice

 xed-1.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-b648ee4829)
 X-Apps [Text] Editor (Cross-DE, backward-compatible, GTK3, traditional UI)
Update Information:

Update to 1.6.x release

  [ 1 ] Bug #1508419 - pix-1.6.0 is available

 xplayer-1.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-b648ee4829)
 A generic Media Player
Update Information:

Update to 1.6.x release

  [ 1 ] Bug #1508419 - pix-1.6.0 is available

 xreader-1.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-b648ee4829)
 Simple document viewer
Update Information:

Update to 1.6.x release

  [ 1 ] Bug #1508419 - pix-1.6.0 is available

 xviewer-1.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-b648ee4829)
 Fast and functional graphics viewer
Update Information:

Update to 1.6.x release

  [ 1 ] Bug #1508419 - pix-1.6.0 is available
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