Fedora 24 updates-testing report

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The following Fedora 24 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
  38  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-2e339a7779   optipng-0.7.6-1.fc24
  16  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-f3b40fcbc3   jenkins-mailer-plugin-1.17-1.fc24 jenkins-credentials-plugin-1.27-1.fc24 jenkins-script-security-plugin-1.18.1-1.fc24 jenkins-junit-plugin-1.12-1.fc24 jenkins-1.651.1-1.fc24 stapler-1.242-1.fc24 tiger-types-2.2-1.fc24 owasp-java-html-sanitizer-20160422.1-1.fc24 jenkins-remoting-2.57-1.fc24
  10  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-4a4d504509   obs-signd-2.2.1-8.fc24
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-ad6005ba92   imlib2-1.4.9-1.fc24
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-c36ab3e363   nodejs-4.4.4-1.fc24
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-46240c1a39   pgpdump-0.31-1.fc24
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-c558e58b21   mingw-openssl-1.0.2h-1.fc24
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-58b01c5ffb   squid-3.5.19-1.fc24
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-224edc14dd   php-symfony-2.7.13-1.fc24
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-a21b2cb7a0   xen-4.6.1-8.fc24
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-d9bd0c4830   wordpress-4.5.2-2.fc24
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-99c6bc92df   gsi-openssh-7.2p2-3.fc24
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-b0419504f4   websvn-2.3.3-13.fc24

The following Fedora 24 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
 Age URL
  25  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-5e070dcb15   lorax-24.18-1.fc24
  14  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-2f1d9fb2cf   lxsession-0.5.2-9.fc24
   8  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-16c46e44e1   livecd-tools-23.3-1.fc24
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-ad6005ba92   imlib2-1.4.9-1.fc24
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-e544bef3ed   PackageKit-1.1.1-1.fc24 aisleriot-3.20.2-1.fc24 bijiben-3.20.2-1.fc24 dconf-editor-3.20.2-1.fc24 eog-3.20.2-1.fc24 eog-plugins-3.16.4-1.fc24 epiphany-3.20.2-1.fc24 evolution-3.20.2-1.fc24 evolution-data-server-3.20.2-1.fc24 evolution-ews-3.20.2-1.fc24 file-roller-3.20.2-1.fc24 gedit-3.20.2-1.fc24 ghex-3.18.1-1.fc24 glib-networking-2.48.2-1.fc24 glib2-2.48.1-1.fc24 gnome-2048-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-boxes-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-builder-3.20.4-1.fc24 gnome-calculator-3.20.1-1.fc24 gnome-calendar-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-chess-3.20.1-1.fc24 gnome-desktop3-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-disk-utility-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-klotski-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-music-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-nibbles- gnome-robots-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-shell-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-shell-extensions-3.20.1-1.fc24 gnome-software-3.20.2-2.fc24 gnome-sound-recorder-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-taquin-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-terminal-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-todo-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-
 ol-3.20.1-1.fc24 gnome-user-docs-3.20.2-1.fc24 gnome-weather-3.20.1-1.fc24 gtk3-3.20.4-1.fc24 gtkmm30-3.20.1-1.fc24 gtksourceview3-3.20.3-1.fc24 gvfs-1.28.2-1.fc24 iagno-3.20.2-1.fc24 libappstream-glib-0.5.14-1.fc24 libgweather-3.20.1-1.fc24 mutter-3.20.2-1.fc24 orca-3.20.1-1.fc24 polari-3.20.2-1.fc24 pyatspi-2.20.2-1.fc24 pygobject3-3.20.1-1.fc24 rygel-0.30.2-1.fc24 vte291-0.44.2-1.fc24
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-7dfe6ceb26   koji-1.10.1-8.fc24 python-multilib-1.1-4.fc24
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-1a7f1df025   python-blivet-1.20.2-1.fc24 anaconda-24.13.5-1.fc24
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-5680e43366   sudo-1.8.16-3.fc24
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-a70f137ded   firefox-46.0.1-4.fc24
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-35bdf456ae   xorg-x11-drv-intel-2.99.917-23.20160512.fc24

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 24 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 Lmod-6.3.4-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-52609dafbf)
 Environmental Modules System in Lua
Update Information:

Update to 6.3.4 (fixes bug #1334529)

 anaconda-24.13.5-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-1a7f1df025)
 Graphical system installer
Update Information:

Various bugfixes (anaconda); retry umount and log lsof output if failure occurs

  [ 1 ] Bug #1333530 - AttributeError: 'Box' object has no attribute 'get_model'
  [ 2 ] Bug #1327615 - Incorrect subnet mask shown in network spoke
  [ 3 ] Bug #1330300 - Early anaconda errors no longer displayed in tmux 2.2
  [ 4 ] Bug #1331100 - [PATCH] Turn off weak deps. for DNF.

 appstream-0.9.6-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-33d56e588e)
 Utilities to generate, maintain and access the AppStream Xapian database
Update Information:

Latest stable release, includes some crash fixes.

 asymptote-2.38-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-cd05caa9de)
 Descriptive vector graphics language
Update Information:

Update to 2.38

  [ 1 ] Bug #1317495 - asymptote-2.38 is available

 bind-9.10.3-13.P4.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-79cad60d9c)
 The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) DNS (Domain Name System) server
Update Information:

- Removed NM dispatcher script, since it is not needed any more (#1277257) -
Replaced After=network-online.target with After=network.target in all unit files

  [ 1 ] Bug #1277257 - NetworkManager-wait-online fails on boot when 2 NIC are active

 bind-dyndb-ldap-9.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-6efaecbe9f)
 LDAP back-end plug-in for BIND
Update Information:

Update to 9.0

 brltty-5.3.1-8.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-6ec12b3b6c)
 Braille display driver for Linux/Unix
Update Information:

This is an update fixing async wait to handle zero timeouts - this fixes the
'vr' driver to work again.

 cdbs-0.4.131-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-d0371a8d09)
 Common build system for Debian packages
Update Information:

Update to version 0.4.131, see http://ftp-
master.metadata.debian.org/changelogs//main/c/cdbs/cdbs_0.4.131_changelog for

 certbot-0.6.0-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-61bd9d7875)
 A free, automated certificate authority client
Update Information:

Update python-acme to 0.6.0, add renamed certbot package (formerly letsencrypt)

 cinnamon-session-3.0.0-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-746cf027b9)
 Cinnamon session manager
Update Information:

fix gnome-keyring autostart issue

 cockpit-0.106-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-70fa52e613)
 A user interface for Linux servers
Update Information:

- * Add namespaces to cockpit CSS classes - * Display container image layers in
a simpler graph - * Hide actions in Cluster projects listing that are not
accessible  ----  - * Strict Content-Security-Policy in all shipped components
of Cockpit - * Can now add and remove Openshift users to and from groups - * Add
timeout setting for Cockpit authentication - * Registry interface now has
checkbox for mirroring from insecure registries - * Kubernetes dashboard now
allows deletion of Nodes  ----  - * Show errors correctly when deleting or
modifying user accounts - * Add support for iSCSI cluster volumes - * Strict
Content-Security-Policy in the dashboard, sosreport and realmd code - * Better
list expansion and navigation behavior across Cockpit - * Don't show 'Computer
OU' field when leaving a domain - * Remove usage of bootstrap-select - * Show
errors properly in performance profile dialog - * Fix Cluster sidebar to react
to window size - * Allow specifying specific tags in registry image streams - *
Make registry project access policy more visible

 devassistant-0.11.2-6.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-3b4a9d34c4)
 DevAssistant - Making life easier for developers
Update Information:

Add patch for upstream issue #402

 distro-info-data-0.29-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-735c6313fd)
 Information about releases of Debian and Ubuntu (data files)
Update Information:

Update to 0.29

 ecj-4.5.2-3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Eclipse Compiler for Java
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-4.6.0-0.6.git201605092000.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 An open, extensible IDE
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-cdt-9.0.0-0.3.git0b93e81.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) plugin
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-e4-importer-0.2.0-0.2.gitb33919c.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Eclipse Importer plug-in
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-ecf-3.13.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF) Eclipse plug-in
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-eclemma-2.3.3-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Java code coverage tool plugin for Eclipse
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-egit-4.3.0-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Eclipse Git Integration
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-emf-2.12.0-0.1.git2021583.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Eclipse plug-in
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-fedorapackager-0.6.0-0.1.gitb0ca8af.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Fedora Packager for Eclipse
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-jgit-4.3.0-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Eclipse JGit
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-launchbar-2.0.0-0.1.git1f95c6c.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Eclipse Launchbar plug-in
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-linuxtools-5.0.0-0.1.gitc2364c0.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Linux specific Eclipse plugins
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-photran-9.1.0-3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Fortran Development Tools (Photran) for Eclipse
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-ptp-9.0.2-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-pydev-4.6.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Eclipse Python development plug-in
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 eclipse-swtbot-2.4.0-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 UI and functional testing tool for SWT and Eclipse based applications
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 empathy-3.12.12-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-6471c5a3a3)
 Instant Messaging Client for GNOME
Update Information:

Empathy 3.12.12 release. See https://mail.gnome.org/archives/ftp-release-
list/2016-May/msg00066.html for details.

 enlightenment-0.20.7-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-05e567e2eb)
 Enlightenment window manager
Update Information:

FIx issue with opening desktop apps.

 erlang-eleveldb-2.2.18-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-37877be708)
 Erlang LevelDB API
Update Information:

* Install schemas properly.  ----  * Ver. 2.2.18

  [ 1 ] Bug #1327795 - erlang-eleveldb-2.2.18 is available

 erlang-exometer_core-1.4-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-c0f58c332d)
 Easy and efficient instrumentation of Erlang code
Update Information:

* Initial build

  [ 1 ] Bug #1329846 - Review Request: erlang-exometer_core - Easy and efficient instrumentation of Erlang code

 erlang-riak_api-2.1.2-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-7429848a42)
 Riak Client APIs
Update Information:

* Ver. 2.1.2

  [ 1 ] Bug #1307472 - erlang-riak_api: FTBFS in rawhide
  [ 2 ] Bug #1239480 - erlang-riak_api: FTBFS in rawhide

 erlang-riak_control-2.1.2-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-752f52266e)
 Admin UI for Riak
Update Information:

* Ver. 2.1.2

  [ 1 ] Bug #1307474 - erlang-riak_control: FTBFS in rawhide
  [ 2 ] Bug #1239482 - erlang-riak_control: FTBFS in rawhide

 erlang-riak_core-2.1.5-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-2d89387106)
 Distributed systems infrastructure used by Riak
Update Information:

* Ver. 2.1.5

  [ 1 ] Bug #1307475 - erlang-riak_core: FTBFS in rawhide
  [ 2 ] Bug #1239483 - erlang-riak_core: FTBFS in rawhide

 erlang-riak_pipe-2.1.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-eb59113abe)
 Riak Pipelines
Update Information:

* Ver. 2.1.1

  [ 1 ] Bug #1307479 - erlang-riak_pipe: FTBFS in rawhide
  [ 2 ] Bug #1239487 - erlang-riak_pipe: FTBFS in rawhide

 erlang-rpm-macros-0.2.3-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-ab99977798)
 Macros for simplifying building of Erlang packages
Update Information:

* Ver. 0.2.3 * Switch to Python3

  [ 1 ] Bug #1335519 - erlang-rpm-macros-0.2.3 is available

 firefox-46.0.1-4.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-a70f137ded)
 Mozilla Firefox Web browser
Update Information:

- Added fix for rhbz#1332821 - Crash on "Select" in "Open with" dialog - Added
patch for rhbz#1332875 - new Samba auth reponse  - Disable dark theme until we
support it correctly (mozbz#1216658)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1332875 - After Samba upgrade to 4.3.8, automatic NTLM auth stops working
  [ 2 ] Bug #1332821 - Crash on "Select" in "Open with" dialog

 fwupd-0.7.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-363e01592c)
 Firmware update daemon
Update Information:

- New upstream release - Add device-added, device-removed and device-changed
signals - Add for a new device field "Flashes Left" - Fix a critical warning
when restarting the daemon - Fix BE issues when reading and writing DFU files -
Make the device display name nicer - Match the AppStream metadata after a device
has been added - Return all update descriptions newer than the installed version
- Set the device description when parsing local firmware files

  [ 1 ] Bug #1332146 - FTBFS: dfu_firmware_dfu_func: assertion failed

 gap-pkg-factint-1.5.3-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b2c351067e)
 Advanced methods for factoring integers
Update Information:

This new package provides implementations of the following methods for factoring
integers:  - Pollard's p-1 - Williams' p+1 - Elliptic Curves Method (ECM) -
Continued Fraction Algorithm (CFRAC) - Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve
(MPQS)  FactInt also makes use of Richard P. Brent's tables of known factors of
integers of the form bk+/-1 for "small" b.  The ECM method is suited best for
finding factors which are neither too small (i.e. have less than about 12
decimal digits) nor too close to the square root of the number to be factored.
The MPQS method is designed for factoring products of two primes of comparable
orders of magnitude.  CFRAC is the historical predecessor of the MPQS method.
Pollard's p-1 and Williams' p+1 are useful for finding factors p such that all
prime factors of p-1 (respectively p+1) are "small", e.g. smaller than 1000000.
All factoring methods implemented in this package are probabilistic.  In
particular the time needed by the ECM method depends largely on luck.  FactInt
provides a general-purpose factorization routine which uses an appropriate
combination of the methods mentioned above, the Pollard Rho routine which is
implemented in the GAP Library and a variety of tricks for special cases to
obtain a good average performance for "arbitrary" integers.  At the user's
option, FactInt provides detailed information about the progress of the
factorization process.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1332764 - Review Request: gap-pkg-factint - Advanced methods for factoring integers

 gap-pkg-utils-0.40-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-66642d080d)
 Utility functions for GAP
Update Information:

This new package provides a collection of GAP utility functions gleaned from
many packages.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1333204 - Review Request: gap-pkg-utils - Utility functions for GAP

 getmail-4.49.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-9f16720a02)
 POP3, IMAP4 and SDPS mail retriever with Maildir delivery
Update Information:

Update to 4.49.0 release

 ginac-1.6.7-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-323e88a211)
 C++ library for symbolic calculations
Update Information:

Bugfix update.

 gsi-openssh-7.2p2-3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-99c6bc92df)
 An implementation of the SSH protocol with GSI authentication
Update Information:

Sync with openssh

  [ 1 ] Bug #1328431 - CVE-2015-8325 gsi-openssh: openssh: privilege escalation via user's PAM environment and UseLogin=yes [fedora-all]

 iwyu-0.6-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-21440bf191)
 C/C++ source files #include analyzer based on clang
Update Information:

Update to [0.6](https://github.com/include-what-you-use/include-what-you-

 kea-1.0.0-9.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-350cc393e9)
 DHCPv4, DHCPv6 and DDNS server from ISC
Update Information:

kea-devel now requires boost-devel

  [ 1 ] Bug #1335900 - kea-devel: missing requirement

 koji-containerbuild-0.6.1-1.3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-33c153cc74)
 Koji support for building layered container images
Update Information:

Properly handle log uploads with popen patch.  ----  Fix popen patch for osbs
cmd to continue working around pycurl bug.  ----  Add patch to workaround
[pycurl/nss issue](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1243736).  ----
Update to latest upstream release.

 libevdev-1.5.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-137ee1031b)
 Kernel Evdev Device Wrapper Library
Update Information:

libevdev 1.5, allows for setting the resolution in uinput devices

 libstoragemgmt-1.3.1-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-c7f59f10fe)
 Storage array management library
Update Information:

Update to upstream 1.3.1

 liquibase-3.5.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-7148e2733b)
 Database Refactoring Tool
Update Information:

Provides upstream release of Liquibase 3.5.1

 mariadb-10.1.14-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-25303a52ad)
 A community developed branch of MySQL
Update Information:

Add selinux policy

 mingw-gstreamer1-1.8.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-5377d9def8)
 MinGW Windows Streaming-Media Framework Runtime
Update Information:

MinGW cross compiled gstreamer 1.8.1 release.

 mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-1.8.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-5377d9def8)
 Cross compiled GStreamer1 plug-ins "bad"
Update Information:

MinGW cross compiled gstreamer 1.8.1 release.

 mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-base-1.8.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-5377d9def8)
 Cross compiled GStreamer1 media framework base plug-ins
Update Information:

MinGW cross compiled gstreamer 1.8.1 release.

 mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.8.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-5377d9def8)
 Cross compiled GStreamer1 plug-ins good
Update Information:

MinGW cross compiled gstreamer 1.8.1 release.

 mingw-orc-0.4.25-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-5377d9def8)
 Cross compiled Oil Run-time Compiler
Update Information:

MinGW cross compiled gstreamer 1.8.1 release.

 mod_auth_cas-1.1-0.2.rc3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-62af7d2c33)
 Apache 2.2/2.4 compliant module that supports the CASv1 and CASv2 protocols
Update Information:

Upstream 1.1 RC3 - Support added for httpd 2.4

  [ 1 ] Bug #1177042 - mod_auth_cas missing in EPEL7

 mtr-0.86-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-3c5362436e)
 A network diagnostic tool
Update Information:

Rebase to 0.86

  [ 1 ] Bug #1300309 - High cpu usage when pause
  [ 2 ] Bug #1172607 - mtr-0.86 is available

 musicqueue-0.4.7-1.git949f096.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-d5d8e7e430)
 Music orgainizer and player based on a fork of Guayadeque
Update Information:

Update to 0.4.7

 mycli-1.7.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b2efe359e0)
 Interactive CLI for MySQL Database with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
Update Information:

Update to latest upstream release mycli 1.7.0.

 nfoview-1.19-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-ab4bafee50)
 A viewer for NFO files
Update Information:

Update to new upstream version 1.19 (rhbz#1336067)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1336067 - nfoview-1.19 is available

 ocaml-camomile-0.8.5-16.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-da02317690)
 Unicode library for OCaml
Update Information:

Base package should depend on -data, not other way round (RHBZ#1336000).

  [ 1 ] Bug #1336000 - ocaml-camomile is out fo date, won't install

 ocaml-menhir-20160504-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-bc163d0d42)
 LR(1) parser generator for OCaml
Update Information:

2016/05/04 changes:  In the Coq backend, split the largest definitions into
smaller ones. This circumvenents a limitation of vm_compute on 32 bit machines.
This also enables us to perform sharing between definitions, so that the
generated files are much smaller.  2016/04/10 changes:  When printing a grammar
(which is done by the --only-preprocess options), remove the leading bar '|',
for compatibility with yacc and bison.  2016/03/11 changes:  In the code back-
end, generate type annotations when extracting a semantic value out of the
stack. When working with a semantic value of some function type, OCaml would
incorrectly warn that this function does not use its argument. This warning
should now be gone.

 openclonk-7.0-3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-0e1d10a348)
 Multiplayer action, tactics and skill game
Update Information:

- New package (bz#1334059)

 openocd-0.9.0-4.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-dad992a5cd)
 Debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing for embedded devices
Update Information:

Fix wrong udev rules

  [ 1 ] Bug #1177996 - Wrong udev rules

 pdns-4.0.0-0.6.alpha3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-fea1e1bd67)
 A modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver
Update Information:

- Update to 4.0.0 alpha 3  Release notes: https://doc.powerdns.com/md/changelog

 perl-DBD-CSV-0.49-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-50fdfaba48)
 DBI driver for CSV files
Update Information:

Current upstream maintenance release.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1335520 - perl-DBD-CSV-0.49 is available

 perl-HTML-StripScripts-1.06-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-4ba0a084ce)
 Strip scripting constructs out of HTML
Update Information:

Various bugfixes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1335524 - perl-HTML-StripScripts-1.06 is available

 php-phpunit-PHP-Timer-1.0.8-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-35b0b08a95)
 PHP Utility class for timing
Update Information:

**phpunit 5.3.4**  - 2016-05-11  * The checks that can be enabled by `--strict-
coverage` and `beStrictAboutCoversAnnotation` are no longer performed for tests
annotated with `@medium` or `@large`  ---  **phpunit 5.3.3** - 2016-05-10  *
Fixed [#2158](https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/2158): Failure
to run tests in separate processes if a file included into main process contains
constant definition  ---  **php-timer 1.0.8** - 2016-05-12  *  Megabytes should
be interpreted as MB, not Mb

 php-phpunit-PHPUnit-5.3.4-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-35b0b08a95)
 The PHP Unit Testing framework
Update Information:

**phpunit 5.3.4**  - 2016-05-11  * The checks that can be enabled by `--strict-
coverage` and `beStrictAboutCoversAnnotation` are no longer performed for tests
annotated with `@medium` or `@large`  ---  **phpunit 5.3.3** - 2016-05-10  *
Fixed [#2158](https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/2158): Failure
to run tests in separate processes if a file included into main process contains
constant definition  ---  **php-timer 1.0.8** - 2016-05-12  *  Megabytes should
be interpreted as MB, not Mb

 php-zendframework-zend-cache-2.7.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b71c5f2c1f)
 Zend Framework Cache component
Update Information:

**zend-view 2.7.0** - 2016-05-12  - [#1](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
view/pull/1) adds a new `loop()`   method to the `partialLoop()` helper,
allowing the ability to chain setters   with rendering:
`$this->partialLoop()->setObjectKey('foo')->loop('partial', $data)` -
[#60](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-view/pull/60) adds the ability to
register and consume arbitrary callables as view helpers within the
`HelperPluginManager`.  ---  **zend-cache 2.7.1** - 2016-05-12  -
[#35](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/35)   Added benchmarks
using PHPBench - [#76](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/76)
ZendServer: fixed return null on missing item -
[#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/88)   Redis: fixed
segfault on storing NULL and fixed supported datatypes capabilities -
[#95](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/95)   don't try to
unserialize missing items - [#66](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/issues/66)   fixed Memcached::internalSetItems in PHP-7 by reducing
variables by reference - [#57](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/pull/57)   Memcached: HHVM compatibility and reduced duplicated code -
[#91](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/91)   fixed that order of
adapter options may cause exception - [#98](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-cache/pull/98) updates the plugin   manager alias list to ensure all
adapter name permutations commonly used are   accepted.  ---  **zend-session
2.7.1** - 2016-05-11  - [#40](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
session/pull/40) adds and publishes the documentation to
https://zendframework.github.io/zend-session/ -
[#38](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-session/pull/38) ensures that the
value from `session.gc_maxlifetime` is cast to an integer before assigning it as
the `lifetime` value in the `MongoDB` adapter, ensuring sessions may be deleted.
---  **zend-serializer 2.7.2** - 2016-05-11  -
[#17](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/17) adds and
publishes the documentation to https://zendframework.github.com/zend-serializer/
- [#16](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/16) removes the
dependency on zend-math, making it optional. (This was done as the requirement
is only when using the `PythonPickle` adapter.) -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/9) fixes the behavior
of the `PhpSerialize` adapter to raise an exception during deserialization if
the value is not serialized, restoring behavior to match the other adapters.
---  **zend-mail 2.7.1** - 2016-05-09  - [#38](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-mail/pull/38) adds support in the IMAP protocol adapter for fetching items
by UID. - [#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/88) adds and
publishes documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-mail/ -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/9) fixes the
`Zend\Mail\Header\Sender::fromString()` implementation to more closely follow
the ABNF defined in RFC-5322, specifically to allow addresses in the form
`user@domain` (with no TLD). - [#28](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
mail/pull/28) and [#87](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/87) fix
header value validation when headers wrap using the sequence `\r\n\t`; prior to
this release, such sequences incorrectly marked a header value invalid. -
[#37](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/37) ensures that empty
lines do not result in PHP errors when consuming messages from a Courier IMAP
server. - [#81](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/81) fixes the
validation in `Zend\Mail\Address` to also DNS hostnames as well as local
addresses.  ---  **zend-psr7bridge 0.2.2** - 2016-05-10  -
[#8](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr8bridge/pull/8) adds and publishes
the documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-psr7bridge/ -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertUploadedFiles()` to ensure that the `tmp_name` is
provided to the `$_FILES` structure from the PSR-7 uploaded files. -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertFilesToUploaded()` to iterate the entire value
provided it, instead of a fictitious `file` key.  ---  **zend-memory 2.5.2** -
2016-05-11  - [#11](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/11) and
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) add and publish the
documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-memory/ -
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) updates the PHP
requirement to allow either 5.5+ or 7.0+, and pins the zend-cache version for
testing to 2.7+.

 php-zendframework-zend-mail-2.7.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b71c5f2c1f)
 Zend Framework Mail component
Update Information:

**zend-view 2.7.0** - 2016-05-12  - [#1](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
view/pull/1) adds a new `loop()`   method to the `partialLoop()` helper,
allowing the ability to chain setters   with rendering:
`$this->partialLoop()->setObjectKey('foo')->loop('partial', $data)` -
[#60](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-view/pull/60) adds the ability to
register and consume arbitrary callables as view helpers within the
`HelperPluginManager`.  ---  **zend-cache 2.7.1** - 2016-05-12  -
[#35](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/35)   Added benchmarks
using PHPBench - [#76](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/76)
ZendServer: fixed return null on missing item -
[#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/88)   Redis: fixed
segfault on storing NULL and fixed supported datatypes capabilities -
[#95](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/95)   don't try to
unserialize missing items - [#66](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/issues/66)   fixed Memcached::internalSetItems in PHP-7 by reducing
variables by reference - [#57](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/pull/57)   Memcached: HHVM compatibility and reduced duplicated code -
[#91](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/91)   fixed that order of
adapter options may cause exception - [#98](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-cache/pull/98) updates the plugin   manager alias list to ensure all
adapter name permutations commonly used are   accepted.  ---  **zend-session
2.7.1** - 2016-05-11  - [#40](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
session/pull/40) adds and publishes the documentation to
https://zendframework.github.io/zend-session/ -
[#38](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-session/pull/38) ensures that the
value from `session.gc_maxlifetime` is cast to an integer before assigning it as
the `lifetime` value in the `MongoDB` adapter, ensuring sessions may be deleted.
---  **zend-serializer 2.7.2** - 2016-05-11  -
[#17](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/17) adds and
publishes the documentation to https://zendframework.github.com/zend-serializer/
- [#16](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/16) removes the
dependency on zend-math, making it optional. (This was done as the requirement
is only when using the `PythonPickle` adapter.) -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/9) fixes the behavior
of the `PhpSerialize` adapter to raise an exception during deserialization if
the value is not serialized, restoring behavior to match the other adapters.
---  **zend-mail 2.7.1** - 2016-05-09  - [#38](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-mail/pull/38) adds support in the IMAP protocol adapter for fetching items
by UID. - [#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/88) adds and
publishes documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-mail/ -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/9) fixes the
`Zend\Mail\Header\Sender::fromString()` implementation to more closely follow
the ABNF defined in RFC-5322, specifically to allow addresses in the form
`user@domain` (with no TLD). - [#28](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
mail/pull/28) and [#87](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/87) fix
header value validation when headers wrap using the sequence `\r\n\t`; prior to
this release, such sequences incorrectly marked a header value invalid. -
[#37](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/37) ensures that empty
lines do not result in PHP errors when consuming messages from a Courier IMAP
server. - [#81](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/81) fixes the
validation in `Zend\Mail\Address` to also DNS hostnames as well as local
addresses.  ---  **zend-psr7bridge 0.2.2** - 2016-05-10  -
[#8](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr8bridge/pull/8) adds and publishes
the documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-psr7bridge/ -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertUploadedFiles()` to ensure that the `tmp_name` is
provided to the `$_FILES` structure from the PSR-7 uploaded files. -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertFilesToUploaded()` to iterate the entire value
provided it, instead of a fictitious `file` key.  ---  **zend-memory 2.5.2** -
2016-05-11  - [#11](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/11) and
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) add and publish the
documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-memory/ -
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) updates the PHP
requirement to allow either 5.5+ or 7.0+, and pins the zend-cache version for
testing to 2.7+.

 php-zendframework-zend-memory-2.5.2-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b71c5f2c1f)
 Zend Framework Memory component
Update Information:

**zend-view 2.7.0** - 2016-05-12  - [#1](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
view/pull/1) adds a new `loop()`   method to the `partialLoop()` helper,
allowing the ability to chain setters   with rendering:
`$this->partialLoop()->setObjectKey('foo')->loop('partial', $data)` -
[#60](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-view/pull/60) adds the ability to
register and consume arbitrary callables as view helpers within the
`HelperPluginManager`.  ---  **zend-cache 2.7.1** - 2016-05-12  -
[#35](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/35)   Added benchmarks
using PHPBench - [#76](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/76)
ZendServer: fixed return null on missing item -
[#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/88)   Redis: fixed
segfault on storing NULL and fixed supported datatypes capabilities -
[#95](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/95)   don't try to
unserialize missing items - [#66](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/issues/66)   fixed Memcached::internalSetItems in PHP-7 by reducing
variables by reference - [#57](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/pull/57)   Memcached: HHVM compatibility and reduced duplicated code -
[#91](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/91)   fixed that order of
adapter options may cause exception - [#98](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-cache/pull/98) updates the plugin   manager alias list to ensure all
adapter name permutations commonly used are   accepted.  ---  **zend-session
2.7.1** - 2016-05-11  - [#40](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
session/pull/40) adds and publishes the documentation to
https://zendframework.github.io/zend-session/ -
[#38](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-session/pull/38) ensures that the
value from `session.gc_maxlifetime` is cast to an integer before assigning it as
the `lifetime` value in the `MongoDB` adapter, ensuring sessions may be deleted.
---  **zend-serializer 2.7.2** - 2016-05-11  -
[#17](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/17) adds and
publishes the documentation to https://zendframework.github.com/zend-serializer/
- [#16](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/16) removes the
dependency on zend-math, making it optional. (This was done as the requirement
is only when using the `PythonPickle` adapter.) -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/9) fixes the behavior
of the `PhpSerialize` adapter to raise an exception during deserialization if
the value is not serialized, restoring behavior to match the other adapters.
---  **zend-mail 2.7.1** - 2016-05-09  - [#38](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-mail/pull/38) adds support in the IMAP protocol adapter for fetching items
by UID. - [#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/88) adds and
publishes documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-mail/ -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/9) fixes the
`Zend\Mail\Header\Sender::fromString()` implementation to more closely follow
the ABNF defined in RFC-5322, specifically to allow addresses in the form
`user@domain` (with no TLD). - [#28](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
mail/pull/28) and [#87](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/87) fix
header value validation when headers wrap using the sequence `\r\n\t`; prior to
this release, such sequences incorrectly marked a header value invalid. -
[#37](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/37) ensures that empty
lines do not result in PHP errors when consuming messages from a Courier IMAP
server. - [#81](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/81) fixes the
validation in `Zend\Mail\Address` to also DNS hostnames as well as local
addresses.  ---  **zend-psr7bridge 0.2.2** - 2016-05-10  -
[#8](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr8bridge/pull/8) adds and publishes
the documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-psr7bridge/ -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertUploadedFiles()` to ensure that the `tmp_name` is
provided to the `$_FILES` structure from the PSR-7 uploaded files. -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertFilesToUploaded()` to iterate the entire value
provided it, instead of a fictitious `file` key.  ---  **zend-memory 2.5.2** -
2016-05-11  - [#11](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/11) and
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) add and publish the
documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-memory/ -
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) updates the PHP
requirement to allow either 5.5+ or 7.0+, and pins the zend-cache version for
testing to 2.7+.

 php-zendframework-zend-psr7bridge-0.2.2-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b71c5f2c1f)
 Zend Framework Psr7Bridge component
Update Information:

**zend-view 2.7.0** - 2016-05-12  - [#1](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
view/pull/1) adds a new `loop()`   method to the `partialLoop()` helper,
allowing the ability to chain setters   with rendering:
`$this->partialLoop()->setObjectKey('foo')->loop('partial', $data)` -
[#60](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-view/pull/60) adds the ability to
register and consume arbitrary callables as view helpers within the
`HelperPluginManager`.  ---  **zend-cache 2.7.1** - 2016-05-12  -
[#35](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/35)   Added benchmarks
using PHPBench - [#76](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/76)
ZendServer: fixed return null on missing item -
[#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/88)   Redis: fixed
segfault on storing NULL and fixed supported datatypes capabilities -
[#95](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/95)   don't try to
unserialize missing items - [#66](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/issues/66)   fixed Memcached::internalSetItems in PHP-7 by reducing
variables by reference - [#57](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/pull/57)   Memcached: HHVM compatibility and reduced duplicated code -
[#91](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/91)   fixed that order of
adapter options may cause exception - [#98](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-cache/pull/98) updates the plugin   manager alias list to ensure all
adapter name permutations commonly used are   accepted.  ---  **zend-session
2.7.1** - 2016-05-11  - [#40](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
session/pull/40) adds and publishes the documentation to
https://zendframework.github.io/zend-session/ -
[#38](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-session/pull/38) ensures that the
value from `session.gc_maxlifetime` is cast to an integer before assigning it as
the `lifetime` value in the `MongoDB` adapter, ensuring sessions may be deleted.
---  **zend-serializer 2.7.2** - 2016-05-11  -
[#17](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/17) adds and
publishes the documentation to https://zendframework.github.com/zend-serializer/
- [#16](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/16) removes the
dependency on zend-math, making it optional. (This was done as the requirement
is only when using the `PythonPickle` adapter.) -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/9) fixes the behavior
of the `PhpSerialize` adapter to raise an exception during deserialization if
the value is not serialized, restoring behavior to match the other adapters.
---  **zend-mail 2.7.1** - 2016-05-09  - [#38](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-mail/pull/38) adds support in the IMAP protocol adapter for fetching items
by UID. - [#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/88) adds and
publishes documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-mail/ -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/9) fixes the
`Zend\Mail\Header\Sender::fromString()` implementation to more closely follow
the ABNF defined in RFC-5322, specifically to allow addresses in the form
`user@domain` (with no TLD). - [#28](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
mail/pull/28) and [#87](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/87) fix
header value validation when headers wrap using the sequence `\r\n\t`; prior to
this release, such sequences incorrectly marked a header value invalid. -
[#37](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/37) ensures that empty
lines do not result in PHP errors when consuming messages from a Courier IMAP
server. - [#81](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/81) fixes the
validation in `Zend\Mail\Address` to also DNS hostnames as well as local
addresses.  ---  **zend-psr7bridge 0.2.2** - 2016-05-10  -
[#8](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr8bridge/pull/8) adds and publishes
the documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-psr7bridge/ -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertUploadedFiles()` to ensure that the `tmp_name` is
provided to the `$_FILES` structure from the PSR-7 uploaded files. -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertFilesToUploaded()` to iterate the entire value
provided it, instead of a fictitious `file` key.  ---  **zend-memory 2.5.2** -
2016-05-11  - [#11](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/11) and
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) add and publish the
documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-memory/ -
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) updates the PHP
requirement to allow either 5.5+ or 7.0+, and pins the zend-cache version for
testing to 2.7+.

 php-zendframework-zend-serializer-2.7.2-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b71c5f2c1f)
 Zend Framework Serializer component
Update Information:

**zend-view 2.7.0** - 2016-05-12  - [#1](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
view/pull/1) adds a new `loop()`   method to the `partialLoop()` helper,
allowing the ability to chain setters   with rendering:
`$this->partialLoop()->setObjectKey('foo')->loop('partial', $data)` -
[#60](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-view/pull/60) adds the ability to
register and consume arbitrary callables as view helpers within the
`HelperPluginManager`.  ---  **zend-cache 2.7.1** - 2016-05-12  -
[#35](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/35)   Added benchmarks
using PHPBench - [#76](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/76)
ZendServer: fixed return null on missing item -
[#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/88)   Redis: fixed
segfault on storing NULL and fixed supported datatypes capabilities -
[#95](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/95)   don't try to
unserialize missing items - [#66](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/issues/66)   fixed Memcached::internalSetItems in PHP-7 by reducing
variables by reference - [#57](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/pull/57)   Memcached: HHVM compatibility and reduced duplicated code -
[#91](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/91)   fixed that order of
adapter options may cause exception - [#98](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-cache/pull/98) updates the plugin   manager alias list to ensure all
adapter name permutations commonly used are   accepted.  ---  **zend-session
2.7.1** - 2016-05-11  - [#40](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
session/pull/40) adds and publishes the documentation to
https://zendframework.github.io/zend-session/ -
[#38](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-session/pull/38) ensures that the
value from `session.gc_maxlifetime` is cast to an integer before assigning it as
the `lifetime` value in the `MongoDB` adapter, ensuring sessions may be deleted.
---  **zend-serializer 2.7.2** - 2016-05-11  -
[#17](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/17) adds and
publishes the documentation to https://zendframework.github.com/zend-serializer/
- [#16](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/16) removes the
dependency on zend-math, making it optional. (This was done as the requirement
is only when using the `PythonPickle` adapter.) -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/9) fixes the behavior
of the `PhpSerialize` adapter to raise an exception during deserialization if
the value is not serialized, restoring behavior to match the other adapters.
---  **zend-mail 2.7.1** - 2016-05-09  - [#38](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-mail/pull/38) adds support in the IMAP protocol adapter for fetching items
by UID. - [#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/88) adds and
publishes documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-mail/ -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/9) fixes the
`Zend\Mail\Header\Sender::fromString()` implementation to more closely follow
the ABNF defined in RFC-5322, specifically to allow addresses in the form
`user@domain` (with no TLD). - [#28](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
mail/pull/28) and [#87](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/87) fix
header value validation when headers wrap using the sequence `\r\n\t`; prior to
this release, such sequences incorrectly marked a header value invalid. -
[#37](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/37) ensures that empty
lines do not result in PHP errors when consuming messages from a Courier IMAP
server. - [#81](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/81) fixes the
validation in `Zend\Mail\Address` to also DNS hostnames as well as local
addresses.  ---  **zend-psr7bridge 0.2.2** - 2016-05-10  -
[#8](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr8bridge/pull/8) adds and publishes
the documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-psr7bridge/ -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertUploadedFiles()` to ensure that the `tmp_name` is
provided to the `$_FILES` structure from the PSR-7 uploaded files. -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertFilesToUploaded()` to iterate the entire value
provided it, instead of a fictitious `file` key.  ---  **zend-memory 2.5.2** -
2016-05-11  - [#11](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/11) and
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) add and publish the
documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-memory/ -
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) updates the PHP
requirement to allow either 5.5+ or 7.0+, and pins the zend-cache version for
testing to 2.7+.

 php-zendframework-zend-session-2.7.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b71c5f2c1f)
 Zend Framework Session component
Update Information:

**zend-view 2.7.0** - 2016-05-12  - [#1](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
view/pull/1) adds a new `loop()`   method to the `partialLoop()` helper,
allowing the ability to chain setters   with rendering:
`$this->partialLoop()->setObjectKey('foo')->loop('partial', $data)` -
[#60](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-view/pull/60) adds the ability to
register and consume arbitrary callables as view helpers within the
`HelperPluginManager`.  ---  **zend-cache 2.7.1** - 2016-05-12  -
[#35](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/35)   Added benchmarks
using PHPBench - [#76](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/76)
ZendServer: fixed return null on missing item -
[#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/88)   Redis: fixed
segfault on storing NULL and fixed supported datatypes capabilities -
[#95](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/95)   don't try to
unserialize missing items - [#66](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/issues/66)   fixed Memcached::internalSetItems in PHP-7 by reducing
variables by reference - [#57](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/pull/57)   Memcached: HHVM compatibility and reduced duplicated code -
[#91](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/91)   fixed that order of
adapter options may cause exception - [#98](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-cache/pull/98) updates the plugin   manager alias list to ensure all
adapter name permutations commonly used are   accepted.  ---  **zend-session
2.7.1** - 2016-05-11  - [#40](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
session/pull/40) adds and publishes the documentation to
https://zendframework.github.io/zend-session/ -
[#38](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-session/pull/38) ensures that the
value from `session.gc_maxlifetime` is cast to an integer before assigning it as
the `lifetime` value in the `MongoDB` adapter, ensuring sessions may be deleted.
---  **zend-serializer 2.7.2** - 2016-05-11  -
[#17](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/17) adds and
publishes the documentation to https://zendframework.github.com/zend-serializer/
- [#16](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/16) removes the
dependency on zend-math, making it optional. (This was done as the requirement
is only when using the `PythonPickle` adapter.) -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/9) fixes the behavior
of the `PhpSerialize` adapter to raise an exception during deserialization if
the value is not serialized, restoring behavior to match the other adapters.
---  **zend-mail 2.7.1** - 2016-05-09  - [#38](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-mail/pull/38) adds support in the IMAP protocol adapter for fetching items
by UID. - [#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/88) adds and
publishes documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-mail/ -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/9) fixes the
`Zend\Mail\Header\Sender::fromString()` implementation to more closely follow
the ABNF defined in RFC-5322, specifically to allow addresses in the form
`user@domain` (with no TLD). - [#28](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
mail/pull/28) and [#87](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/87) fix
header value validation when headers wrap using the sequence `\r\n\t`; prior to
this release, such sequences incorrectly marked a header value invalid. -
[#37](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/37) ensures that empty
lines do not result in PHP errors when consuming messages from a Courier IMAP
server. - [#81](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/81) fixes the
validation in `Zend\Mail\Address` to also DNS hostnames as well as local
addresses.  ---  **zend-psr7bridge 0.2.2** - 2016-05-10  -
[#8](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr8bridge/pull/8) adds and publishes
the documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-psr7bridge/ -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertUploadedFiles()` to ensure that the `tmp_name` is
provided to the `$_FILES` structure from the PSR-7 uploaded files. -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertFilesToUploaded()` to iterate the entire value
provided it, instead of a fictitious `file` key.  ---  **zend-memory 2.5.2** -
2016-05-11  - [#11](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/11) and
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) add and publish the
documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-memory/ -
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) updates the PHP
requirement to allow either 5.5+ or 7.0+, and pins the zend-cache version for
testing to 2.7+.

 php-zendframework-zend-view-2.7.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b71c5f2c1f)
 Zend Framework View component
Update Information:

**zend-view 2.7.0** - 2016-05-12  - [#1](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
view/pull/1) adds a new `loop()`   method to the `partialLoop()` helper,
allowing the ability to chain setters   with rendering:
`$this->partialLoop()->setObjectKey('foo')->loop('partial', $data)` -
[#60](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-view/pull/60) adds the ability to
register and consume arbitrary callables as view helpers within the
`HelperPluginManager`.  ---  **zend-cache 2.7.1** - 2016-05-12  -
[#35](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/35)   Added benchmarks
using PHPBench - [#76](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/76)
ZendServer: fixed return null on missing item -
[#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/88)   Redis: fixed
segfault on storing NULL and fixed supported datatypes capabilities -
[#95](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/issues/95)   don't try to
unserialize missing items - [#66](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/issues/66)   fixed Memcached::internalSetItems in PHP-7 by reducing
variables by reference - [#57](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
cache/pull/57)   Memcached: HHVM compatibility and reduced duplicated code -
[#91](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-cache/pull/91)   fixed that order of
adapter options may cause exception - [#98](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-cache/pull/98) updates the plugin   manager alias list to ensure all
adapter name permutations commonly used are   accepted.  ---  **zend-session
2.7.1** - 2016-05-11  - [#40](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
session/pull/40) adds and publishes the documentation to
https://zendframework.github.io/zend-session/ -
[#38](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-session/pull/38) ensures that the
value from `session.gc_maxlifetime` is cast to an integer before assigning it as
the `lifetime` value in the `MongoDB` adapter, ensuring sessions may be deleted.
---  **zend-serializer 2.7.2** - 2016-05-11  -
[#17](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/17) adds and
publishes the documentation to https://zendframework.github.com/zend-serializer/
- [#16](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/16) removes the
dependency on zend-math, making it optional. (This was done as the requirement
is only when using the `PythonPickle` adapter.) -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-serializer/pull/9) fixes the behavior
of the `PhpSerialize` adapter to raise an exception during deserialization if
the value is not serialized, restoring behavior to match the other adapters.
---  **zend-mail 2.7.1** - 2016-05-09  - [#38](https://github.com/zendframework
/zend-mail/pull/38) adds support in the IMAP protocol adapter for fetching items
by UID. - [#88](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/88) adds and
publishes documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-mail/ -
[#9](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/9) fixes the
`Zend\Mail\Header\Sender::fromString()` implementation to more closely follow
the ABNF defined in RFC-5322, specifically to allow addresses in the form
`user@domain` (with no TLD). - [#28](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-
mail/pull/28) and [#87](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/87) fix
header value validation when headers wrap using the sequence `\r\n\t`; prior to
this release, such sequences incorrectly marked a header value invalid. -
[#37](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/37) ensures that empty
lines do not result in PHP errors when consuming messages from a Courier IMAP
server. - [#81](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-mail/pull/81) fixes the
validation in `Zend\Mail\Address` to also DNS hostnames as well as local
addresses.  ---  **zend-psr7bridge 0.2.2** - 2016-05-10  -
[#8](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr8bridge/pull/8) adds and publishes
the documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-psr7bridge/ -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertUploadedFiles()` to ensure that the `tmp_name` is
provided to the `$_FILES` structure from the PSR-7 uploaded files. -
[#7](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-psr7bridge/pull/7) fixes the logic in
`Psr7ServerRequest::convertFilesToUploaded()` to iterate the entire value
provided it, instead of a fictitious `file` key.  ---  **zend-memory 2.5.2** -
2016-05-11  - [#11](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/11) and
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) add and publish the
documentation to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-memory/ -
[#12](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-memory/pull/12) updates the PHP
requirement to allow either 5.5+ or 7.0+, and pins the zend-cache version for
testing to 2.7+.

 postgresql-9.5.3-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-bbabe5bad8)
 PostgreSQL client programs
Update Information:

update to 9.5.3 per release notes:

 pyflakes-1.2.3-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-e38edf8a84)
 A simple program which checks Python source files for errors
Update Information:

Update to 1.2.3, fixes TypeError when processing relative imports

 pyparsing-2.1.3-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-3c5b9e39a1)
 Python package with an object-oriented approach to text processing
Update Information:

Update to the latest stable release. This is a minor update to fix some bugs
that were found after 2.1.1 release and since 2.1.2 fixes were incomplete. The
list of changes since 2.1.1 is:  * Fixed catastrophic regex backtracking in
implementation of the   quoted string expressions (`dblQuotedString`,
`sglQuotedString`, and   `quotedString`); * Fixed bug in `_trim_arity` when
pyparsing code is included in a `PyInstaller`.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1335135 - pyparsing-2.1.3 is available

 pypy3-2.4.0-5.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-5edefacc29)
 Python 3 implementation with a Just-In-Time compiler
Update Information:

Fix FTBFS (#1307889)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1307889 - pypy3: FTBFS in rawhide

 python-OWSLib-0.11.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-c6f0ae718a)
 Client library for OGC web services
Update Information:

No changelog found, sorry!

  [ 1 ] Bug #1336065 - python-OWSLib-0.11.1 is available

 python-acme-0.6.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-61bd9d7875)
 Python library for the ACME protocol
Update Information:

Update python-acme to 0.6.0, add renamed certbot package (formerly letsencrypt)

 python-aiohttp-0.21.6-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-2ff21adc00)
 Python HTTP client/server for asyncio
Update Information:

Update to 0.21.6

 python-blivet-1.20.2-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-1a7f1df025)
 A python module for system storage configuration
Update Information:

Various bugfixes (anaconda); retry umount and log lsof output if failure occurs

  [ 1 ] Bug #1333530 - AttributeError: 'Box' object has no attribute 'get_model'
  [ 2 ] Bug #1327615 - Incorrect subnet mask shown in network spoke
  [ 3 ] Bug #1330300 - Early anaconda errors no longer displayed in tmux 2.2
  [ 4 ] Bug #1331100 - [PATCH] Turn off weak deps. for DNF.

 python-markups-2.0.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-6646cb2ffe)
 A wrapper around various text markups
Update Information:

New upstream version

 python-ripozo-1.3.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-7d8da8b529)
 RESTful API framework with HATEOAS support
Update Information:

RESTful API framework with HATEOAS support

  [ 1 ] Bug #1335878 - Review Request: python-ripozo - RESTful API framework with HATEOAS support

 python-sphinx-theme-alabaster-0.7.8-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-a629151ce5)
 Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
Update Information:

Update to 0.7.8 (#1334952)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1334952 - Update to 0.7.8, branch for EPEL7

 qemu-2.6.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-187d7db4b0)
 QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator
Update Information:

* Rebase to v2.6.0 GA

 qt-virt-manager-0.27.50-3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b01ea95a25)
 Qt Virtual Machine Manager
Update Information:

version 0.27.50 - - Qt5 only

 recoll-1.21.7-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-ecd2fc1534)
 Desktop full text search tool with Qt GUI
Update Information:

Update to latest upstream release to fix a crash in the graphical interface.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1334284 - [abrt] recoll: QObject::disconnect(): recoll killed by SIGSEGV

 retext-6.0.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-6646cb2ffe)
 Text editor for Markdown and reStructuredText
Update Information:

New upstream version

 rpm-mpi-hooks-4-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-a8b2c9433c)
 RPM dependency generator hooks for MPI packages
Update Information:

This update makes rpm-mpi-hooks use the recently introduced MPI_PYTHON3_SITEARCH

  [ 1 ] Bug #1331789 - koji build errors mpi.req: line 32: /usr/bin/python3: No such file or directory

 rubygem-benchmark-ips-2.6.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-1767d8a60b)
 An iterations per second enhancement to Benchmark
Update Information:

New upstream version

  [ 1 ] Bug #1326969 - rubygem-benchmark-ips-2.6.1 is available

 rubygem-review-2.0.0-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-d34db5cae0)
 Flexible document format/conversion system
Update Information:

- Fix rubygem(rubyzip) version required  ----  - Update to 2.0.0 - Fix
rubygem(rubyzip) version required

 sssd-1.13.4-3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-348bd7f138)
 System Security Services Daemon
Update Information:

Resolves: rhbz#1335639 - [abrt] sssd-dbus: ldb_msg_find_element(): sssd_ifp
killed by SIGSEGV

  [ 1 ] Bug #1335639 - [abrt] sssd-dbus: ldb_msg_find_element(): sssd_ifp killed by SIGSEGV

 sudo-1.8.16-3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-5680e43366)
 Allows restricted root access for specified users
Update Information:

* fixed invalid sesh argument array construction

  [ 1 ] Bug #1335401 - Weird sudo issue that seems to be selinux related

 tntnet-2.2.1-10.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-9c70271e53)
 A web application server for web applications
Update Information:

- Added missing-call-to-setgroups-before-setuid.patch - Mark license files as
%%license where available

 tycho-0.25.0-3.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Plugins and extensions for building Eclipse plugins and OSGI bundles with Maven
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 tycho-extras-0.25.0-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-aa301aab71)
 Additional plugins for Tycho
Update Information:

Update to Eclipse Neon. See the upstream new & noteworthy document for the full
list of changes: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/  ---- Additionally,
Eclipse now uses Webkit 2 by default in Fedora for increased stability and
security. Webkit 1 can still be used by setting SWT_WEBKIT2=0 in the
environment.         ----  Enables "discovery" modules of Eclipse Communication
Framework.  ----  Fix the Eclipse PDE Target Platform droplet bundle detection.
Before this change, any bundle from a droplet location (most bundles now) would
not show up as part of the default target platform (generated from existing
eclipse rpm bundles). This should be fixed now, and bundles within droplets
should show up as part of the PDE target platform.  If already using a PDE
target platform, it may be necessary to re-generate it from the 'default' option
to see the changes.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1303912 - drop dependency on WebKit 1 Gtk bindings
  [ 2 ] Bug #1210898 - Eclipse tries to use non-existent Mozilla (xulrunner) browser
  [ 3 ] Bug #1202238 - eclipse: Dropin cache not updated completely

 websvn-2.3.3-13.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-b0419504f4)
 Online subversion repository browser
Update Information:

Fix for CVE-2016-1236.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1333681 - CVE-2016-1236 websvn: XSS vulnerability [fedora-all]

 wordpress-4.5.2-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-d9bd0c4830)
 Blog tool and publishing platform
Update Information:

**WordPress 4.5.2** is now available. This is a security release for all
previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites
immediately.  See the [Release
announcement](https://wordpress.org/news/2016/05/wordpress-4-5-2/)  ---
**Packaging changes**  * provide nginx configuration * drop mandatory dependency
on httpd (only suggested) and mod_php (php-fpm works) * protect php files in
uploads directory

  [ 1 ] Bug #1334205 - CVE-2016-4566 CVE-2016-4567 wordpress: 4.5.2 Security Release

 workrave-1.10.15-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-ead3f62aaa)
 Program that assists in the recovery and prevention of RSI
Update Information:

Update to 1.10.15

  [ 1 ] Bug #1321458 - workrave-v1_10_15 is available

 xorg-x11-drv-intel-2.99.917-23.20160512.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-35bdf456ae)
 Xorg X11 Intel video driver
Update Information:

- Update to 20160512 snapshot - This fixes laptops with switchable graphics
hanging after a dpms off of   the lcd screen (rhbz#1334581) - Fix fd-leak when
falling back to mode-setting on skylake, this fixes   Xorg exiting with a
"drmSetMaster failed" error when not using server   managed fds (e.g. using a
different login manager then gdm) - Fix duplicate binaries in -devel / intel-
gpu-tools subpackages (rhbz#1323641)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1334581 - system lost response after locking screen
  [ 2 ] Bug #1323641 - Duplicate binaries between "xorg-x11-drv-intel-devel" and "intel-gpu-tools" packages

 xplanet-1.3.1-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2016-a32423b311)
 Render a planetary image into an X window
Update Information:

New version 1.3.1 is released.
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