Fedora 22 updates-testing report

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The following Fedora 22 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
 311  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-5878   echoping-6.1-0.beta.r434svn.1.fc22
 260  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-9185   ceph-deploy-1.5.25-1.fc22
 193  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-12781   python-kdcproxy-0.3.2-1.fc22
 147  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-16239   nagios-4.0.8-1.fc22
 141  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-05490fc42d   squid-3.4.13-3.fc22
 136  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-2d37e7dacf   openstack-swift-2.2.0-6.fc22
 105  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-0552500cd7   python-pygments-2.0.2-3.fc22
 105  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-9039c25f1d   miniupnpc-1.9-6.fc22
  87  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-7dfbe09bb4   libpng-1.6.16-4.fc22
  87  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-6c07ab1fa6   libpng-1.6.16-5.fc22
  69  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-3a5cebb105   ImageMagick-
  59  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-6efa349a85   subversion-1.8.15-1.fc22
  54  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-b9e4c97ff1   sos-3.2-2.fc22
  28  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-f683150aa0   thttpd-2.25b-37.fc22
  22  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-1323b9078a   bind99-9.9.8-2.P3.fc22
  22  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-34bc10a2c8   ntp-4.2.6p5-36.fc22
  16  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-7b9a2fe987   ecryptfs-utils-109-1.fc22
  16  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-4c57c232c0   xulrunner-44.0-1.fc22
   9  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-3cc13611f4   asterisk-13.7.1-1.fc22
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-5a141de5d9   mingw-curl-7.47.0-1.fc22
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-43735c33a7   mingw-libpng-1.6.21-1.fc22
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-a9ee80b01d   mingw-libxml2-2.9.3-1.fc22
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-f59a8ff5d0   mingw-pcre-8.38-1.fc22
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-0480defc94   glibc-2.21-10.fc22
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-3d1183830b   php-horde-horde-5.2.9-1.fc22
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-560802e52b   xdelta-3.0.7-7.fc22
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-8ee88aee21   nettle-2.7.1-6.fc22
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-0b3a611401   poco-1.4.2p1-3.fc22
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-2302ed02a7   kscreenlocker-5.5.4-3.fc22
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-3a2606f993   rubygem-rails-html-sanitizer-1.0.1-2.fc22
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-cb30088b06   rubygem-activesupport-4.2.0-4.fc22
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-fa0dec2360   rubygem-actionview-4.2.0-3.fc22
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-94e71ee673   rubygem-activemodel-4.2.0-2.fc22 rubygem-actionpack-4.2.0-3.fc22
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-73fe05d878   rubygem-activerecord-4.2.0-2.fc22
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-8925b6119f   nodejs-0.10.42-4.fc22
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-4d00dca15a   python-pillow-2.8.2-4.fc22
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-b0c2412ab2   postgresql-9.4.6-1.fc22
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-3d9efe44d8   nghttp2-1.7.1-1.fc22
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-49bf88cd29   GraphicsMagick-1.3.23-1.fc22 gdl-0.9.5-10.fc22 octave-3.8.2-19.fc22 vdr-skinenigmang-0.1.2-27.fc22 vdr-skinnopacity-1.1.3-9.fc22 vdr-tvguide-1.2.2-9.fc22
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-0609474cf6   389-ds-base-
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-5cb344dd7e   community-mysql-5.6.29-1.fc22
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-e21be93421   gummi-0.6.6-1.fc22

The following Fedora 22 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
 Age URL
 186  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-13210   yum-3.4.3-508.fc22
 105  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-2123de044f   libgphoto2-2.5.8-1.fc22
 101  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-48f718ed1b   vim-7.4.909-1.fc22
  87  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-6c07ab1fa6   libpng-1.6.16-5.fc22
  87  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-7dfbe09bb4   libpng-1.6.16-4.fc22
  41  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-46b611abb8   httpd-2.4.18-1.fc22
  26  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-825869e1a4   selinux-policy-3.13.1-128.25.fc22
  17  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-6427e041df   libgdata-0.17.4-2.fc22
  16  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-4c57c232c0   xulrunner-44.0-1.fc22
  13  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-21424484be   pixman-0.34.0-1.fc22
  13  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-16a5625f33   kernel-4.3.5-200.fc22
  11  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-d5fbc3b7eb   gnutls-3.3.21-1.fc22
  11  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-d3fce30d64   mobile-broadband-provider-info-1.20151214-1.fc22
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-0480defc94   glibc-2.21-10.fc22
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-1ec4dabbd5   pcre-8.38-2.fc22
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-0a3cd0a405   enca-1.18-1.fc22
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-2f0441bc7b   nss-softokn-3.22.0-1.0.fc22 nss-util-3.22.0-1.0.fc22 nss-3.22.0-1.0.fc22 nspr-4.11.0-1.fc22
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d   kf5-kcrash-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-knewstuff-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kpackage-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kglobalaccel-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-attica-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kcompletion-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kconfig-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kfilemetadata-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kidletime-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kactivities-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kservice-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kplotting-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kapidox-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-bluez-qt-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-threadweaver-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kitemviews-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-karchive-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-ktextwidgets-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kpty-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kitemmodels-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-solid-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kdoctools-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-ktexteditor-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-sonnet-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kjobwidgets-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kxmlrpcclient-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kio-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kdeclarative-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-ki18n-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-networkmanager-qt-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-frameworkintegration-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kparts-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kjs-5.19
 2 kf5-kwidgetsaddons-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kpeople-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kcodecs-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kmediaplayer-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kxmlgui-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kconfigwidgets-5.19.0-1.fc22 oxygen-icon-theme-5.19.0-1.fc22 breeze-icon-theme-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kguiaddons-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kwallet-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kwindowsystem-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kdesu-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kded-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-khtml-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kdewebkit-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kdelibs4support-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-krunner-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-baloo-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kbookmarks-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kunitconversion-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kdbusaddons-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kinit-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kiconthemes-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kcmutils-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-knotifyconfig-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kross-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kcoreaddons-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kauth-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-modemmanager-qt-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-plasma-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kdesignerplugin-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kimageformats-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kdnssd-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kjsembed-5.19.0-1.fc22
 make-modules-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-kemoticons-5.19.0-1.fc22 kf5-knotifications-5.19.0-1.fc22
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-04b6975be9   systemd-219-28.fc22

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 22 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 389-ds-base- (FEDORA-2016-0609474cf6)
 389 Directory Server (base)
Update Information:


  [ 1 ] Bug #1299417 - CVE-2016-0741 389-ds-base: Worker threads do not detect abnormally closed connections causing DoS [fedora-all]

 GraphicsMagick-1.3.23-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-49bf88cd29)
 An ImageMagick fork, offering faster image generation and better quality
Update Information:

Security fix for CVE-2015-8808

  [ 1 ] Bug #1305505 - CVE-2015-8808 GraphicsMagick: out-of-bound read in the parsing of GIF files

 MUMPS-5.0.1-12.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-8a8742a688)
 A MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver
Update Information:

- Added linker flags to fix unused-direct-shlib-dependency

 R-highlight-0.4.7-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-b3d572c4db)
 R Syntax Highlighter
Update Information:

New packages.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1305334 - Review Request: R-inline - Functions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R
  [ 2 ] Bug #1305333 - Review Request: R-highlight - R Syntax Highlighter

 R-inline-0.3.14-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-b3d572c4db)
 Functions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R
Update Information:

New packages.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1305334 - Review Request: R-inline - Functions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R
  [ 2 ] Bug #1305333 - Review Request: R-highlight - R Syntax Highlighter

 banshee-2.6.2-15.fc22.1 (FEDORA-2016-a119794020)
 Easily import, manage, and play selections from your music collection
Update Information:

Fix sqlite hinting to detect sqlite 3.8.10.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1161844 - huge slowdown in banshee with sqlite 3.8.7-1.fc21
  [ 2 ] Bug #1299573 - Banshee hangs on launch, process "Main Thread" uses 100% CPU

 breeze-icon-theme-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 Breeze icon theme
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 ccsm-0.8.12-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 Plugin and configuration tool - Compiz Fusion Project
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 ciphertest-0.2.2-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-0452b5d020)
 An SSL cipher checker
Update Information:

Update to latest upstream version 0.2.2

 community-mysql-5.6.29-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-5cb344dd7e)
 MySQL client programs and shared libraries
Update Information:

This is an update to 5.6.29 that delivers also all fixes for CVE-2015-4766,
CVE-2015-4791, CVE-2015-4792, CVE-2015-4800, CVE-2015-4802, CVE-2015-4807,
CVE-2015-4815, CVE-2015-4819, CVE-2015-4826, CVE-2015-4830, CVE-2015-4833,
CVE-2015-4836, CVE-2015-4858, CVE-2015-4861, CVE-2015-4862, CVE-2015-4864,
CVE-2015-4866, CVE-2015-4870, CVE-2015-4879, CVE-2015-4890, CVE-2015-4895,
CVE-2015-4904, CVE-2015-4905, CVE-2015-4910, CVE-2015-4913,  CVE-2015-7744,
CVE-2016-0502, CVE-2016-0503, CVE-2016-0504, CVE-2016-0505, CVE-2016-0546,
CVE-2016-0594, CVE-2016-0595, CVE-2016-0596, CVE-2016-0597, CVE-2016-0598,
CVE-2016-0599, CVE-2016-0600, CVE-2016-0601, CVE-2016-0605, CVE-2016-0606,
CVE-2016-0607, CVE-2016-0608, CVE-2016-0609, CVE-2016-0610, CVE-2016-0611,
CVE-2016-0616 (some of them were fixed in previous update already).

  [ 1 ] Bug #1301517 - community-mysql: various flaws [fedora-all]
  [ 2 ] Bug #1276223 - community-mysql: various flaws [fedora-all]
  [ 3 ] Bug #1267776 - community-mysql-5.6.27 is available

 compiz-0.8.12-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 OpenGL window and compositing manager
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 compiz-bcop-0.8.12-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 Compiz option code generator
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.12-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 Additional Compiz Fusion plugins for Compiz
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 compiz-plugins-main-0.8.12-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 Collection of Compiz Fusion plugins for Compiz
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 compiz-plugins-unsupported-0.8.12-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 Additional plugins for Compiz
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 compizconfig-python-0.8.12-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 Python bindings for the Compiz Configuration System
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 dvdisaster-0.79.5-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-58ebf6d3ef)
 Additional error protection for CD/DVD media
Update Information:

Update to 0.79.5

 emerald-0.8.12-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 Themeable window decorator and compositing manager for Compiz
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 emerald-themes-0.8.12-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 Themes for Emerald, a window decorator for Compiz Fusion
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 estonianidcard-3.12.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-ce64ce02e8)
 Meta-package for Estonian ID-card software
Update Information:

Bump version number

 extra-cmake-modules-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 Additional modules for CMake build system
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 fusion-icon-0.2.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 Compiz Fusion panel applet
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 gdal-1.11.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-ac31c49ec3)
 GIS file format library
Update Information:

* https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/1.11.4-News  This release also
contains a fix avoiding a crash when using Spatialite:  *
https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/6360 * http://hub.qgis.org/issues/14123

 gdl-0.9.5-10.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-49bf88cd29)
 GNU Data Language
Update Information:

Security fix for CVE-2015-8808

  [ 1 ] Bug #1305505 - CVE-2015-8808 GraphicsMagick: out-of-bound read in the parsing of GIF files

 gummi-0.6.6-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-e21be93421)
 A simple LaTeX editor
Update Information:

Fix CVE-2015-7758 (rhbz#1270816, rhbz#1270816)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1270816 - CVE-2015-7758 gummi: Use of predictable filenames in /tmp

 hgsubversion-1.8.5-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-e41af91a8c)
 Mercurial extension for working with Subversion repositories
Update Information:

[1.8.5 updates](https://bitbucket.org/durin42/hgsubversion/branches/compare/1.8.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1306895 - hgsubversion-1.8.5 is available

 kf5-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 Filesystem and RPM macros for KDE Frameworks 5
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-attica-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks Tier 1 Addon with Open Collaboration Services API
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-baloo-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 A Tier 3 KDE Frameworks 5 module that provides indexing and search functionality
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-bluez-qt-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 A Qt wrapper for Bluez
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-frameworkintegration-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 4 workspace and cross-framework integration plugins
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kactivities-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 A KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 to organize user work into separate activities
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kapidox-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 4 scripts and data for building API documentation
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-karchive-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with archive functions
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kauth-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 integration module to perform actions as privileged user
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kbookmarks-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon for bookmarks manipulation
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kcmutils-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon with extra API to write KConfigModules
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kcodecs-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with string manipulation methods
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kcompletion-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon with auto completion widgets and classes
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kconfig-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with advanced configuration system
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kconfigwidgets-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon for creating configuration dialogs
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kcoreaddons-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtCore
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kcrash-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon for handling application crashes
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kdbusaddons-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtDBus
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kdeclarative-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon for Qt declarative
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kded-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon with extensible daemon for system-level services
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kdelibs4support-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 4 module with porting aid from KDELibs 4
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kdesignerplugin-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration module for Qt Designer
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kdesu-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration with su
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kdewebkit-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration module for QtWebKit
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kdnssd-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 integration module for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kdoctools-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon for generating documentation
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kemoticons-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 module with support for emoticons and emoticons themes
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kfilemetadata-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 A Tier 2 KDE Framework for extracting file metadata
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kglobalaccel-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration module for global shortcuts
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kguiaddons-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtGui
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-khtml-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 4 solution with KHTML, a HTML rendering engine
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-ki18n-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon for localization
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kiconthemes-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration module with icon themes
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kidletime-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 integration module for idle time detection
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kimageformats-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with additional image plugins for QtGui
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kinit-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 tier 3 solution for process launching
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kio-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for filesystem abstraction
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kitemmodels-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with item models
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kitemviews-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with item views
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kjobwidgets-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon for KJobs
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kjs-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 functional module with JavaScript interpreter
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kjsembed-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon for binding JS objects to QObjects
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kmediaplayer-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 module with interface for media player features
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-knewstuff-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 module for downloading application assets
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-knotifications-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 solution with abstraction for system notifications
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-knotifyconfig-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 module for KNotify configuration
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kpackage-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 library to load and install packages as plugins
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kparts-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for KParts
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kpeople-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 library for contact and people aggregation
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kplotting-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon for plotting
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kpty-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 module providing Pty abstraction
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kross-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for multi-language application scripting
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-krunner-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution with parallelized query system
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kservice-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for advanced plugin and service introspection
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-ktexteditor-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 with advanced embeddable text editor
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-ktextwidgets-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon with advanced text editing widgets
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kunitconversion-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon for unit conversions
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kwallet-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for password management
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kwidgetsaddons-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtWidgets
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kwindowsystem-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 integration module with classes for windows management
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kxmlgui-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for user-configurable main windows
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-kxmlrpcclient-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 library for interaction with XML RPC services
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-modemmanager-qt-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 A Tier 1 KDE Frameworks module wrapping ModemManager DBus API
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-networkmanager-qt-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 A Tier 1 KDE Frameworks 5 module that wraps NetworkManager DBus API
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-plasma-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 framework is foundation to build a primary user interface
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-solid-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 integration module that provides hardware information
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-sonnet-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 solution for spell checking
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 kf5-threadweaver-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon for advanced thread management
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 libbson-1.3.1-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-522cb996e2)
 Building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents
Update Information:

This package provides a library that implements serialization and
deserialization of BSON documents.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1208101 - Review Request: libbson - Building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents

 libcompizconfig-0.8.12-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-61678189ad)
 Configuration back end for compiz
Update Information:

compi-bcop  - update to 0.8.12 release  compiz  - update to 0.8.12 - Move mate-
window-decorator.py into gtk-window-decorator. - Add an optional libcompizconfig
build dependency that makes it so - gtk-window-decorator honors ccsm shadow
settings and MATE or - GNOME Flashback cursor theme settings. - changes with
annotate plugin - Fix Desktop Wall settings of arrow and gradient thumbs colors.
- implement native GSettings lookup for gwd  libcompizconfig  - update to 0.8.12
release  emerald  - update to 0.8.12 release - Fix resize glitches on some
GPU's. - Fix wrong size of button tooltips when hovering from one to another.
compizconfig-python  - update to 0.8.12 release - Set minimal Python required
version to 2.7.x. - Use Cython instead of Pyrex.  compiz-plugins-main  - update
to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Resize info, Ring switcher,
- Scale addon, Shift switcher, and Thumbnail plugins.  compiz-plugins-extra  -
update to 0.8.12 release - Add font family configuration in Group/Tab (Tabbar
font), and - Scale title filter plugins.  compiz-plugins-unsupported  - update
to 0.8.12 release - use tarball from new project compiz-plugins-experimental
ccsm  - update to 0.8.12 release  emerald-themes  - update to 0.8.12 release
fusion-icon  - update to 0.2.0 release

 libdigidoc-3.10.2-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1efaa1234a)
 Library for handling digitally signed documents
Update Information:

New upstream release

 libdigidocpp-3.12.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-178bd42f11)
 Library for creating and validating BDoc and DDoc containers
Update Information:

New upstream release

 libguestfs-1.30.6-2.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c491f221e5)
 Access and modify virtual machine disk images
Update Information:

Fix failure when disk contains LV with activationskip=yes

  [ 1 ] Bug #1306666 - Failure when disk contains an LV with activationskip=y

 mingw-libzip-1.1.1-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-85c9988d16)
 C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
Update Information:

Update to version 1.1.1, see http://www.nih.at/libzip/NEWS.html for details, and
fix pkg-config file.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1307202 - package config file (/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/pkgconfig/libzip.pc) missing paths

 nghttp2-1.7.1-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-3d9efe44d8)
 Experimental HTTP/2 client, server and proxy
Update Information:

CVE-2016-1544: Out of memory in nghttpd, nghttp, and libnghttp2_asio
applications due to unlimited incoming HTTP header fields:

 octave-3.8.2-19.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-49bf88cd29)
 A high-level language for numerical computations
Update Information:

Security fix for CVE-2015-8808

  [ 1 ] Bug #1305505 - CVE-2015-8808 GraphicsMagick: out-of-bound read in the parsing of GIF files

 openprops-0.7.1-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-fc971acef9)
 An improved java.util.Properties from OpenJDK
Update Information:

- Upstream update to 0.7.1

 osbs-client-0.17-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-e8d1dcdc43)
 Python command line client for OpenShift Build Service
Update Information:

New upstream release.

 oxygen-icon-theme-5.19.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c865c44c3d)
 Oxygen icon theme
Update Information:

KDE Frameworks 5.19

 perl-Parallel-Prefork-0.18-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-e644e472d3)
 Simple prefork server framework
Update Information:


 perl-Regexp-Common-2016020301-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-826d267a65)
 Regexp::Common Perl module
Update Information:


 perl-Text-Levenshtein-Damerau-XS-3.1-2.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-582be1350c)
 XS Damerau Levenshtein edit distance
Update Information:

3.1 Wed Jan 27 13:48:56  - Better maxDistance short circuiting - Fix a possible
read-past-by-1 loop memory problem pointed out (reported by Karl Williamson)
3.0 Fri Jun 01 22:29:17  - maxDistance incorrect results patched with non-
optimal solution - some XS API changes to try and pass weird OpenBSD failures
2.9  Wed May 22 14:39:31 2013  - Hacked in fix for maxDistance, needs to be
redone optimally    2.8  Fri Jan 25 10:41:04 2013  - Removed unused function
causing problems on certain windows builds.   2.7  Wed Jan 23 10:52:38 2013  -
Fixed memory leak from alloca->malloc switch   2.6  Sat Jan 19 12:09:57 2013  -
Changed alloca to malloc for source/target strings

  [ 1 ] Bug #1308272 - perl-Text-Levenshtein-Damerau-XS: additional builds

 php-horde-kronolith-4.2.14-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c7e9e78b02)
 A web based calendar
Update Information:

**Kronolith 4.2.14**  * [mjr] Fix issue deleting and closing event dialog during
event deletion. * [mjr] Honor the SCHEDULE-AGENT attribute during CalDAV import.
----  **Kronolith 4.2.13**  * [mjr] Add missing EAS ghosted property support for
all EAS versions. Prevents potential loss of event data during synchronization.
**Kronolith 4.2.12**  * [mjr] Fix missing truncated event description when using
ActiveSync. * [jan] Fix week number in basic view if week starts on Sundays. *
[mjr] Fix issue where new event could be created with exceptions from previously
edited event. * [jan] Mark preferences only available in basic mode. * [jan] Use
access rules compatible with both Apache 2.2 and 2.4. * [jan] Fix accidental
deletion of events if importing recurring events without a UID attribute (Bug
#14208). * [mjr] Honor confirm_delete preference in dynamic view (Bug #14188). *
[mjr] Correctly deal with cancelled meetings via ActiveSync. * [mjr] Fix
visibility of alarm titles when alarm is generated via CLI (Bug #14154). * [mjr]
Fix display of embed code by adding the full url.

 php-pecl-event-1.11.3-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-ee051d6148)
 Provides interface to libevent library
Update Information:

**Version 1.11.3**  * Issue #20: SSL_GET_PREV_SESSION:session id context
uninitialized  ---  **Version 1.11.2**  * Issue #6: memory leaks in EventHttp
callbacks. * EventBufferEvent object returned by
EventHttpRequest::getBufferEvent() should be freed explicitly, if the method is
called from a userspace callback.

 php-phpunit-PHPUnit-4.8.23-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-ea64b620c4)
 The PHP Unit Testing framework
Update Information:

**Version 4.8.23** - 2016-02-11    *   Fixed #2072: Paths in XML configuration
file were not handled correctly when they have whitespace around them

 qdigidoc-3.12.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-25817f7fcb)
 Estonian digital signature application
Update Information:

New upstream release

 qesteidutil-3.12.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-fe77a07d34)
 Estonian ID card utility
Update Information:

New upstream release

 saxon- (FEDORA-2016-ca728733be)
 Java XPath, XSLT 2.0 and XQuery implementation
Update Information:

- Upstream update to 9.4.0-9 - Remove Source7: saxon-{version}.pom, use here-
document to generate it.

 sipp-3.5.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-2040001ad6)
 SIP test tool / traffic generator
Update Information:

* Ver. 3.5.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1306382 - epel7 sipp-3.4.1 FTBFS on aarch64

 systemd-219-28.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-04b6975be9)
 A System and Service Manager
Update Information:

* rhbz#1244057 various fixes in kernel-install

  [ 1 ] Bug #1244057 - SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/kexec from 'read' accesses on the file /boot/vmlinuz-4.2.0-0.rc0.git1.1.local.fc23.x86_64.

 tracker-1.4.2-2.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-25226c74b8)
 Desktop-neutral search tool and indexer
Update Information:

Fix executable bits on compat scripts (#1214362)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1214362 - cannot execute /usr/bin/tracker-control

 vdr-skinenigmang-0.1.2-27.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-49bf88cd29)
 A skin for VDR based on the Enigma text2skin add on
Update Information:

Security fix for CVE-2015-8808

  [ 1 ] Bug #1305505 - CVE-2015-8808 GraphicsMagick: out-of-bound read in the parsing of GIF files

 vdr-skinnopacity-1.1.3-9.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-49bf88cd29)
 A highly customizable native true color skin for the Video Disc Recorder
Update Information:

Security fix for CVE-2015-8808

  [ 1 ] Bug #1305505 - CVE-2015-8808 GraphicsMagick: out-of-bound read in the parsing of GIF files

 vdr-tvguide-1.2.2-9.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-49bf88cd29)
 TvGuide is a highly customizable 2D EPG viewer plugin
Update Information:

Security fix for CVE-2015-8808

  [ 1 ] Bug #1305505 - CVE-2015-8808 GraphicsMagick: out-of-bound read in the parsing of GIF files

 xrootd-4.2.3-5.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-e36f58f3d3)
 Extended ROOT file server
Update Information:

- Use upstream's patch for the pthread segfault - Backport fixes for gcc 6 from

  [ 1 ] Bug #1308258 - xrootd: FTBFS in rawhide
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