Re: Rpmfusion for F23 Beta TC1 Workstation

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Dne 28.8.2015 v 16:03 Dario Lesca napsal(a):
Il giorno ven, 28/08/2015 alle 14.57 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
Il giorno ven, 28/08/2015 alle 14.52 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
Is Rpmfusion ready for F23 Beta TC1?
How to install and use it?
I have download an install this rpm from Rpmfusion:
This rpm do not install the correct repo.

The sessions [rpmfusion-(non)free-rawhide] are disable
and enable the other sessions [rpmfusion-(non)free] and [rpmfusion

Then, dnf try download package from mirror like "(non)free-fedora-23".

If I disable mirror and set one manually, for example this:


the path ...-23 do not exist.

Is this correct?

I must change something in rpmfusion*.repo files?

As said in my previous email - I always manually set to the largest available 
version - which is ATM 22 - i.e.:$basearch/os/


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