This is being post to remixes, test and devel since people on test and devel
may not ordinarily be involved with remixes, but might want to comment.
Replies have been pointed back to the remixes list (hopefully won't be
munged) and you probably should join remixes temporarily if you want to
follow this thread.
In yesterday's QA meeting bug was nominated as an f23
final blocker. The group wasn't sure of the impact this would have on
remixes if it wasn't fixed before the release, so it was resolved to
reject blocker status for now (and the bug was fixed today, so this is moot)
and start a discussion with remix representatives.
In this particular bug, it wouldn't have been possible to install anaconda
and generic-release together on the same image. That might not actually
effect many remixes. The other big question is, would fixing generic-release
after the f23 release instead of blocking the release work for remixes. Do
remixes generally use just the release versions of packages or do they pick
up updates as well?
The release criteria that was proposed that the bug violated the spirit of,
but not the letter of is:
Release identification
A fedora-release package containing the correct names, information and
repository configuration for a final Fedora release must be present on
release-blocking images and the appropriately versioned generic-release
package must be available in the release repository.
It was thought that for bug 1224561 to be considered a release blocker,
the above criteria would need to have been expanded to include some
functional criteria for generic-release beyond it just be present,
So what we are looking for is feedback from people doing remixes about
what they really need and when they need it?
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