Upgrade seems to went OK. Now, unable to reach runlevel 3 or text-mode.
Reboot after upgrade is failing with message: [FAILED] Failed to start
import network configuration from initramfs. See "systemctl status
fedora-import-state.service" for details.
Reading file 'fedora-import-state.service' shows comment and commands:
#copy state into root; cd /run/initramfs/state;find . -mindepth 1
-maxdepth 1 -exec cp -av -t / {} \;
Problem here is, the directory tree /run/initramfs/state does not any
contain files. Meaning, directory:
/run/initramfs/state/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts is empty. Therefore,
nothing is being copied and the working network-scripts are not being
called, so, the system can't enter runlevel 3. ALL network dependencies
are failing.
It appears during upgrade the fc20 working
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts were never copied to
/run/initramfs/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory.
Can someone direct me to scripts or command that suppose to build
/run/initramfs state files?
Thanks in advance
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