Sorry for not having risen more data. First, abrt not report the
failure when it occurs, it may be because the program is not java and c
++ (not know). Arduino version that is currently in the repositories
for Fedora rawhide 22, is the 1.0.5-8 fedora 21 fedora worked fine in
21. The version of java is the repository java-1.8.0-openjdk version
1.8. 0.40-19.b12. With this configuration does not work.
For now the only way that works is getting off from the Arduino page
vesion 1.6 ide getting off the
Linux version 64.
Once downloaded, unzip it and put it in the home folder. Then I add a
dash of gnome launcher to add a new file called arduino.desktop edited
by me with the following content:
[Desktop Entry]
Encoding = UTF-8
Name = Arduino 1.6
Exec = / home / michael / arduino-1.6.0 / arduino
Icon = / home / michael / arduino-1.6.0 / lib / arduino_icon.ico Type =
Categories = Electronics;
Works fine.
--- Begin Message ---
This is my error I cant run arduino in F22 branched ( rawhide???)
bash-4.3$ arduino
Error: no se ha encontrado o cargado la clase principal ''
ABRT problem creation: 'success'
--- End Message ---
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