Fedora 20 updates-testing report

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The following Fedora 20 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
  94  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-11969/krb5-1.11.5-16.fc20
  46  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-15371/rubygem-actionpack-4.0.0-5.fc20
  45  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-15489/rubygem-sprockets-2.8.2-5.fc20
  32  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-16250/cpio-2.11-28.fc20
  24  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-16494/mutt-1.5.23-4.fc20
  22  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-16845/resteasy-3.0.6-3.fc20
  22  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-16825/asterisk-11.14.2-1.fc20
  22  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-16869/docker-io-1.4.0-1.fc20
  22  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-16932/libhtp-0.5.6-2.fc20
  21  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-16964/mpfr-3.1.2-5.fc20
  18  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-16530/nss-util-3.17.3-1.fc20,nss-3.17.3-2.fc20,nss-softokn-3.17.3-1.fc20
  18  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-17153/httpd-2.4.10-2.fc20
  16  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-16349/jasper-1.900.1-27.fc20
  16  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-17272/ca-certificates-2014.2.2-1.0.fc20
  15  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-17415/thermostat-1.0.6-1.fc20
  14  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-17089/aeskulap-0.2.2-0.20beta1.fc20,orthanc-0.8.5-2.fc20,dcmtk-3.6.1-1.fc20
  14  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-17461/roundcubemail-1.0.4-2.fc20
  11  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-17559/mapserver-6.2.2-1.fc20
   8  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-17641/dokuwiki-0-0.23.20140929b.fc20
   1  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-0072/drupal6-flag-2.1-3.fc20

The following Fedora 20 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
 Age URL
   4  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-17748/kdelibs-4.14.3-8.fc20
   1  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-0082/btrfs-progs-3.18-1.fc20
   1  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-0069/gawk-4.1.0-4.fc20
   1  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-0086/perl-Filter-1.53-1.fc20
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-0173/vdpauinfo-0.9-0.1.fc20,libvdpau-0.9-1.fc20
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-0177/llvm-3.4-12.fc20

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 20 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 GeographicLib-1.40-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0176)
 Library for geographic coordinate transformations
Update Information:

Update to release 1.40.  For full changelog, see http://geographiclib.sourceforge.net/html/changes.html

* Fri Jan  2 2015 Rich Mattes <richmattes@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.40-1
- Update to release 1.40

 dillo- (FEDORA-2015-0132)
 Very small and fast GUI web browser
Update Information:

This release brings fixes for:\r\n\r\n * linking with the new fltk-1.3.3.\r\n * making sure that windows are resizable with fltk-1.3.3.\r\n * not to load background images or permit redirection in --local mode.\r\n * a crash when searching from the address bar and no search urls are found in dillorc.

* Mon Dec 29 2014 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- version upgrade (rhbz#1177439)
* Sat Aug 16 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.4-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.4-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #1177439 - dillo- is available

 drupal7-path_breadcrumbs-3.1-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0135)
 Allows creation of custom breadcrumbs for any page using contexts
Update Information:

## 7.x-3.1\r\n\r\n* by Spleshka: Removed static caching from path_breadcrumbs_load_all(), because it is already implemented in ctools_export_load_object().\r\n* Issue #2354497 by perusio, Spleshka: Checking if translatable property of object exists.\r\n* Issue #1893878 by OnkelTem: Use $language_url just like l() does.\r\n* by kalabro: Show error message if user inputs path alias.\r\n* Issue #2394337 by ekes: Restrict some percent-encoded sequences in path tokens.\r\n\r\n## 7.x-3.0\r\n\r\n* **API change**: hook_path_breadcrumbs_view_alter() is now called for both cached and uncached items. Use object property from_cache to check if Path Breadcrumbs item was loaded from cache.\r\n* Issue #2246181: Caching enhancements — Empty results are now cached to prevent heavy variant lookup process.\r\n* Issue #2261911: Also clone translations — When cloning translatable Path Breadcrumbs item, clone its translations too.\r\n* Issue #2290447: Hide breadcrumbs on user/password — Allow to create empty PB items.

* Sun Jan  4 2015 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1-1
- Updated to 3.1 (BZ #1178332)
- %license usage
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0-0.9.rc2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #1178332 - drupal7-path_breadcrumbs-3.1 is available

 gimagereader-3.0.1-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0163)
 A front-end to tesseract-ocr
Update Information:

Update to version 3.0.1, see https://github.com/manisandro/gImageReader/releases/tag/v3.0.1 for details.

* Sun Jan  4 2015 Sandro Mani <manisandro@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.1-1
- Update to 3.0.1.

 libotr-4.1.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0117)
 Off-The-Record Messaging library and toolkit
Update Information:

Updated to 4.1.0 (minor security enhancements, fragmentation bugfixes)

* Tue Oct 21 2014 Paul Wouters <pwouters@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.1.0-1
- Updated to 4.1.0 (minor security enhancements, fragmentation bugfixes)
* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-5
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Mar 12 2014 Paul Wouters <pwouters@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-3
- Added four git fixes, of which two were crashers
* Wed Aug 21 2013 Paul Wouters <pwouters@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-2
- Conflict libotr-devel with libotr3-devel (rhbz#998382)

 libvdpau-0.9-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0173)
 Wrapper library for the Video Decode and Presentation API
Update Information:


* Fri Dec 19 2014 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.9-1
- Update to 0.9
* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.8-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jul  3 2014 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.8-1
- Update to 0.8
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

 llvm-3.4-12.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0177)
 The Low Level Virtual Machine
Update Information:

Fix for LLDB.

* Fri Jan  2 2015 Dave Johansen <davejohansen@xxxxxxxxx> 3.4-12
- Fix for LLDB
* Fri Dec 26 2014 Jan Vcelak <jvcelak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3.4-11
- clang-analyzer: fix insecure temporary file handling (CVE-2014-2893)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1104192 - [PATCH] [abrt] qt-creator: lldbbridge.py:73:<module>:ImportError: No module named lldb

 mingw-angleproject-0-0.11.git.30d6c2.20141113.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Mon Dec 29 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0-0.11.git.30d6c2.20141113
- Update to 20141113 snapshot (git revision 30d6c2)
- Include all patches which were used by the Qt5 fork
- Reverted some recent commits as they break mingw-qt5-qtwebkit 5.4
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0-0.10.svn2215.20130517
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-harfbuzz-0.9.37-2.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 MinGW Windows Harfbuzz library
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Wed Dec 31 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.37-2
- Added Requires: mingw{32,64}-glib2-static tags to the -static subpackages
* Wed Dec 31 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.37-1
- Update to 0.9.37
* Sat Nov 15 2014 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.34-1
- Update to 0.9.34
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.28-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtbase-5.4.0-3.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtBase component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Wed Dec 31 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-3
- Added some more Requires tags to the -static subpackages
* Wed Dec 31 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-2
- Added various Requires tags to the -static subpackages
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0
- Thanks to Philip A Reimer (ArchLinux MinGW maintainer)
  for rebasing the ANGLE patches
- Use external harfbuzz library (unfortunately this also introduces
  additional runtime dependencies on mingw-freetype, mingw-bzip2,
  mingw-glib2 and mingw-gettext)
* Thu Dec  4 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.3.2-2
- Rebuild against gcc 4.9.2 (to fix paths mentioned in mkspecs/qconfig.pri)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtDeclarative component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Mon Dec 29 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0
- Added -static subpackages (RHBZ #1123776)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtgraphicaleffects-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtGraphicalEffects component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Thu Jan  1 2015 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtimageformats-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtImageFormats component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Thu Jan  1 2015 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtlocation-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtLocation component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Tue Dec 30 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtmultimedia-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtMultimedia component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Tue Dec 30 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtquick1-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtQuick1 component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Thu Jan  1 2015 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0
- Added BR: mingw{32,64}-qt5-qtwebkit

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtscript-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtScript component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Thu Jan  1 2015 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtsensors-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtSensors component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Tue Dec 30 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtsvg-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtSvg component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Thu Jan  1 2015 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qttools-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtTools component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Mon Dec 29 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qttranslations-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtTranslations component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Thu Jan  1 2015 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtwebkit-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtWebKit component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

* Mon Dec 29 2014 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.4.0-1
- Update to 5.4.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mingw-qt5-qtwinextras-5.4.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0114)
 Qt5 for Windows - QtWinExtras component
Update Information:

Update to Qt 5.4 and added -static subpackages for mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative

  [ 1 ] Bug #1123776 - mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-static is missing

 mmg3d-4.0.1-4.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0147)
 Anisotropic Tetrahedral Remesher / Moving Mesh Generator
Update Information:

This update is just a rebuild with some spec file changes.

* Sat Jan  3 2015 Sandro Mani <manisandro@xxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.1-4
- Pass soname from spec
- Merge patches together
* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.1-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild

 myrepos-1.20141024-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0170)
 A multiple SCM repository management tool
Update Information:

Update to new upstream version 1.20141024

* Sun Jan  4 2015 Fabian Affolter <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.20141024-1
- Update to new upstream version 1.20141024

 php-Monolog-1.12.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0142)
 Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
Update Information:

### 1.12.0 (2014-12-29)\r\n\r\n* Break: HandlerInterface::isHandling now receives a partial record containing only a level key. This was always the intent and does not break any Monolog handler but is strictly speaking a BC break and you should check if you relied on any other field in your own handlers.\r\n* Added PsrHandler to forward records to another PSR-3 logger\r\n* Added SamplingHandler to wrap around a handler and include only every Nth record\r\n* Added MongoDBFormatter to support better storage with MongoDBHandler (it must be enabled manually for now)\r\n* Added exception codes in the output of most formatters\r\n* Added LineFormatter::includeStacktraces to enable exception stack traces in logs (uses more than one line)\r\n* Added $useShortAttachment to SlackHandler to minify attachment size and $includeExtra to append extra data\r\n* Added $host to HipChatHandler for users of private instances\r\n* Added $transactionName to NewRelicHandler and support for a transaction_name context value\r\n* Fixed MandrillHandler to avoid outputing API call responses\r\n* Fixed some non-standard behaviors in SyslogUdpHandler

* Sun Jan  4 2015 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.12.0-1
- Updated to 1.12.0 (BZ #1178410)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1178410 - php-Monolog-1.12.0 is available

 php-opencloud-1.12.1-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0133)
 PHP SDK for OpenStack/Rackspace APIs
Update Information:

## v1.12.1\r\n\r\n### Object Store\r\n\r\n* Bug fix: Fix issue with not being able to delete empty containers (#490 — bug reported and fixed by @joshrencher)\r\n\r\n### Common\r\n\r\n* Bug fix: Fix breaking change introduced during version negotation (#492 — bug reported by @JeroenVanOort)\r\n* Typo fixes in documentation (#489 — added by @vlajos)\r\n\r\n## v1.12.0\r\n\r\n### Networking\r\n\r\n* Full support for OpenStack Networking service (#444, #448, #465)\r\n* Typo fixes in documentation (#475, #476)\r\n* Standardizing code samples (#470)\r\n\r\n### Object Storage\r\n\r\n* Improve bulk delete algorithm (#478)\r\n* Refactoring delete container operation to make it more reliable (#479, #481)\r\n* Setting container TTL is now a lot easier (#439)\r\n* More code samples (#464)\r\n* Standardizing code samples (#471)\r\n\r\n### Load Balancers\r\n\r\n* Certificate Mappings feature now supported (#482 — added by @tylerturk, @JPry, and @ttaylor-wpe)\r\n* HTTPS Redirect is now a configurable option when creating LBs (#454)\r\n* Standardizing code samples (#457)\r\n* More code samples (#464)\r\n* Bug fix: Fixed typo in documentation (#438 — bug reported by @jjtroberts)\r\n\r\n### Compute\r\n\r\n* Start and stop actions added for servers (#462 — added by @notFloran)\r\n* Diagnostics feature added for server (#460 — added by @notFloran)\r\n* Added "create server with networks" sample (#468)\r\n* Standardizing code samples (#461)\r\n\r\n### Identity\r\n\r\n* Standardizing code samples (#458)\r\n* Bug fix: Fix to how users are created (#442 — bug reported by @hexusio)\r\n\r\n### Databases\r\n\r\n* Standardizing code samples (#470)\r\n\r\n### Orchestration\r\n\r\n* Standardizing code samples (#474)\r\n\r\n### Volumes\r\n\r\n* Standardizing code samples (#469)\r\n\r\n### Queues\r\n\r\n* More code samples (#464)\r\n* Bug fix: Fix to list messages iterator (#448)\r\n\r\n### Common\r\n\r\n* Added a more robust solution to negotiating versions in service catalog (#463)\r\n* Table of contents added to userguide (#45
2)\r\n* Bug fix: X-Auth-Token header was not being reset before authentication, causing OpenStack auth calls to fail (#484 — bug reported by @notFloran)\r\n* Bug fix: Fixed typo in constants file (#480 - bug reported and fixed by @ficus)\r\n* Bug fix: Tenant IDs can now be imported as strings, rather than as integers (#456 — bug reported by @JeroenVanOort)

* Fri Jan  2 2015 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.12.1-1
- Updated to 1.12.1 (BZ #1172637)
- Added php-composer(rackspace/php-opencloud) virtual provide

  [ 1 ] Bug #1172637 - php-opencloud-1.12.1 is available

 php-react-promise-2.2.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0116)
 A lightweight implementation of CommonJS Promises/A for PHP
Update Information:

## 2.2.0 (2014-12-30)\r\n\r\n* Introduce new ExtendedPromiseInterface implemented by all promises\r\n* Add new .done() method (part of the ExtendedPromiseInterface)\r\n* Add new .otherwise() method (part of the ExtendedPromiseInterface)\r\n* Add new .always() method (part of the ExtendedPromiseInterface)\r\n* Add new .progress() method (part of the ExtendedPromiseInterface)\r\n* Rename Deferred::progress to Deferred::notify to avoid confusion with ExtendedPromiseInterface::progress (a Deferred::progress alias is still available for backward compatibility)\r\n* resolve() now always returns a ExtendedPromiseInterface

* Sun Jan  4 2015 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-1
- Updated to 2.2.0 (BZ #1178411)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1178411 - php-react-promise-2.2.0 is available

 php-scssphp-0.1.1-2.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0161)
 A compiler for SCSS written in PHP
Update Information:

## v0.1.1\r\n\r\n* stub classes -- a backward compatibility layer (@vladimmi)\r\n\r\n## v0.1.0\r\n\r\n* Namespaced classes/files\r\n* Updated docs

* Fri Jan  2 2015 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.1-2
- Bump release for Koji/Bodhi
* Thu Oct 30 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.1-1
- Updated to 0.1.1 (BZ #1126612)
- Removed man page
- %license usage

  [ 1 ] Bug #1126612 - php-scssphp-0.1.1 is available

 php-twig-1.16.3-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0155)
 The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
Update Information:

## 1.16.3 (2014-12-25)\r\n\r\n* fixed regression for dynamic parent templates\r\n* fixed cache management with statcache\r\n* fixed a regression in the slice filter

* Sun Jan  4 2015 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.16.3-1
- Updated to 1.16.3 (BZ #1178412)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1178412 - php-twig-1.16.3 is available

 python-catkin-sphinx-0.2.1-4.20130602gitc00d68b.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0179)
 Sphinx plugins for Catkin projects
Update Information:

Update to latest upstream versions\r\n\r\nAlso enable python3 package for python-catkin-sphinx\r\n

* Sat Dec 13 2014 Scott K Logan <logans@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.1-4.20130602gitc00d68b
- Add python3 package

 python-vcstools-0.1.36-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0179)
 Version Control System tools for Python
Update Information:

Update to latest upstream versions\r\n\r\nAlso enable python3 package for python-catkin-sphinx\r\n

* Sun Dec 14 2014 Scott K Logan <logans@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.36-1
- Update to release 0.1.36
- Update to python packaging guidelines
- Add check section
- Add patch for test fixes
- Add bzr, git, mercurial and subversion to Requires

 python-wstool-0.1.5-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0179)
 Tool for managing a workspace of multiple heterogeneous SCM repositories
Update Information:

Update to latest upstream versions\r\n\r\nAlso enable python3 package for python-catkin-sphinx\r\n

* Sun Dec 14 2014 Scott K Logan <logans@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.5-1
- Update to 0.1.5
- Update to python packaging guidelines
- Add check section

 quodlibet-3.3.0-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0175)
 A music management program
Update Information:

- update to 3.3.0\r\n- https://quodlibet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/changelog.html#parallel-universes-travel-there-and-then-go-back-in-time-and-you-can-mess-things-up-as-much-as-you-want

* Sat Jan  3 2015 Johannes Lips <hannes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.3.0-1
- update to recent upstream release 3.3.0

 rxvt-unicode-9.21-3.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0172)
 Unicode version of rxvt
Update Information:

 * the "moa redraw 8-bit british vintage colour management" release.\r\n * NOTICE: this release updates terminfo.\r\n * fix pixel droppings on overdraw when a secondary core font has the same height but different ascent.\r\n * implement cvvis in terminfo as blinking cursor, to distinguish it from cnorm (emacs uses cvvis which is commonly a blinking cursor).\r\n * when xft support was compiled in, colour queries erroneously returned premultiplied values, this also affected internal queries, for example when calculating faded colour. alpha is now divided out when possible, which is more correct but loses colour resolution.\r\n * add DECSCUSR xterm extension to set the cursor to a vertical bar.\r\n * add 'extension:string' action, and associated on_action per hook, for keysym resources that invokes actions provided by perl extensions. The 'perl:string' action and on_user_command hook are deprecated but still supported.\r\n * add 'builtin-string' action for keysym resources that restores string mappings for keys that have predefined actions in urxvt.\r\n * add -k option to urxvtc for killing the daemon process.\r\n * document urxvtd's -e/--eval option that was implemented in 9.16, but not documented.\r\n * add -dockapp option to make the wm treat urxvt as a dockapp.\r\n * add -mc option and multiClickTime resource to set the maximum time between multi-click select events (patch by Joe Peterson).\r\n * new 'eval' extension to evaluate arbitrary perl code with keysym bindings. The extension also provides methods that implement basic actions, such as pasting selections and scrolling.\r\n * kuake extension now uses the kuake.hotkey resource to specify the hotkey.\r\n * new 'matcher:select' mode of matcher to iterate over the matches with the keyboard.\r\n * the 'matcher:list' feature of matcher now honours the launcher associated to a matched pattern.\r\n * speed-up matcher underlining on very long lines (reported by Edward Z. Yang).\r\n * fix up/down commands of searchable-scrollback so that they always move to the prev
ious/next logical line with a match, if any.\r\n * searchable-scrollback resource has been deprecated (use keysym instead).\r\n * extension parameter passing is deprecated (use resource mechanism instead).\r\n * upgrade to GPLv3 (see COPYING).\r\n * compile out of the box on Solaris 10, again.\r\n * fix height and position of the stippled area in next scrollbar (patch by Thomas Otto).\r\n * fix off-by-one bug causing the iso14755 window not to jump out of the way properly.\r\n * fix crash that may happen if a lib to which urxvt is linked to calls setenv.\r\n * fix memory leak in special_{encode,decode} perl methods.\r\n * fix refresh bug that occurs when reverse video is set on a cell containing a space and with the same bg and fg colour, red hat bug #830236.\r\n * fix crash that may happen if an x error is received after a terminal window/popup has been destroyed already.\r\n * removed superfluous 0 digit from sgr terminfo sequence.\r\n * greatly improve colour allocation on colour-starved pseudocolour displays to avoid read-write cells instead of simply failing (this is only relevant for antique 8bpp frame buffers).\r\n * do not free fade colours when not doing fading (this is likely only relevant for antique 8bpp frame buffers).\r\n * do not specialcase 2 or 4 colour visuals, leading to simpler and actually more correct code.\r\n * hopefully no longer leak colours on !truecolour visuals.\r\n * use consistent method names (scr_recolour => scr_recolor).\r\n * use simpler (but slightly less bogus) formula for nearest colour choice (this is likely only relevant for antique 8bpp frame buffers).\r\n * remove fallback behaviour when initialising colours - the behaviour was inconsistent between startup vs. later and was only effective when valid colours couldn't be allocated.\n* Prefer XDG_RUNTIME_DIR over the HOME

* Sat Jan  3 2015 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 9.21-3
- update license to GPLv3
* Sat Jan  3 2015 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 9.21-2
- add patch from Maciej Borzecki to fix gnome-shell matching
* Fri Jan  2 2015 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 9.21-1
- version upgrade (rhbz#830236)
* Wed Dec 17 2014 Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov@xxxxxxxxx> - 9.20-6
- Don't use HOME for storing control socket. Use XDG directory instead.
* Tue Aug 26 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 9.20-5
- Perl 5.20 rebuild
* Mon Aug 18 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 9.20-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
* Sun Jun  8 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 9.20-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #1031368 - gnome-shell fails to match urxvt windows due to discrepancy between WM_CLASS and desktop files
  [ 2 ] Bug #830236 - Mouse selection is broken with vim
  [ 3 ] Bug #1172587 - RFC: rxvt-unicode should store communication socket within XDG_RUNTIME_DIR

 sys_basher-2.0.2-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0125)
 A multithreaded hardware exerciser
Update Information:

Can handle any number of CPUs. Smaller footprint for small systems.

* Thu Jan  1 2015 Joshua Rosen <bjrosen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.0.2-1 Can now handle any number of CPUs, formally it was limited to 32. Added OOM diable script
* Tue Jul 29 2014 Joshua Rosen <bjrosen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.0.1-7 Makefile change, fixes a bug in Debian systems, no effect on Redhat systems

 unrtf-0.21.9-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0129)
 RTF (Rich Text Format) to other formats converter
Update Information:

Update to the latest upstream release. This fixes a couple of RTF parsing problems. See the [upstream changelog](http://hg.savannah.gnu.org/hgweb/unrtf/file/fd29dfe1298a/ChangeLog) for details.

* Fri Jan  2 2015 Ken Dreyer <ktdreyer@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.21.9-1
- Upstream release 0.21.9 (RHBZ #1176987)
- Regenerate the automake/autoconf bits with ./bootstrap in order to eliminate
  the dependency on the automake-1.13 path.
* Wed Dec 17 2014 Ken Dreyer <ktdreyer@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.21.7-1
- Upstream release 0.21.7 (RHBZ #1175241)
* Wed Dec 10 2014 Ken Dreyer <ktdreyer@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.21.6-2
- Drop NEWS file (upstream didn't ship this in 0.21.6)
* Wed Dec 10 2014 Ken Dreyer <ktdreyer@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.21.6-1
- Upstream release 0.21.6 (RHBZ #1172664)
* Mon Aug 18 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.21.5-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
* Sun Jun  8 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.21.5-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #1176987 - unrtf-0.21.9 is available

 vdpauinfo-0.9-0.1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0173)
 Tool to query the capabilities of a VDPAU implementation
Update Information:


* Fri Dec 19 2014 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.9-0.1
- Update to 0.9
* Mon Aug 18 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
* Sun Jun  8 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

 xa-2.3.7-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0123)
 6502/65816 cross-assembler
Update Information:

updated to 2.3.7\r\n- Buffer overflow and test failures with gcc 4.9 fixed (thanks Adam Sampson for the patch).\r\n- The 65816 mvn and mvp instructions now take the standard syntax (thanks Alessandro Gatti for the report and the test vector). The old 16-bit argument syntax is still accepted, but is deprecated, and will generate a warning.\r\n- The copyright string is no longer emitted to the error log, simplifying the testsuite.\r\n- Improvements to the build system.\r\n- Spurious messages removed.\r\n- Testsuite expanded and more exhaustive.\r\n- Documentation updated. 

* Sat Jan  3 2015 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> - 2.3.7-1
- updated to version 2.3.7
- enable test-suite

 xawtv-3.103-5.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0149)
 TV applications for video4linux compliant devices
Update Information:

Fix working with kernels >= 3.16

* Sun Jan  4 2015 Dmitry Butskoy <Dmitry@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.103-5
- add workaround for kernels >= 3.16 (#1155784, patch from Stas Sergeev <stsp@xxxxxxx>)
* Mon Aug 18 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.103-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
* Sun Jun  8 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.103-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #1155784 - Xawtv does not scale video since kernel 3.16.x introduced

 xmlunit-1.6-1.fc20 (FEDORA-2015-0144)
 Provides classes to do asserts on xml
Update Information:

update to upstream's xmlunit-1.6

* Sun Jan  4 2015 Dr. Tilmann Bubeck <tilmann@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0:1.6-1
- update to upstream's xmlunit-1.6

  [ 1 ] Bug #1178450 - xmlunit-1.6 is available

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