On 10/20/2014 02:28 AM, Lawrence E Graves wrote:
I have tried in every way to install the lagacy nvidia drivers 304.123
for the last week. Is there something I am missing in this endeavour.
Please advise.
I have searched the web looking for some one who is having the same
problem. I got a good install with the latest Beta TC4 but just can't
install the nvidia driver.
Hi there,
I have installed the akmod-nvidia package from rpmfusion, here's a short
1. dnf update and reboot (to make sure you running the latest kernel).
2. install akmod-nvidia-304xx package and verify (uname -r and dnf info
kernel-devel that the same version is there otherwise akmod will
complain that's missing source devel files - this shouldn't be needed
really but I've had this happen with tc4 of beta f21 now)
2.1 If needed install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-304xx-libs.i686 for 32bit
(steam , games etc).
3. systemctl enable akmods (to make sure akmod build gets started on reboot)
4. Reboot - make sure to choose the first GRUB boot entry of the one
with the uname -r version (checked - should contain Twenty One at the end).
5. Wait for akmods to build the kernel module. GDM should start after
that, if not do another reboot.
Here you either get a black screen or a Oops something went wrong screen
with a Logout button.
To check if the akmods build was succesful you can press CTRL + ALT +
F3, log in as root: issues systemctl status akmods, if it's OK reboot
and GDM should start to let you login).
This is basically what I've done. Hope it helps.
This was for fc21-tc4 with kernel 3.17.1-302.fc21.x86_64 and a NVIDIA
Geforce GTX570.
Andrei Amuraritei
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