The following Fedora 19 Security updates need testing: Age URL 111 56 48 30 16 13 13 11 11 8 7 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 The following Fedora 19 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved: Age URL 59 22 13 13,libreport-2.1.12-1.fc19,abrt-java-connector-1.0.8-1.fc19 13 11 11 9,gupnp-av-0.12.5-1.fc19,gupnp-0.20.10-1.fc19,gssdp-0.14.7-1.fc19 8 8 7 6 5 2 1 1 1,abrt-2.1.12-2.fc19 0 0 0 The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 19 updates-testing Agda-stdlib-0.7-3.fc19 ansible-1.4.5-1.fc19 augeas-1.2.0-1.fc19 avl-3.35-1.fc19 chinese-calendar-0.8.1-1.fc19 cptutils-1.50-1.fc19 debootstrap-1.0.58-1.fc19 drupal6-ctools-1.11-1.fc19 drupal6-devel-1.28-1.fc19 eureka-1.00-3.fc19 ghc-securemem-0.1.3-2.fc19 gimagereader-2.91-0.1.fc19 imapsync-1.584-1.fc19 jmol-14.0.7-1.fc19 jspecview-2-6.1464svn.fc19 jwm-2.2.0-1.fc19 libgphoto2-2.5.3-6.fc19 libguestfs-1.22.9-1.fc19 libreoffice- libvpx-1.3.0-3.fc19 lighttpd-1.4.34-3.fc19 maradns-2.0.09-1.fc19 mate-file-archiver-1.6.1-3.fc19 oath-toolkit-2.4.1-1.fc19 openscap-1.0.4-1.fc19 openshift-origin-broker- openshift-origin-cartridge-cron- openshift-origin-cartridge-diy- openshift-origin-cartridge-mongodb- openshift-origin-cartridge-mysql- openshift-origin-node-proxy- overpass-fonts-1.01-6.fc19 perl-Digest-JHash-0.08-2.fc19 perl-XML-Writer-0.624-1.fc19 perl-qpid_proton-0.6-2.fc19 php-PhpOption-1.4.0-1.fc19 php-phpunit-Version-1.0.2-1.fc19 php-sabre-dav-1.8.8-1.fc19 postfix-2.10.3-1.fc19 python-boto-2.25.0-2.fc19 qsstv-8.1.17-1.fc19 reposurgeon-3.3-1.fc19 rpm-4.11.2-1.fc19 rubygem-scoped_search-2.6.3-1.fc19 sandbox-runner-data-0.3.3-1.fc19 se-sandbox-runner-1.6.10-1.fc19 stompclt-1.1-1.fc19 sword-1.7.2-1.fc19 validns-0.8-1.fc19 vym-2.3.22-1.fc19 wallaby-0.16.4-2.fc19 yourls-1.7-1.fc19 yum-3.4.3-135.fc19 Details about builds: ================================================================================ Agda-stdlib-0.7-3.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2516) Agda standard libraries -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Agda standard library - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #839260 - Review Request: Agda-stdlib - Agda standard library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ ansible-1.4.5-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2512) SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution system -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to 1.4.5, fixing an issue with permissions being incorrect on fireball/accelerate keys when the umask setting was too loose. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@xxxxxxxxx> 1.4.5-1 - Update to 1.4.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ augeas-1.2.0-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2445) A library for changing configuration files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to Augeas 1.2.0: * resolves CVE-2013-6412 * changelog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Dominic Cleal <dcleal@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.0-1 - Update to 1.2.0, add check section - Update source URL to (RHBZ#996032) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1034261 - CVE-2013-6412 augeas: incorrect permissions set on newly created files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ avl-3.35-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2522) Aerodynamic and flight-dynamic analysis of rigid aircrafts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to version 3.35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Sandro Mani <manisandro@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.35-1 - Update to version 3.35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ chinese-calendar-0.8.1-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2513) A Chinese traditional calendar of UbuntuKylin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to 0.8.1 更新至 0.8.1, 具体内容不详。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Christopher Meng <rpm@xxxxxxxx> - 0.8.1-1 - Update to 0.8.1(BZ#1064175) - Use system QtSingleApplication(BZ#1064645) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064175 - chinese-calendar-0.8.1 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1064645 - Unbundle QtSingleApplication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ cptutils-1.50-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2434) Utilities to manipulate and translate color gradients -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Citing the user-relevant part from the changelog: New program "pssvg", converts photoshop gradients to svg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Volker Fröhlich <volker27@xxxxxx> 1.50-1 - New upstream release * Tue Feb 11 2014 Volker Fröhlich <volker27@xxxxxx> 1.49-1 - New upstream release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064178 - cptutils-1.50 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1063722 - cptutils-1.49 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ debootstrap-1.0.58-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2465) Debian GNU/Linux bootstrapper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: new upstream release new upstream release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Jan Vcelak <jvcelak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.0.58-1 - new upstream release: + install apt-transport-https when installing over HTTPS * Sun Feb 9 2014 Jan Vcelak <jvcelak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.0.57-1 - new upstream release: + Ubuntu trusty as a symlink to gutsy + when debian-archive-keyring is not available, use the main mirror with https + separate installation of base-passwd and base-files + pkgdetails_perl: fix percentage sign interpretation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064180 - debootstrap-1.0.58 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1022656 - debootstrap-1.0.57 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ drupal6-ctools-1.11-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2484) This suite is primarily a set of APIs and tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Updated to 1.11 * Release notes: * SA-CONTRIB-2014-013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.11-1 - Updated to 1.11 (BZ #1064730; release notes - Security BZ #1064864, #1064865, #1064867 - SA-CONTRIB-2014-013 - Spec cleanup * Sat Aug 3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.10-3 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064864 - drupal6-ctools: access bypass issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ drupal6-devel-1.28-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2539) Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Updated to 1.28 Release notes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1062179 - drupal6-devel-1.28 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ eureka-1.00-3.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2491) A cross-platform map editor for the classic DOOM games -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: This is a new package release. Eureka is a cross-platform map editor for the classic DOOM games. It started when the ported the Yadex editor to a proper GUI oolkit, namely FLTK, and implemented a system for multi-level Undo / Redo. These and other features have required rewriting large potions of the existing code, and adding lots of new code too. Eureka is now an independent program with its own work-flow and its own quirks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1004565 - Review Request: eureka - A cross-platform map editor for the classic DOOM games -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ ghc-securemem-0.1.3-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2454) Auto-scrubbing bytestring memory chunks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Auto-scrubbing bytestring memory chunks - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1054565 - Review Request: ghc-securemem - Auto-scrubbing bytestring memory chunks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ gimagereader-2.91-0.1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2540) OCR application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Initial package. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #653917 - Review Request: gimagereader - A tesseract OCR front-end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ imapsync-1.584-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2468) Tool to migrate email between IMAP servers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: 1.584 * Enhancement: Added --minmaxlinelength to select messages with long lines only. It helps to diagnostic Echange error on messages with lines longer than 9000 characters * Enhancement: Added --debugmaxlinelength * Bug fix: --ssl1 --tls2 was buggy because of default SSL_VERIFY_PEER. "Can not go to tls encryption on [localhost]:Unable to start TLS: Cannot determine peer hostname for verification..." * Bug fix: Check if going to tls is ok, exit otherwise with explicit error message. Thanks to Dennis Schridde for reporting this ugly bug that deserves a CVE. * Debug: Print separator given by NAMESPACE even when --sep1 oe --sep2 is used. * Debug: Prints prefix given by NAMESPACE even when --prefix1 or --prefix2 is used. It is a preparation for advising not to use --prefix unless suggested. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Nick Bebout <nb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.584-1 - Upgrade to 1.584 * Sun Dec 29 2013 Nick Bebout <nb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.580-1 - Upgrade to 1.580 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ jmol-14.0.7-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2499) An open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to 14.0.7. Added missing Requires: jspecview (BZ #1064335). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Susi Lehtola <jussilehtola@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 14.0.7-1 - Added missing Requires: jspecview (BZ #1064335). - Update to 14.0.7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064335 - jmol missing jspecview requires -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ jspecview-2-6.1464svn.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2499) JAVA applets for the display of JCAMP-DX and AnIML/CML spectral files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to 14.0.7. Added missing Requires: jspecview (BZ #1064335). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Jan 1 2014 Susi Lehtola <jussilehtola@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2-6.1464svn - Update to revision 1464. * Tue Oct 22 2013 Susi Lehtola <jussilehtola@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2-6.1171svn - Real .jar is unversioned (BZ #1022126). * Sat Aug 3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2-5.1171svn - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064335 - jmol missing jspecview requires -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ jwm-2.2.0-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2521) Joe's Window Manager -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Updated to new upstream version 2.2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Germán A. Racca <skytux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-1 - Updated to new upstream version 2.2.0 - Cleaned spec file - Changed tarball format (from bz2 to xz) - Recreated patches jwm-nostrip and jwm-timestamps - Dropped patch jwm-destdir - Added translations - Added gettext as BR * Sat Aug 3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.0-6 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1048780 - jwm-2.2.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ libgphoto2-2.5.3-6.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2543) Library for accessing digital cameras -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Bump to latest upstream version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Jon Disnard <jdisnard@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.5.3-6 - Bump to latest upstream version. * Wed Aug 28 2013 Tim Waugh <twaugh@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.5.2-5 - Fixed documentation issue due to unversioned doc dirs (bug #1001263). * Fri Aug 16 2013 Tim Waugh <twaugh@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.5.2-4 - Build against libusbx instead of libusb (bug #997880). * Sat Aug 3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.5.2-3 - Rebuilt for * Tue Jun 11 2013 Remi Collet <rcollet@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.5.2-2 - rebuild for new GD 2.1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ libguestfs-1.22.9-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2500) Access and modify virtual machine disk images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: New upstream version 1.22.9. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:1.22.9-1 - New upstream version 1.22.9. - Includes workaround for changed btrfs behaviour, so that patch is dropped. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ libreoffice- (FEDORA-2014-2523) Free Software Productivity Suite -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: new upstream release 4.1.5 update -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Tue Feb 11 2014 David Tardon <dtardon@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1: - new upstream release 4.1.5 * Thu Jan 30 2014 David Tardon <dtardon@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1: - split LibreLogo into a separate subpackage - create a metapackage depending on all subpackages containing filters, for use of packages like unoconv - Resolves: rhbz#1050162 don't draw to NULL window - Resolves: rhbz#1017379 libreoffice impress imports animated motion paths incorrectly from powerpoint - Resolves: fdo#33852 Custom animation (Motionpath Left) isn't being imported correctly from .ppt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1050162 - [abrt] libreoffice-core: gtk_paint_box(): soffice.bin killed by SIGSEGV [ 2 ] Bug #1017379 - libreoffice impress imports animated motion paths incorrectly from powerpoint [ 3 ] Bug #33852 - QC0327 - uncaught failed umount exception handler problem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ libvpx-1.3.0-3.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2446) VP8 Video Codec SDK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: - update library symbol list for 1.3.0 from Debian Update to 1.3.0 to fix serious performance issues with VP8 encoder. Update to 1.3.0 to fix serious performance issues with VP8 encoder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Dan Horák <dan[at]> - 1.3.0-3 - update library symbol list for 1.3.0 from Debian * Tue Feb 11 2014 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.0-2 - armv7hl specific target * Tue Feb 11 2014 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.0-1 - update to 1.3.0 * Sat Aug 3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1054670 - libvpx 1.2.0 got broken encoder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ lighttpd-1.4.34-3.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2506) Lightning fast webserver with light system requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Enable building with PIE Latest upstream, multiple security fixes. Latest upstream, multiple security fixes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Feb 10 2014 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.34-3 - Enable PIE, BZ 955145. * Mon Feb 10 2014 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.34-2 - Apply Ken Dreyer's spec patches from BZ 850188. * Wed Feb 5 2014 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.34-1 - 1.4.34, multiple security fixes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #955145 - lighttpd package should be built with PIE flags [ 2 ] Bug #1029667 - CVE-2013-4560 CVE-2013-4559 lighttpd: various flaws [epel-all] [ 3 ] Bug #994444 - 1.4.31 contains a severe DOS attack point [ 4 ] Bug #879185 - lighttpd-1.4.34 is available [ 5 ] Bug #1026567 - CVE-2013-4508 lighttpd: uses vulnerable cipher suites when SNI is used [fedora-all] [ 6 ] Bug #1026568 - CVE-2013-4508 lighttpd: uses vulnerable cipher suites when SNI is used [epel-all] [ 7 ] Bug #1029666 - CVE-2013-4560 CVE-2013-4559 lighttpd: various flaws [fedora-all] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ maradns-2.0.09-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2439) Authoritative and recursive DNS server made with security in mind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: There has been a long-standing bug in Deadwood (ever since 2007) where bounds checking for strings was not correctly done under some circumstances. Because of this, it has been possible to send Deadwood a "packet of death" which will crash Deadwood. Since the attack causes out-of-bounds memory to be read, but not written to, the impact of the bug is denial of service. It appears this attack can only be exploited by an IP with permission to perform recursive queries against Deadwood. Note that this bug only affects users of the Deadwood recursive resolver. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Tomasz Torcz <ttorcz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.09-1 - new release, fixing denial-of-service vulnerability ( ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064750 - maradns-2.0.09 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ mate-file-archiver-1.6.1-3.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2433) MATE Desktop file archiver -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: fix microsoft cabinet file support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Wolfgang Ulbrich <chat-to-me@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.6.1-3 - ultimate fix for directories -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ oath-toolkit-2.4.1-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2534) One-time password components -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: This is an update that fixes CVE-2013-7322. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.4.1-1 - New version Resolves: rhbz#1064764 * Sat Aug 3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.4.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1063083 - CVE-2013-7322 oath-toolkit: certain one-time-passwords not invalidated correctly -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ openscap-1.0.4-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2480) Set of open source libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Upgrade to new upstream version. Contains minor bugfixes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Šimon Lukašík <slukasik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.4-1 - upgrade -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ openshift-origin-broker- (FEDORA-2014-2475) OpenShift Origin broker components -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to the latest stable release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Dec 11 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bumping version numbers (release-3 build-2) (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - don't hard code %{_libdir}, this is breaking ARM (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Dec 6 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bumping versions for OpenShift Origin Release 3 (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1032436 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Temporarily disable code that breaks test (andy.goldstein@xxxxxxxxx) - Flatten 'gears' in application mongo record i.e. 'gears' field will be sibling of 'group_instances'. (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4213 from lnader/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4237 from lnader/card_169 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Added ; to list of chars not allowed (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Added checking for git ref according to git-check-ref-format rules (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Changed deprecated to obsolete (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - node: we do not want %ghost-ed log files (mmahut@xxxxxxxxxx) - card_169 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1025691 - can't add member to a domain when authenticate with token (jforrest@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4106 from pravisankar/dev/ravi/card639 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - updated REST API docs to include binary deployment (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Rest API Deployment support for passing the artifact url parameter with associated tests in the broker and node. Enabling the artifact url param in the rest models. (jajohnso@xxxxxxxxxx) - Allow adding large gear size to users irrespective of their plan If the user is enrolled into a plan, do not store capabilites in cloud user mongo record instead get the capabilities based on their plan. Any explicitly set capabilities will be stored in user record. Fix test cases (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove max domains (jliggitt@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing broker extended tests (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix for bug 1024669 (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4049 from detiber/fixSystemd (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Update systemd service definitions to rebuild Gemfile.lock (jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3958 from detiber/fixTests (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing tests (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - <tests> Update test tags and enable REMOTE_USER auth for tests (jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4002 from smarterclayton/app_metadata_field (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Add application metadata and validators (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3972 from liggitt/bug_1020009_max_domains_capability (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3989 from kraman/bugfix3 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Mark /etc/openshift/broker-dev.conf as config-noreplace. (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Fix reloading for broker unit test failure (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Add config value (jliggitt@xxxxxxxxxx) - kerberos work for broker and console (jliggitt@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3770 from mfojtik/bugzilla/1015187 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - updated the REST API docs with addition of gear size (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Added HTTP_PROXY and CONN_TIMEOUT to broker.conf (mfojtik@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1015187: Replace curl with httpclient when downloading cartridges (mfojtik@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3893 from abhgupta/abhgupta-dev (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - <capacity suggestions> bug 1004686 (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing origin extended tests (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3878 from abhgupta/abhgupta-dev (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3880 from brenton/BZ1017676 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3874 from brenton/remove_test_deps3 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding test case (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1017676 - Adding default configurations for team collaboration settings (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Removing test dependencies from Broker/Console build and runtime. (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Test case fixes for Origin: (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Fix deployment test (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Updated REST API docs (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Required deployment_id for activate (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - updated REST API docs (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - ensure you return the last activated deployment (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing extended tests (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1017005 - Fixing the Broker's AUTH_* settings that have been renamed (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix typos and NPE discovered in newrelic logs (jliggitt@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing broker extended (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding deploy migration for broker auth (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - store and return times as times (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing tests and resolving remaining communication between broker and node for deployments (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Stop using a deployment as a creation mechanism for a deployment (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Allow for floats with time storage (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - activation validations (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding activations to deployments (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - rollback -> activate (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - add update deployments scope (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing tests (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix bson hash error (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Rollback to last deployment and tests (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing tests and squashing bugs (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing tests (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Deploy WIP (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Deploy WIP (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - collapse the git refs into 1 (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Deploy WIP (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - cleanup (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Added tests and links for application config update (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding application config WIP (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Broker Build and Deployment (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3757 from lnader/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3759 from kraman/test_case_fixes (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 980306 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix for broker functional extended tests which run against prod env. (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Have CloudUser create a new CapabilityProxy every time to fix application_test.rb#test_scaling_and_storage_events_on_application on F19. (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Updating tests to register mongo-auth based user in the correct database based on Rails environment. (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - moved system tests to origin (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix integration extended tests (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3720 from smarterclayton/origin_ui_72_membership (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - <sub_user_test.rb> Added logic to make tests work with remote-user auth (jolamb@xxxxxxxxxx) - Origin UI 72 - Membership (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Add rake test for extended integration tests (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Use MONGO_TEST_DB=openshift_broker_test for broker tests (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - optimize find all district scenarios (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - First draft of changes to create subclasses for pending ops (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3622 from brenton/ruby193-mcollective (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding oo-mco and updating oo-diagnostics to support the SCL'd mcollective (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) * Wed Dec 4 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bug 1032436 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Temporarily disable code that breaks test (andy.goldstein@xxxxxxxxx) - Flatten 'gears' in application mongo record i.e. 'gears' field will be sibling of 'group_instances'. (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4213 from lnader/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4237 from lnader/card_169 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Added ; to list of chars not allowed (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Added checking for git ref according to git-check-ref-format rules (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Changed deprecated to obsolete (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - node: we do not want %ghost-ed log files (mmahut@xxxxxxxxxx) - card_169 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1025691 - can't add member to a domain when authenticate with token (jforrest@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4106 from pravisankar/dev/ravi/card639 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - updated REST API docs to include binary deployment (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Rest API Deployment support for passing the artifact url parameter with associated tests in the broker and node. Enabling the artifact url param in the rest models. (jajohnso@xxxxxxxxxx) - Allow adding large gear size to users irrespective of their plan If the user is enrolled into a plan, do not store capabilites in cloud user mongo record instead get the capabilities based on their plan. Any explicitly set capabilities will be stored in user record. Fix test cases (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove max domains (jliggitt@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing broker extended tests (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix for bug 1024669 (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4049 from detiber/fixSystemd (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Update systemd service definitions to rebuild Gemfile.lock (jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3958 from detiber/fixTests (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing tests (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - <tests> Update test tags and enable REMOTE_USER auth for tests (jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4002 from smarterclayton/app_metadata_field (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Add application metadata and validators (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3972 from liggitt/bug_1020009_max_domains_capability (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3989 from kraman/bugfix3 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Mark /etc/openshift/broker-dev.conf as config-noreplace. (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Fix reloading for broker unit test failure (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Add config value (jliggitt@xxxxxxxxxx) - kerberos work for broker and console (jliggitt@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3770 from mfojtik/bugzilla/1015187 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - updated the REST API docs with addition of gear size (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Added HTTP_PROXY and CONN_TIMEOUT to broker.conf (mfojtik@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1015187: Replace curl with httpclient when downloading cartridges (mfojtik@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3893 from abhgupta/abhgupta-dev (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - <capacity suggestions> bug 1004686 (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing origin extended tests (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3878 from abhgupta/abhgupta-dev (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3880 from brenton/BZ1017676 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3874 from brenton/remove_test_deps3 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding test case (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1017676 - Adding default configurations for team collaboration settings (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Removing test dependencies from Broker/Console build and runtime. (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Test case fixes for Origin: (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Fix deployment test (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Updated REST API docs (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Required deployment_id for activate (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - updated REST API docs (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - ensure you return the last activated deployment (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing extended tests (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1017005 - Fixing the Broker's AUTH_* settings that have been renamed (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix typos and NPE discovered in newrelic logs (jliggitt@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing broker extended (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding deploy migration for broker auth (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - store and return times as times (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing tests and resolving remaining communication between broker and node for deployments (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Stop using a deployment as a creation mechanism for a deployment (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Allow for floats with time storage (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - activation validations (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding activations to deployments (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - rollback -> activate (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - add update deployments scope (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing tests (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix bson hash error (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Rollback to last deployment and tests (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing tests and squashing bugs (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing tests (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Deploy WIP (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Deploy WIP (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - collapse the git refs into 1 (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Deploy WIP (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - cleanup (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Added tests and links for application config update (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding application config WIP (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Broker Build and Deployment (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3757 from lnader/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3759 from kraman/test_case_fixes (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 980306 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix for broker functional extended tests which run against prod env. (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Have CloudUser create a new CapabilityProxy every time to fix application_test.rb#test_scaling_and_storage_events_on_application on F19. (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Updating tests to register mongo-auth based user in the correct database based on Rails environment. (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - moved system tests to origin (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix integration extended tests (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3720 from smarterclayton/origin_ui_72_membership (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - <sub_user_test.rb> Added logic to make tests work with remote-user auth (jolamb@xxxxxxxxxx) - Origin UI 72 - Membership (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Add rake test for extended integration tests (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Use MONGO_TEST_DB=openshift_broker_test for broker tests (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - optimize find all district scenarios (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - First draft of changes to create subclasses for pending ops (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3622 from brenton/ruby193-mcollective (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding oo-mco and updating oo-diagnostics to support the SCL'd mcollective (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Sep 13 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.1-1 - Fixing test case to allow multiple domains before checking for duplicate namespace (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3589 from rajatchopra/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - fix enable_ha with respect to max gear limits of web cart + config fixes (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> compile assets in all envs (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <admin suggestions> allow 1-node districts (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <admin suggestions> fix bug 1004297 (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <admin suggestions> fix bug 1004157 (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <admin console> capacity planning (jforrest@xxxxxxxxxx) - <admin suggestions> library to suggest admin changes (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <admin stats> refactor and mods for admin console (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove environment variables support from REST 1.0 api version (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - enable ha feature (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix Origin quickstarts. (steven.merrill@xxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1002685 - Downcase domain names when fetching applications by domain (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - cleanup (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Updated broker/docs for the phpmyadmin-4 (mfojtik@xxxxxxxxxx) - Updated docs after bug fixes (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 999826 and 999892 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 999891 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Set mongoid logging to warn (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - cleanup (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Handle .resultset.json (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix for bug 997008 (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - origin_broker_77 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3435 from smarterclayton/bug_997848_capabilities_not_shown_via_api (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3378 from Miciah/delete-references-to-obsolete- MONGO_REPLICA_SETS (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 997848 - Inherited capabilities not in REST API (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 986300 - Pulling in a few cleanup commits from Fedora (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3413 from sosiouxme/admin-stats-fixes (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3410 from pravisankar/dev/ravi/card86 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - <Admin::Stats> use only strings for hash keys (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <Admin::Stats> exclude inactive nodes from eff avail gears (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Added User environment variables support in broker (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix for bug 995034 (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3382 from smarterclayton/builder_scope_incorrect (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - additional version changes (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3369 from lnader/improve_test_coverage (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3387 from smarterclayton/bug_997831_domain_scope_not_in_config (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3370 from smarterclayton/bug_997246_prohibit_blank_domains (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 997831 - Domain scope not in Rails config (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix builder scope by introducing a domain builder scope (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3376 from brenton/BZ986300_BZ981148 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Broker AUTH_KEY config variables don't match style (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3358 from sosiouxme/oo-stats-mods (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3368 from smarterclayton/find_by_user_broken_on_app (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove references to deprecated MONGO_REPLICA_SETS (miciah.masters@xxxxxxxxx) - Bug 986300 - Remove the unused Broker configuration directory (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - <Admin::Stats tests> work around test problems (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <oo-stats> ability to read results from file; more (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <Admin::Stats> refactor classes and tests (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 997246 - Prohibit blank domains (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - improve test coverage on rest models (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Unable to scale up or snapshot an app (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> Fix problem with plugin loading from source (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3322 from smarterclayton/origin_ui_73_membership_model (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> improve Gemfile loading + bug 993250 (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Default to test mode membership off (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Default to membership off in development mode (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Review comments (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Review - add comment to test (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 995371 - Direct parameters to members were ignored (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Ensure only users with ssh access are added with keys (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - * Implement a membership model for OpenShift that allows an efficient query of user access based on each resource. * Implement scope limitations that correspond to specific permissions * Expose membership info via the REST API (disableable via config) * Allow multiple domains per user, controlled via a configuration flag * Support additional information per domain (application_count and gear_counts) to improve usability * Let domains support the allowed_gear_sizes option, which limits the gear sizes available to apps in that domain * Simplify domain update interactions - redundant validation removed, and behavior of responses differs slightly. * Implement migration script to enable data (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 992464 - Authorization token needs to raise when checking eventual consistency (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3272 from lnader/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - <admin/stats> functional test to cover db scan method (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <admin/stats> add unit tests, fix a bug (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - added more tests to improve coverage (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3227 from kraman/docs (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding missing activemq config templates Fixing console spec to require gems Additional fixes to comprehensive deployment guide (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Fix for bug 989650 (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3229 from rajatchopra/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3233 from jwforres/admin_console_testcase_coverage (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - fix in scope for scaling issues (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - Admin console test framework and initial functional tests (jforrest@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 956859 (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3210 from jwforres/admin_console_testcase_coverage_exclusion (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Exclude admin console from test coverage for now (jforrest@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into changes_for_membership (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding missing rubygem requires to broker, console and admin-console packages (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - <admin-console> broker proxy RPP change + filling in README (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into changes_for_membership (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> Add mocking for Cartridge.categories in unit test (jolamb@xxxxxxxxxx) - <application.rb> Add feature to carts to handle wildcard ENV variable subscriptions (jolamb@xxxxxxxxxx) - origin_broker_25 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Simplify capabilities to be more model like, and support clean proxying of inherited properties (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Support running broker tests directly Force scopes to use checked ids and avoid symbolizing arbitrary strings Use .present? instead of .count > 0 (for performance) Handle ValidationExceptions globally (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 985656 - minor improvement for consistency in broker and console spec files (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Admin console framework (jforrest@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3111 from pravisankar/dev/ravi/bug983038 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove ecdsa ssh key type from supported list. Rationale: Due to patent concerns, ECC support is not bundled in fedora/rhel(needed for ecdsa key generation). So even if someone has a valid ecdsa keys, sshd server on our node won't be able to authenticate the user. (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> make parallel passenger baseuri change in SCL conf file (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> fix tests against broker base URI change (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> re-base the broker URI from /broker => / (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3083 from smarterclayton/strong_consistency_is_default (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Authorization test case was wrong (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 973796 - PassengerPreStart points at root which logs errors (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Strong consistency is the default for mongoid (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3044 from brenton/BZ973796 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 973796 - PassengerPreStart points at root which logs errors (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Changing error message to make it more clear (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Handling cleanup of failed pending op using rollbacks (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove Online specific references: -Remove hard-coded cart name references. -Remove login validations from CloudUser model, login validation must be done by authentication plugin. -Remove 'medium' gear size references -All 'small' gear size references must be from configuration files. -Remove stale application_observer.rb and its references -Remove stale 'abstract' cart references -Remove duplicate code from rest controllers -Move all get_rest_{user,domain,app,cart} methods in RestModelHelper module. -Cleanup unnecessary TODO/FIXME comments in broker. (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2927 from smarterclayton/bug_970257_support_git_at_urls (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Avoid harmless but annoying deprecation warning (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2946 from maxamillion/dev/maxamillion/enable_rhcl (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Tests pass fully (add initial_git_url for earlier api versions). Control what values of URI get persisted to DB (passwords and userinfo from clone specs should not be) (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Broker source mode should reload classes, only load plugins in broker_plugins.rb (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - enable rhscl repos - add wrapper (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) - bz969696 - download cart settings (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - First pass at removing v1 cartridges (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Sep 13 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.1-0 - Bump up version to 1.15 * Thu Aug 1 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bumping version #s for origin release 2 (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3227 from kraman/docs (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding missing activemq config templates Fixing console spec to require gems Additional fixes to comprehensive deployment guide (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Fix for bug 989650 (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3229 from rajatchopra/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3233 from jwforres/admin_console_testcase_coverage (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - fix in scope for scaling issues (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - Admin console test framework and initial functional tests (jforrest@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 956859 (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3210 from jwforres/admin_console_testcase_coverage_exclusion (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Exclude admin console from test coverage for now (jforrest@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into changes_for_membership (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding missing rubygem requires to broker, console and admin-console packages (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - <admin-console> broker proxy RPP change + filling in README (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into changes_for_membership (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> Add mocking for Cartridge.categories in unit test (jolamb@xxxxxxxxxx) - <application.rb> Add feature to carts to handle wildcard ENV variable subscriptions (jolamb@xxxxxxxxxx) - origin_broker_25 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Simplify capabilities to be more model like, and support clean proxying of inherited properties (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Support running broker tests directly Force scopes to use checked ids and avoid symbolizing arbitrary strings Use .present? instead of .count > 0 (for performance) Handle ValidationExceptions globally (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 985656 - minor improvement for consistency in broker and console spec files (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Admin console framework (jforrest@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3111 from pravisankar/dev/ravi/bug983038 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove ecdsa ssh key type from supported list. Rationale: Due to patent concerns, ECC support is not bundled in fedora/rhel(needed for ecdsa key generation). So even if someone has a valid ecdsa keys, sshd server on our node won't be able to authenticate the user. (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> make parallel passenger baseuri change in SCL conf file (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> fix tests against broker base URI change (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> re-base the broker URI from /broker => / (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3083 from smarterclayton/strong_consistency_is_default (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Authorization test case was wrong (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 973796 - PassengerPreStart points at root which logs errors (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Strong consistency is the default for mongoid (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3044 from brenton/BZ973796 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 973796 - PassengerPreStart points at root which logs errors (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Changing error message to make it more clear (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Handling cleanup of failed pending op using rollbacks (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove Online specific references: -Remove hard-coded cart name references. -Remove login validations from CloudUser model, login validation must be done by authentication plugin. -Remove 'medium' gear size references -All 'small' gear size references must be from configuration files. -Remove stale application_observer.rb and its references -Remove stale 'abstract' cart references -Remove duplicate code from rest controllers -Move all get_rest_{user,domain,app,cart} methods in RestModelHelper module. -Cleanup unnecessary TODO/FIXME comments in broker. (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2927 from smarterclayton/bug_970257_support_git_at_urls (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Avoid harmless but annoying deprecation warning (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2946 from maxamillion/dev/maxamillion/enable_rhcl (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Tests pass fully (add initial_git_url for earlier api versions). Control what values of URI get persisted to DB (passwords and userinfo from clone specs should not be) (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Broker source mode should reload classes, only load plugins in broker_plugins.rb (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - enable rhscl repos - add wrapper (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) - bz969696 - download cart settings (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - First pass at removing v1 cartridges (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) * Tue Jun 11 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.10.2-1 - <broker.conf> default to usage db tracking on (lmeyer@xxxxxxxxxx) - Print warning instead of failing tests if there is an unknown auth plugin configured (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Include psych gem only on F19 systems where it has been split out (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Update broker tests with new versions of packages for F19 Fix bug where test was not creating user on before using it (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Create usage.log when broker is installed (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Relax rake and mocha gem version dependencies (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - origin_runtime_138 - Add SSL_ENDPOINT variable and filter whether carts use ssl_to_gear. (rmillner@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2740 from danmcp/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - fix sanity tests (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - return HTTP Status code 200 from DELETE instead of 204 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fixing alias tests (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - vendoring of cartridges (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2576 from rajatchopra/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - fix to cartridge cache test (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - Removing externally_reserved_uids_size attribute from districts (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - enable downloading of cartridges (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 963981 - Fix app events controller Use canonical_name/canonical_namespace for application/domain respectively when using find_by op. (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Add fault tolerance code to UsageRecord model (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2481 from smarterclayton/add_param_for_downloadable_carts (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Mocha should be constrained (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 963156 (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2424 from smarterclayton/upgrade_to_mocha_0_13_3 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) - Add 'cartridges[][url]' as an optional parameter on ADD_APPLICATION and 'url' as an optional parameter on ADD_CARTRIDGE (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2450 from lnader/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2426 from abhgupta/abhgupta-dev (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Added API for cartridge search (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Switching v2 to be the default (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Removing code dealing with namespace updates for applications (abhgupta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Upgrade to mocha 0.13.3 (compatible with Rails 3.2.12) (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Allow broker to be run in source mode and load source plugins (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Broker requires parse config newer than 1.0.1 (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker><oo-accept-broker> Bug 958674 - Fix Mongo SSL support (jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove last external reference (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into support_external_cartridges (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Rename "external cartridge" to "downloaded cartridge". UI should call them "personal" cartridges (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2300 from pravisankar/dev/ravi/card21 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Broker changes for supporting unsubscribe connection event. Details: When one of the component is removed from the app and if it has published some content to other components located on different gears, we issue unsubscribe event on all the subscribing gears to cleanup the published content. (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2306 from smarterclayton/bug_958192_document_auth_scope_config (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 958192 - Document scopes in config (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Use standard name for boolean (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into support_external_cartridges (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Card 551 (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> Bug 956351 - Add mongo rubygem dependency, docs (jolamb@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2282 from rajatchopra/url_story (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - support for external cartridge through urls (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - Removed 'setmaxstorage' option for oo-admin-ctl-user script. Added 'setmaxtrackedstorage' and 'setmaxuntrackedstorage' options for oo-admin-ctl- user script. Updated oo-admin-ctl-user man page. Max allowed additional fs storage for user will be 'max_untracked_addtl_storage_per_gear' capability + 'max_tracked_addtl_storage_per_gear' capability. Don't record usage for additional fs storage if it is less than 'max_untracked_addtl_storage_per_gear' limit. Fixed unit tests and models to accommodate the above change. (rpenta@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into support_external_cartridges (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 956670 - Fix static references to small gear size (jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2219 from detiber/useractionlogfix (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Add broker config for external cartridges (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - <broker> Updated spec file for correct user_action.log location <oo-accept- broker> Added permission check for rest api logs (jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx) - General REST API clean up - centralizing log tags and getting common objects (lnader@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2062 from Miciah/move-plugins.d-README-from-node-to- broker (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 928675 (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2111 from brenton/specs3 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Removing the MongoDB dependency from the Broker rpm spec (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #2080 from brenton/specs2 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Move to minitest 3.5.0, webmock 1.8.11, and mocha 0.12.10 (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) - Cucumber is not a runtime requirement for the Broker (bleanhar@xxxxxxxxxx) - Move plugins.d/README from the node to the broker (miciah.masters@xxxxxxxxx) * Tue Jun 11 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.10.1-1 - Bump up version to 1.10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ openshift-origin-cartridge-cron- (FEDORA-2014-2537) Embedded cron support for OpenShift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to the latest stable release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri Dec 6 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bumping versions for OpenShift Origin Release 3 (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 37 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Wed Dec 4 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - bump_minor_versions for sprint 37 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Nov 14 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.3-1 - Bumping cartridge versions for 2.0.36 (pmorie@xxxxxxxxx) * Mon Nov 11 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.2-1 - cron/ Fix user-defined environment variables path (jooert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) * Mon Oct 21 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.1-1 - Bump cartridge versions (fotios@xxxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 35 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Tue Sep 24 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.2-1 - Revert "cartridges: display the cron install message only on the web_proxy gear in a scaled environment" (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Revert "use proper return codes in has_web_proxu() bash sdk" (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - use proper return codes in has_web_proxu() bash sdk (mmahut@xxxxxxxxxx) - cartridges: display the cron install message only on the web_proxy gear in a scaled environment (mmahut@xxxxxxxxxx) - cartridges: displaying the gear uuid to distinguish between gears in a cron scaled environment (RHBZ#1006712) (mmahut@xxxxxxxxxx) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ openshift-origin-cartridge-diy- (FEDORA-2014-2458) DIY OpenShift cartridge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to the latest stable release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri Dec 6 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bumping versions for OpenShift Origin Release 3 (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Fix for bug 1034596 remove links that point to (sgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove Open Sans since we're not including it externally, make font stack consistent with our site, set line-height (sgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxx) - Revisions to new app welcome pages. (sgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxx) * Wed Dec 4 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Fix for bug 1034596 remove links that point to (sgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxx) - Remove Open Sans since we're not including it externally, make font stack consistent with our site, set line-height (sgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxx) - Revisions to new app welcome pages. (sgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Nov 7 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.1-1 - bump_minor_versions for sprint 36 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Oct 31 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.4-1 - Bump cartridge versions for 2.0.35 (pmorie@xxxxxxxxx) * Mon Oct 28 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.3-1 - Bug 1021042 (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) * Mon Oct 21 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.2-1 - Explicitly set protocols on endpoints that provide a frontend mapping (rmillner@xxxxxxxxxx) - Build & deployment improvements (andy.goldstein@xxxxxxxxx) - Build & deployment improvements (andy.goldstein@xxxxxxxxx) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ openshift-origin-cartridge-mongodb- (FEDORA-2014-2442) Embedded mongodb support for OpenShift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to the latest stable release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri Dec 6 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bumping versions for OpenShift Origin Release 3 (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) * Wed Dec 4 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - * Thu Nov 7 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.17.1-1 - bump_minor_versions for sprint 36 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Oct 31 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.4-1 - Bump cartridge versions for 2.0.35 (pmorie@xxxxxxxxx) * Wed Oct 23 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.3-1 - Bug 1021726 - Create the mongo journal ahead of time and copy it into the gear for speed. (rmillner@xxxxxxxxxx) * Tue Oct 22 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.2-1 - Bug 1009384 - it was observed that mongodb now preallocates the journal which takes over 30 seconds. (rmillner@xxxxxxxxxx) * Mon Oct 21 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.1-1 - Bump cartridge versions (fotios@xxxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 35 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Oct 3 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.4-1 - Bug 980721 - Fix mongodb password and db name on restore. (rmillner@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Sep 27 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.3-1 - Origin UI 72 - Membership (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Sep 26 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.2-1 - Merge pull request #3707 from rajatchopra/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - add mappings support to routing spi, and add protocols to cart manifests (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 982434 - remove extraneous set_app_info usage (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Sep 13 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.1-1 - bump_minor_versions for sprint 34 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Sep 12 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.13.3-1 - Cartridge version bumps for 2.0.33 (ironcladlou@xxxxxxxxx) * Thu Sep 5 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.13.2-1 - Bug 999295: Improve mongodb startup verification reliability (ironcladlou@xxxxxxxxx) * Thu Aug 29 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.13.1-1 - bump_minor_versions for sprint 33 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Wed Aug 21 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.12.4-1 - Cartridge - Sprint 2.0.32 cartridge version bumps (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Aug 16 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.12.3-1 - Merge pull request #3354 from dobbymoodge/origin_runtime_219 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - <cartridges> Additional cart version and test fixes (jolamb@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Aug 15 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.12.2-1 - Bug 968280 - Ensure Stopping/Starting messages during git push Bug 983014 - Unnecessary messages from mongodb cartridge (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Aug 8 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.12.1-1 - Merge pull request #3313 from jwhonce/wip/manifest_lint (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Made scripts executable. (sridhar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) - Enable mongodb journaling (sridhar@xxxxxxxxx) - Change 1 - Consolidate config options into the config file except for --auth (sridhar@xxxxxxxxx) - Cartridge - Clean up manifests (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 32 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ openshift-origin-cartridge-mysql- (FEDORA-2014-2532) Embedded mysql support for OpenShift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to the latest stable release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Fri Dec 6 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bumping versions for OpenShift Origin Release 3 (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 37 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Wed Dec 4 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - bump_minor_versions for sprint 37 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Nov 14 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.18.2-1 - Bumping cartridge versions for 2.0.36 (pmorie@xxxxxxxxx) * Thu Nov 7 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.18.1-1 - add max connections to tunables (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 36 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Oct 31 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.17.2-1 - Bug 1025204 (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bump cartridge versions for 2.0.35 (pmorie@xxxxxxxxx) * Mon Oct 21 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.17.1-1 - Bail out on upgrade in a more shell-friendly way (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Use oo-erb instead of erb (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Double up memory limits for embedded MySQL cart (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Bump MyISAM memory parameters (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Bump up memory for standalone cartridges (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Guard against removing innoDB logs (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Ensure Drupal gears can migrate (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Tune MySQL parameters via OPENSHIFT_GEAR_MEMORY_MB (asari.ruby@xxxxxxxxx) - Bump cartridge versions (fotios@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1017642: Wait for mysql to start before accesing during restore (ironcladlou@xxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 35 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Sep 27 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.4-1 - Merge pull request #3720 from smarterclayton/origin_ui_72_membership (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Initial checkin of iptables port proxy script. (mrunalp@xxxxxxxxx) - Origin UI 72 - Membership (ccoleman@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Sep 26 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.3-1 - Merge pull request #3707 from rajatchopra/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - add mappings support to routing spi, and add protocols to cart manifests (rchopra@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 982434 - remove extraneous set_app_info usage (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) * Tue Sep 24 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.2-1 - Bug 980515 - Remove extraneous Conflicts element (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Sep 13 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.1-1 - bump_minor_versions for sprint 34 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Sep 12 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.8.4-1 - Cartridge version bumps for 2.0.33 (ironcladlou@xxxxxxxxx) * Tue Sep 10 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.8.3-1 - Merge pull request #3599 from danmcp/master (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1002894 (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1002893 - Added mysql-connector-java dependency to mysql cartridge (mfojtik@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Sep 6 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.8.2-1 - Bug 1000167 (dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Aug 29 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.8.1-1 - Updated cartridges and scripts for phpmyadmin-4 (mfojtik@xxxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 33 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Wed Aug 21 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.4-1 - Cartridge - Sprint 2.0.32 cartridge version bumps (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Aug 16 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.3-1 - Merge pull request #3379 from pmorie/bugs/997593 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3354 from dobbymoodge/origin_runtime_219 (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - <cartridges> Additional cart version and test fixes (jolamb@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fix bug 997593 (pmorie@xxxxxxxxx) * Thu Aug 15 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.2-1 - Bug 968280 - Ensure Stopping/Starting messages during git push Bug 983014 - Unnecessary messages from mongodb cartridge (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Aug 8 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1 - Cartridge - Clean up manifests (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 32 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ openshift-origin-node-proxy- (FEDORA-2014-2481) Routing proxy for OpenShift Origin Node -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to the latest stable release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Dec 11 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bumping version numbers (release-3 build-2) (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - the nodejs rpm macros are in nodejs-devel for fedora, need to require it when not building SCL (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Dec 6 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bumping versions for OpenShift Origin Release 3 (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1034077: Fix for backend connection not opened. (mrunalp@xxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4234 from maxamillion/admiller/fix_node-proxy_build (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - remove unnecessary scl enable, we handle all scl paths in global macros (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) - check for headers and host header bz#103064 (vbatts@xxxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 37 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Wed Dec 4 2013 Krishna Raman <kraman@xxxxxxxxx> - Bug 1034077: Fix for backend connection not opened. (mrunalp@xxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #4234 from maxamillion/admiller/fix_node-proxy_build (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - remove unnecessary scl enable, we handle all scl paths in global macros (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) - check for headers and host header bz#103064 (vbatts@xxxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 37 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Nov 8 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.3-1 - <node-proxy> Spec file updates to make brew happy (jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Nov 7 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.2-1 - <node-proxy> Update requires to use scl where appropriate (jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx) * Mon Oct 21 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.1-1 - Cart origin_runtime_179 - Bind node-web-proxy to one IP address (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) - Merge pull request #3812 from danbev/node-proxy-chunked-issue (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1016986 - Wait for node-web-proxy startup (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) - Adding a listener for response close events. (daniel.bevenius@xxxxxxxxx) - bump_minor_versions for sprint 35 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Wed Sep 25 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.4-1 - Merge pull request #3697 from kraman/f19_fixes (dmcphers+openshiftbot@xxxxxxxxxx) - Fedora 19 comes with NodeJS 0.10.Remove scl call from service file. (kraman@xxxxxxxxx) * Tue Sep 24 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.3-1 - * remove debugging output from log (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) - Bug 1011459 - oo-last-access does not process node-web-proxy/websockets.log (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) * Tue Sep 24 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.2-1 - Card origin_runtime_232 - Unidle application if accessed via node-web-proxy (jhonce@xxxxxxxxxx) * Fri Sep 13 2013 Troy Dawson <tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.15.1-1 - bump_minor_versions for sprint 34 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Wed Sep 11 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.12.3-1 - Add support for passing through Sec-Websocket-Protocol header. (mrunalp@xxxxxxxxx) * Mon Sep 9 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.12.2-1 - wrong license file was copied in (tdawson@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Aug 29 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.12.1-1 - bump_minor_versions for sprint 33 (admiller@xxxxxxxxxx) * Mon Aug 19 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.11.3-1 - Add X-Forwarded-Host and Port header to the proxied connection. (rmillner@xxxxxxxxxx) * Thu Aug 15 2013 Adam Miller <admiller@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.11.2-1 - Add CA setting for node web proxy. (mrunalp@xxxxxxxxx) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ overpass-fonts-1.01-6.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2526) Typeface based on the U.S. interstate highway road signage type system -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Add Light variant font. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.01-6 - add Light variant font * Sat Aug 3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.01-5 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ perl-Digest-JHash-0.08-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2518) Perl extension for 32 bit Jenkins Hashing Algorithm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Ralf Corsépius <corsepiu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.08-2 - Add Digest-JHash-0.08-pod_t.diff. * Tue Feb 4 2014 Ralf Corsépius <corsepiu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.08-1 - Upstream update. - Modernize spec. * Sat Aug 3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.07-8 - Rebuilt for * Sat Jul 20 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.07-7 - Perl 5.18 rebuild -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ perl-XML-Writer-0.624-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2497) A simple Perl module for writing XML documents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: This release enables empty DTD System IDs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Petr Pisar <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.624-1 - 0.624 bump * Wed Jul 3 2013 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.623-2 - Change license to CC0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064778 - perl-XML-Writer-0.624 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ perl-qpid_proton-0.6-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2427) Perl language bindings for Qpid Proton -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Updated the Provides to include -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.6-2 - Updated the Provides to include - * qpid_proton - * qpid::proton::ExceptionHandling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-PhpOption-1.4.0-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2490) Option type for PHP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Updated to 1.4.0 * Adds the \Traversable release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski@xxxxxxxxx> 1.4.0-1 - Updated to 1.4.0 (BZ #1055299) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1055299 - php-PhpOption-1.4.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-phpunit-Version-1.0.2-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2432) Managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: * Errors from `exec()`uting the Git command are now suppressed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.2-1 - Update to 1.0.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-sabre-dav-1.8.8-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2459) WebDAV Framework for PHP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Upstream Changelog: * Fixed: Potential security vulnerability in the http client. * Fixed: Issue #374: Don't urlescape colon (:) when it's not required. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ postfix-2.10.3-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2504) Postfix Mail Transport Agent -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: This is an bug fix update of postfix that fixes several bugs. For details see upstream announcement: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2.10.3-1 - New version Resolves: rhbz#1054116 * Thu Jan 2 2014 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2.10.2-3 - Rebuilt regarding ECDHE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1054116 - postfix-2.11.0 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ python-boto-2.25.0-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2255) A simple lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: This update contains a fix that makes S3Connection.get_bucket use HEAD requests instead of GET requests, which reduces the price of those requests by 90%. Code that parses error messages may require updating. See the upstream release notes for additional details. This update also contains several bugfixes and support for a few new capabilities that were added to AWS over the past month. The full release notes for changes from the last boto update are available here: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Garrett Holmstorm <gholms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.25.0-2 - Fixed roboto parameter type conversion (boto #2094, RH #1064550) * Mon Feb 10 2014 Garrett Holmstrom <gholms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.25.0-1 - Updated to 2.25.0 - This update makes s3.get_bucket use HEAD instead of GET -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064550 - update of python-boto breaks euca2ools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ qsstv-8.1.17-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2501) Qt-based slow-scan TV and fax -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: 0140211 QSSTV 8.1.17 fixed bug in hybrid mode occuring in version 15 and 16 20140210 QSSTV 8.1.16 bug ifx in encryption module fix enable hybrid mode reception flag now works as an enable instead of a disable 20140203 QSSTV 8.1.15 added %m and %s for text expansion in waterfall updated manual added TX on Delay added +RTS/+DTR -RTS/-DTR added enable/disable hybrid mode reception 20140130 QSSTV 8.1.14 added control for RTS:CTS via Hamlib fixed PTT via serial port changed minimum size of QSSTV window 20140126 QSSTV 8.1.13 added hybrid tx changed hybrid mode to make it compatible with Easypal version jan 2014. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Tue Feb 11 2014 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@xxxxxxxxx> - 8.1.17-1 - Update to latest upstream release. * Wed Jan 29 2014 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@xxxxxxxxx> - 8.1.14-1 - Update to latest upstream release. * Sun Jan 26 2014 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@xxxxxxxxx> - 8.1.13-1 - Update to latest upstream release. * Mon Jan 6 2014 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@xxxxxxxxx> - 8.1.12-1 - Update to latest upstream release. * Tue Dec 17 2013 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@xxxxxxxxx> - 8.1.3 - Update to latest upstream release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1048821 - qsstv-8.1.17 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ reposurgeon-3.3-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2485) SCM Repository Manipulation Tool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: - Set negation in selections with ~. - @min() and @max() in selections. - 'define' by itself lists macros. - New 'deletes' option in the remove command. 3.2: 2014-02-03 * New path rename command. * List and inspect now take either a leading or following selection. * Text search selections can now have a B suffix to search blobs. * Now possible to transplant fileops between commits using remove .. to. * A date of the form <YYYY-mm-dd> selects all commits and tags that day. * Macros can now be multiline. 3.1: 2014-01-27 * The filter command now has a --replace modifier to avoid regex overhead. * Associated branches are renamed when a reset or tag is moved or deleted. * Bug fix for off-by-one error in tags reporting. 3.0: 2014-01-05 * Many syntactic features of the language have changed incompatibly. * Backward-incompatible language changes are documented on the manual page. * 'expunge' and 'unite' commands have been incompatibly improved. * New 'strip' command for generating test cases with blobs stripped out * New 'reduce' command for topological reduction of test cases. * The 'lint' command gets a test for the existence of multiple roots. * Selecting a date or action stamp matching multiple commits now matches all. * The surgical language now has a macro facility. 2.43: 2013-12-01 * "set canonicalize" is now effective during import stream reads. * Introduced =O, =M, =F selectors for parentless, merge, and fork commits. * The "multiline" modifier on edit is replaced by the =L selector. * Selection-set evaluation now short-circuits predicates and is faster. * Fixed a buggy test that caused the reader to choke on submodule links. 3.2: 2014-02-03 * New path rename command. * List and inspect now take either a leading or following selection. * Text search selections can now have a B suffix to search blobs. * Now possible to transplant fileops between commits using remove .. to. * A date of the form <YYYY-mm-dd> selects all commits and tags that day. * Macros can now be multiline. 3.1: 2014-01-27 * The filter command now has a --replace modifier to avoid regex overhead. * Associated branches are renamed when a reset or tag is moved or deleted. * Bug fix for off-by-one error in tags reporting. 3.0: 2014-01-05 * Many syntactic features of the language have changed incompatibly. * Backward-incompatible language changes are documented on the manual page. * 'expunge' and 'unite' commands have been incompatibly improved. * New 'strip' command for generating test cases with blobs stripped out * New 'reduce' command for topological reduction of test cases. * The 'lint' command gets a test for the existence of multiple roots. * Selecting a date or action stamp matching multiple commits now matches all. * The surgical language now has a macro facility. 2.43: 2013-12-01 * "set canonicalize" is now effective during import stream reads. * Introduced =O, =M, =F selectors for parentless, merge, and fork commits. * The "multiline" modifier on edit is replaced by the =L selector. * Selection-set evaluation now short-circuits predicates and is faster. * Fixed a buggy test that caused the reader to choke on submodule links. 3.2: 2014-02-03 * New path rename command. * List and inspect now take either a leading or following selection. * Text search selections can now have a B suffix to search blobs. * Now possible to transplant fileops between commits using remove .. to. * A date of the form <YYYY-mm-dd> selects all commits and tags that day. * Macros can now be multiline. 3.1: 2014-01-27 * The filter command now has a --replace modifier to avoid regex overhead. * Associated branches are renamed when a reset or tag is moved or deleted. * Bug fix for off-by-one error in tags reporting. 3.0: 2014-01-05 * Many syntactic features of the language have changed incompatibly. * Backward-incompatible language changes are documented on the manual page. * 'expunge' and 'unite' commands have been incompatibly improved. * New 'strip' command for generating test cases with blobs stripped out * New 'reduce' command for topological reduction of test cases. * The 'lint' command gets a test for the existence of multiple roots. * Selecting a date or action stamp matching multiple commits now matches all. * The surgical language now has a macro facility. 2.43: 2013-12-01 * "set canonicalize" is now effective during import stream reads. * Introduced =O, =M, =F selectors for parentless, merge, and fork commits. * The "multiline" modifier on edit is replaced by the =L selector. * Selection-set evaluation now short-circuits predicates and is faster. * Fixed a buggy test that caused the reader to choke on submodule links. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Christopher Meng <rpm@xxxxxxxx> - 3.3-1 - Set negation in selections with ~. - @min() and @max() in selections. - 'define' by itself lists macros. - New 'deletes' option in the remove command. * Wed Feb 5 2014 Christopher Meng <rpm@xxxxxxxx> - 3.2-1 - New path rename command. - List and inspect now take either a leading or following selection. - Text search selections can now have a B suffix to search blobs. - Now possible to transplant fileops between commits using remove .. to. - A date of the form <YYYY-mm-dd> selects all commits and tags that day. - Macros can now be multiline. - The filter command now has a --replace modifier to avoid regex overhead. - Associated branches are renamed when a reset or tag is moved or deleted. - Bug fix for off-by-one error in tags reporting. - Many syntactic features of the language have changed incompatibly. - Backward-incompatible language changes are documented on the manual page. - 'expunge' and 'unite' commands have been incompatibly improved. - New 'strip' command for generating test cases with blobs stripped out - New 'reduce' command for topological reduction of test cases. - The 'lint' command gets a test for the existence of multiple roots. - Selecting a date or action stamp matching multiple commits now matches all. - The surgical language now has a macro facility. - "set canonicalize" is now effective during import stream reads. - Introduced =O, =M, =F selectors for parentless, merge, and fork commits. - The "multiline" modifier on edit is replaced by the =L selector. - Selection-set evaluation now short-circuits predicates and is faster. - Fixed a buggy test that caused the reader to choke on submodule links. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064267 - reposurgeon-3.3 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ rpm-4.11.2-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2498) The RPM package management system -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: This update brings rpm to the latest stable upstream version, including fixes for numerous bugs and some minor enhancements: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.11.2-1 - update to 4.11.2 ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #953719 - successful yum or rpm install reports failed [ 2 ] Bug #1059285 - rpm: __scm_apply_git macro should use --index for git apply and omit -a for git commit [ 3 ] Bug #991329 - make hdr[1051] (RPMTAG_NOSOURCE) format consistent [ 4 ] Bug #1039520 - rpmbuild: Subpackage names are not sanity checked. [ 5 ] Bug #503846 - bustage when version includes a space. [ 6 ] Bug #1043149 - /usr/lib/rpm/macros.perl: __find_provides macro point to non existing file [ 7 ] Bug #1033596 - dnf API base.do_transaction fails in python3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ rubygem-scoped_search-2.6.3-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2428) Easily search your ActiveRecord models -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: rebase to scoped_search-2.6.3 rebase to scoped_search-2.6.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.6.3-1 - rebase to scoped_search-2.6.3 * Tue Feb 11 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.6.2-1 - rebase to scoped_search-2.6.2 * Wed Dec 18 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.6.1-1 - rebase to scoped_search-2.6.1 * Sun Aug 4 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.6.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1063444 - scoped_search 2.6.2 available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ sandbox-runner-data-0.3.3-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2447) Basic directories for Sandbox Runners miscellaneous data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: added "undock" icon for se-sandbox-runner; corrected Licenses; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Tue Feb 11 2014 Fl@sh <kaperang07@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.3-1 - version updated; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ se-sandbox-runner-1.6.10-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2487) Qt wrapper for SELinux Sandbox -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: added undock action; some improvements; reimplemented JobList; reimplemented shredding; some improvements; reimplemented JobList; reimplemented shredding; some improvements; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Fl@sh <kaperang07@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.6.10-1 - changed the selinux-policy-sandbox version in R; - version updated; * Sat Feb 8 2014 Fl@sh <kaperang07@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.6.8-2 - added a condition to the selinux-policy-sandbox requirement; - release updated; * Fri Feb 7 2014 Fl@sh <kaperang07@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.6.8-1 - added selinux-policy-sandbox to R; - version updated; * Wed Jan 22 2014 Fl@sh <kaperang07@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.7-1 - added sandbox-runner-data to R; - removed hicolor-icon-theme, oxygen-icon-theme from R; - removed Icon_Cache ScriptletSnippets; - removed unnecessary %files path; - version updated; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ stompclt-1.1-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2477) Versatile STOMP client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to upstream version, rhbz #1061604. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 Massimo Paladin <massimo.paladin@xxxxxxxxx> 1.1-1 - Update to upstream, rhbz #1061604. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1061604 - Upgrade to new upstream version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ sword-1.7.2-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-1815) Free Bible Software Project -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update Sword to the latest upstream release, along with Xiphos frontends that was released and built for it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Jan 29 2014 Deji Akingunola <dakingun@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.2-1 - Update to sword-1.7.2 * Sun Aug 4 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.6.2-11 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ validns-0.8-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2430) DNS and DNSSEC zone file validator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Updated to 0.8 for sha-384 support in DS records -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Tue Feb 11 2014 Paul Wouters <pwouters@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.8-1 - Updated to 0.8 for sha-384 support in DS records * Sun Aug 4 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ vym-2.3.22-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2437) View your mind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Latest upstream. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.22-1 - Latest upstream, BZ 1064809. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1064809 - vym-2.3.22 is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ wallaby-0.16.4-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2502) HTCondor pool configuration service with QMF interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: replace old-style systemd scriptlets -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 willb <willb@redhat> - 0.16.4-2 - uses new-style systemd macros (BZ850363) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #850363 - Introduce new systemd-rpm macros in wallaby spec file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ yourls-1.7-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2542) Your Own URL Shortener -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to 1.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu Feb 13 2014 Martin Krizek <mkrizek@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7-1 - Update to 1.7 - Add upstream patch solving: Incorrect error message after installation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ yum-3.4.3-135.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-2541) RPM package installer/updater/manager -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to latest HEAD. - Add yum fs sub-command. filter/refilter/refilter-cleanup/du/status/diff. - Fix a possible "yum history stats" tb. BZ 1059184. - Use requirement instead of calling string_to_prco_tuple. BZ 1060308 - ppc64le is its own arch, treat it as such. - Add yum-cron to run_with_package_names. - Don't create lockdir directories, as they are magic now. BZ 975864. - Make 'yum install @group' give an error when trying to install a non-existent group. BZ 1018494 - Test for lvm binary before using. BZ 1047793. - Split cron-daily and cron-hourly into separate packages. Add cron-security. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Wed Feb 12 2014 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-135 - update to latest HEAD - Add yum fs sub-command. filter/refilter/refilter-cleanup/du/status/diff. - Fix a possible "yum history stats" tb. BZ 1059184. - Use requirement instead of calling string_to_prco_tuple. - ppc64le is its own arch treat it as such. * Wed Jan 29 2014 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-134 - update to latest HEAD - Add yum-cron to run_with_package_names. - Don't create lockdir directories, as they are magic now. BZ 975864. - Make 'yum install @group' give an error when trying to install a - non-existent group. - One more s/ouput/output/ fix - Cleanup spec for rhel-7 builds. * Thu Jan 23 2014 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-133 - update to latest HEAD - Test for lvm binary before using. BZ 1047793. - Split cron-daily and cron-hourly into separate packages. Add cron-security. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #1059184 - [abrt] yum: 'bool' object has no attribute '__getitem__' [ 2 ] Bug #1060308 - backport - depsolve: Use requirement instead of calling string_to_prco_tuple [ 3 ] Bug #975864 - yum should not create $installroot/var/run [ 4 ] Bug #1018494 - yum install @NOSUCHGROUP does not give an error -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- test mailing list test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: