rawhide report: 20140116 changes

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Compose started at Thu Jan 16 05:15:03 UTC 2014

Broken deps for i386
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libImath.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libIlmThread.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libIlmImf.so.7
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libIexMath.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libIex.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libHalf.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libIlmThread.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libIlmImf.so.7
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libIex.so.6
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.i686 requires libImath-2_0.so.10
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.i686 requires libIlmThread-2_0.so.10
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.i686 requires libIlmImf-Imf_2_0.so.20
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.i686 requires libIexMath-2_0.so.10
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.i686 requires libIex-2_0.so.10
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.i686 requires libHalf.so.10
	R-maanova-1.30.0-2.fc20.i686 requires libRlapack.so
	R-maanova-1.30.0-2.fc20.i686 requires libRblas.so
	async-http-client-1.7.23-1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	avro-ipc-1.7.5-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	derelict-tcod-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.i686 requires tcod
	derelict-tcod-devel-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.i686 requires tcod
	1:evolution-rss-0.3.94-3.fc21.i686 requires libcamel-1.2.so.47
	glabels-3.2.0-2.fc21.i686 requires libcamel-1.2.so.47
	gpsdrive-2.11-20.fc20.i686 requires libgps.so.20
	gtkd-2.0.0-29.20120815git9ae9181.fc18.i686 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60
	hadoop-common-2.2.0-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	hadoop-hdfs-2.2.0-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	hadoop-mapreduce-2.2.0-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	hadoop-yarn-2.2.0-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires kernel-debuginfo
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires httpd-debuginfo
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires apr-util-debuginfo
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires apr-debuginfo
	1:kawa-1.11-5.fc19.i686 requires servlet25
	koji-vm-1.8.0-2.fc20.noarch requires python-virtinst
	libghemical-2.99.1-24.fc20.i686 requires libf77blas.so.3
	libghemical-2.99.1-24.fc20.i686 requires libatlas.so.3
	1:libopensync-plugin-irmc-0.22-7.fc20.i686 requires libopenobex.so.1
	mail-notification-evolution-plugin-5.4-77.git.eab5c13.fc21.i686 requires libcamel-1.2.so.47
	mojomojo-1.10-1.fc20.noarch requires perl(HTML::FormFu::Element::reCAPTCHA)
	mpqc-2.3.1-23.fc20.i686 requires libf77blas.so.3
	mpqc-2.3.1-23.fc20.i686 requires libatlas.so.3
	netdisco-1.1-6.fc20.noarch requires perl(SNMP::Info::Layer2::Bay)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtksys.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkWidgets.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkVolumeRendering.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkViews.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkTextAnalysis.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkRendering.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkParallel.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkInfovis.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkImaging.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkIO.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkHybrid.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkGraphics.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkGeovis.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkGenericFiltering.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkFiltering.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkCommon.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libvtkCharts.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libitksys-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libitkopenjpeg-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libitkdouble-conversion-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libitkNetlibSlatec-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libgdcmMSFF.so.2.2
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libgdcmDICT.so.2.2
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libQVTK.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKznz-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKniftiio-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKgiftiio-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKWatersheds-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKVtkGlue-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKVideoIO-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKVideoCore-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKVTK-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKVNLInstantiation-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKStatistics-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKSpatialObjects-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKReview-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKQuadEdgeMesh-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKPolynomials-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKPath-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKOptimizersv4-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKOptimizers-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKNrrdIO-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKMetaIO-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKMesh-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKLabelMap-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKKLMRegionGrowing-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOXML-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOVTK-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOTransformMatlab-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOTransformInsightLegacy-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOTransformHDF5-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOTransformBase-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOTIFF-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOStimulate-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOSpatialObjects-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOSiemens-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOPNG-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIONRRD-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIONIFTI-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOMeta-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOMesh-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOJPEG-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOImageBase-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOIPL-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOHDF5-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOGIPL-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOGE-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOGDCM-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOCSV-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOBioRad-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKIOBMP-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKGDCM-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKFEM-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKEXPAT-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKDeprecated-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKDICOMParser-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKCommon-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKBioCell-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.i686 requires libITKBiasCorrection-4.4.so.1
	nocpulse-common-2.2.7-2.fc20.noarch requires perl(RHN::DBI)
	obexfs-0.12-7.fc20.i686 requires libopenobex.so.1
	gnome-panel-control-3.5.2-3.fc21.i686 requires gnome-panel
	perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu-0.09004-4.fc20.noarch requires perl(HTML::FormFu::MultiForm)
	perl-Language-Expr-0.19-4.fc19.noarch requires perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.16.2)
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.i686 requires libfreerdp-rail.so.1.0
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.i686 requires libfreerdp-kbd.so.1.0
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.i686 requires libfreerdp-gdi.so.1.0
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.i686 requires libfreerdp-core.so.1.0
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.i686 requires libfreerdp-codec.so.1.0
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.i686 requires libfreerdp-channels.so.1.0
	rkward-0.6.1-4.fc21.i686 requires libRlapack.so
	rkward-0.6.1-4.fc21.i686 requires libRblas.so
	rubygem-audited-activerecord-3.0.0-3.fc19.noarch requires rubygem(activerecord) < 0:4
	sagemath-5.12-2.fc21.i686 requires gap-trans-groups
	sagemath-5.12-2.fc21.i686 requires gap-small-groups
	sagemath-5.12-2.fc21.i686 requires gap-prim-groups
	octave-shogun-3.1.0-0.12.git20131226.1c7fbaa.fc21.i686 requires octave(api) = 0:api-v48+
	octave-shogun-3.1.0-0.12.git20131226.1c7fbaa.fc21.i686 requires liboctinterp.so.1
	siril-0.8-15.fc20.i686 requires libcfitsio.so.1
	spacewalk-admin-2.0.1-2.fc20.noarch requires spacewalk-base
	spacewalk-admin-2.0.1-2.fc20.noarch requires perl(RHN::SatelliteCert)
	spectrum-1.4.8-11.fc20.i686 requires libgloox.so.8
	tango-2-12.20120821git7b92443.fc19.i686 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60
	thermostat-1.0.0-1.fc21.i686 requires osgi(org.jboss.netty) >= 0:3.6.6
	totpcgi-selinux-0.5.5-1.fc21.noarch requires file:///usr/share/doc/selinux-policy/html/index.html
	wildfly-8.0.0-0.14.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.undertow:undertow-jsp)

Broken deps for x86_64
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libImath.so.6()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libIlmThread.so.6()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libIlmImf.so.7()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libIexMath.so.6()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libIex.so.6()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libHalf.so.6()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libIlmThread.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libIlmImf.so.7
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.i686 requires libIex.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libIlmThread.so.6()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libIlmImf.so.7()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.x86_64 requires libIex.so.6()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.x86_64 requires libImath-2_0.so.10()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.x86_64 requires libIlmThread-2_0.so.10()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.x86_64 requires libIlmImf-Imf_2_0.so.20()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.x86_64 requires libIexMath-2_0.so.10()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.x86_64 requires libIex-2_0.so.10()(64bit)
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.x86_64 requires libHalf.so.10()(64bit)
	R-maanova-1.30.0-2.fc20.x86_64 requires libRlapack.so()(64bit)
	R-maanova-1.30.0-2.fc20.x86_64 requires libRblas.so()(64bit)
	async-http-client-1.7.23-1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	avro-ipc-1.7.5-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	derelict-tcod-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.i686 requires tcod
	derelict-tcod-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.x86_64 requires tcod
	derelict-tcod-devel-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.i686 requires tcod
	derelict-tcod-devel-3-20.20130626gite70c293.fc20.x86_64 requires tcod
	1:evolution-rss-0.3.94-3.fc21.x86_64 requires libcamel-1.2.so.47()(64bit)
	glabels-3.2.0-2.fc21.x86_64 requires libcamel-1.2.so.47()(64bit)
	gpsdrive-2.11-20.fc20.x86_64 requires libgps.so.20()(64bit)
	gtkd-2.0.0-29.20120815git9ae9181.fc18.i686 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60
	gtkd-2.0.0-29.20120815git9ae9181.fc18.x86_64 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60()(64bit)
	hadoop-common-2.2.0-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	hadoop-hdfs-2.2.0-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	hadoop-mapreduce-2.2.0-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	hadoop-yarn-2.2.0-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires kernel-debuginfo
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires httpd-debuginfo
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires apr-util-debuginfo
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires apr-debuginfo
	1:kawa-1.11-5.fc19.x86_64 requires servlet25
	koji-vm-1.8.0-2.fc20.noarch requires python-virtinst
	libghemical-2.99.1-24.fc20.i686 requires libf77blas.so.3
	libghemical-2.99.1-24.fc20.i686 requires libatlas.so.3
	libghemical-2.99.1-24.fc20.x86_64 requires libf77blas.so.3()(64bit)
	libghemical-2.99.1-24.fc20.x86_64 requires libatlas.so.3()(64bit)
	1:libopensync-plugin-irmc-0.22-7.fc20.x86_64 requires libopenobex.so.1()(64bit)
	mail-notification-evolution-plugin-5.4-77.git.eab5c13.fc21.x86_64 requires libcamel-1.2.so.47()(64bit)
	mojomojo-1.10-1.fc20.noarch requires perl(HTML::FormFu::Element::reCAPTCHA)
	mpqc-2.3.1-23.fc20.x86_64 requires libf77blas.so.3()(64bit)
	mpqc-2.3.1-23.fc20.x86_64 requires libatlas.so.3()(64bit)
	netdisco-1.1-6.fc20.noarch requires perl(SNMP::Info::Layer2::Bay)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtksys.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkWidgets.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkVolumeRendering.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkViews.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkTextAnalysis.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkRendering.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkParallel.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkInfovis.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkImaging.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkIO.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkHybrid.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkGraphics.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkGeovis.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkGenericFiltering.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkFiltering.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkCommon.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libvtkCharts.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libitksys-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libitkopenjpeg-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libitkdouble-conversion-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libitkNetlibSlatec-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libgdcmMSFF.so.2.2()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libgdcmDICT.so.2.2()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libQVTK.so.5.10()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKznz-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKniftiio-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKgiftiio-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKWatersheds-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKVtkGlue-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKVideoIO-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKVideoCore-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKVTK-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKVNLInstantiation-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKStatistics-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKSpatialObjects-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKReview-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKQuadEdgeMesh-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKPolynomials-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKPath-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKOptimizersv4-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKOptimizers-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKNrrdIO-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKMetaIO-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKMesh-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKLabelMap-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKKLMRegionGrowing-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOXML-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOVTK-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOTransformMatlab-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOTransformInsightLegacy-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOTransformHDF5-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOTransformBase-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOTIFF-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOStimulate-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOSpatialObjects-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOSiemens-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOPNG-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIONRRD-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIONIFTI-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOMeta-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOMesh-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOJPEG-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOImageBase-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOIPL-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOHDF5-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOGIPL-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOGE-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOGDCM-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOCSV-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOBioRad-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKIOBMP-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKGDCM-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKFEM-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKEXPAT-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKDeprecated-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKDICOMParser-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKCommon-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKBioCell-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.x86_64 requires libITKBiasCorrection-4.4.so.1()(64bit)
	nocpulse-common-2.2.7-2.fc20.noarch requires perl(RHN::DBI)
	obexfs-0.12-7.fc20.x86_64 requires libopenobex.so.1()(64bit)
	gnome-panel-control-3.5.2-3.fc21.x86_64 requires gnome-panel
	perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu-0.09004-4.fc20.noarch requires perl(HTML::FormFu::MultiForm)
	perl-Language-Expr-0.19-4.fc19.noarch requires perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.16.2)
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.x86_64 requires libfreerdp-rail.so.1.0()(64bit)
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.x86_64 requires libfreerdp-kbd.so.1.0()(64bit)
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.x86_64 requires libfreerdp-gdi.so.1.0()(64bit)
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.x86_64 requires libfreerdp-core.so.1.0()(64bit)
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.x86_64 requires libfreerdp-codec.so.1.0()(64bit)
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.x86_64 requires libfreerdp-channels.so.1.0()(64bit)
	rkward-0.6.1-4.fc21.x86_64 requires libRlapack.so()(64bit)
	rkward-0.6.1-4.fc21.x86_64 requires libRblas.so()(64bit)
	rubygem-audited-activerecord-3.0.0-3.fc19.noarch requires rubygem(activerecord) < 0:4
	sagemath-5.12-2.fc21.i686 requires gap-trans-groups
	sagemath-5.12-2.fc21.i686 requires gap-small-groups
	sagemath-5.12-2.fc21.i686 requires gap-prim-groups
	sagemath-5.12-2.fc21.x86_64 requires gap-trans-groups
	sagemath-5.12-2.fc21.x86_64 requires gap-small-groups
	sagemath-5.12-2.fc21.x86_64 requires gap-prim-groups
	octave-shogun-3.1.0-0.12.git20131226.1c7fbaa.fc21.x86_64 requires octave(api) = 0:api-v48+
	octave-shogun-3.1.0-0.12.git20131226.1c7fbaa.fc21.x86_64 requires liboctinterp.so.1()(64bit)
	siril-0.8-15.fc20.x86_64 requires libcfitsio.so.1()(64bit)
	spacewalk-admin-2.0.1-2.fc20.noarch requires spacewalk-base
	spacewalk-admin-2.0.1-2.fc20.noarch requires perl(RHN::SatelliteCert)
	spectrum-1.4.8-11.fc20.x86_64 requires libgloox.so.8()(64bit)
	tango-2-12.20120821git7b92443.fc19.i686 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60
	tango-2-12.20120821git7b92443.fc19.x86_64 requires libphobos-ldc.so.60()(64bit)
	thermostat-1.0.0-1.fc21.x86_64 requires osgi(org.jboss.netty) >= 0:3.6.6
	totpcgi-selinux-0.5.5-1.fc21.noarch requires file:///usr/share/doc/selinux-policy/html/index.html
	wildfly-8.0.0-0.14.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.undertow:undertow-jsp)

Broken deps for armhfp
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.armv7hl requires libImath.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.armv7hl requires libIlmThread.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.armv7hl requires libIlmImf.so.7
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.armv7hl requires libIexMath.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.armv7hl requires libIex.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-16.fc20.armv7hl requires libHalf.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.armv7hl requires libIlmThread.so.6
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.armv7hl requires libIlmImf.so.7
	OpenEXR_CTL-libs-1.0.1-16.fc20.armv7hl requires libIex.so.6
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.armv7hl requires libImath-2_0.so.10
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.armv7hl requires libIlmThread-2_0.so.10
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.armv7hl requires libIlmImf-Imf_2_0.so.20
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.armv7hl requires libIexMath-2_0.so.10
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.armv7hl requires libIex-2_0.so.10
	OpenEXR_Viewers-2.0.1-3.fc21.armv7hl requires libHalf.so.10
	R-maanova-1.30.0-2.fc20.armv7hl requires libRlapack.so
	R-maanova-1.30.0-2.fc20.armv7hl requires libRblas.so
	async-http-client-1.7.23-1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.netty:netty)
	cloud-init-0.7.2-4.fc20.noarch requires dmidecode
	cobbler-2.4.0-2.fc20.noarch requires syslinux
	1:evolution-rss-0.3.94-3.fc21.armv7hl requires libcamel-1.2.so.47
	glabels-3.2.0-2.fc21.armv7hl requires libcamel-1.2.so.47
	gpsdrive-2.11-20.fc20.armv7hl requires libgps.so.20
	gtkd-geany-tags-2.0.0-29.20120815git9ae9181.fc18.noarch requires gtkd = 0:2.0.0-29.20120815git9ae9181.fc18
	hibernate-search-4.5.0-0.1.Alpha2.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro)
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires kernel-debuginfo
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires httpd-debuginfo
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires apr-util-debuginfo
	httpdtap-0.2-2.fc21.noarch requires apr-debuginfo
	1:kawa-1.11-5.fc19.armv7hl requires servlet25
	koji-vm-1.8.0-2.fc20.noarch requires python-virtinst
	libghemical-2.99.1-24.fc20.armv7hl requires libf77blas.so.3
	libghemical-2.99.1-24.fc20.armv7hl requires libatlas.so.3
	1:libopensync-plugin-irmc-0.22-7.fc20.armv7hl requires libopenobex.so.1
	mail-notification-evolution-plugin-5.4-77.git.eab5c13.fc21.armv7hl requires libcamel-1.2.so.47
	mojomojo-1.10-1.fc20.noarch requires perl(HTML::FormFu::Element::reCAPTCHA)
	mozilla-firetray-seamonkey-0.3.6-0.5.143svn.fc18.1.armv7hl requires seamonkey >= 0:2.8
	mpqc-2.3.1-23.fc20.armv7hl requires libf77blas.so.3
	mpqc-2.3.1-23.fc20.armv7hl requires libatlas.so.3
	narayana-5.0.0-0.7.CR2.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.hornetq:hornetq-journal)
	netdisco-1.1-6.fc20.noarch requires perl(SNMP::Info::Layer2::Bay)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtksys.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkWidgets.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkVolumeRendering.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkViews.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkTextAnalysis.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkRendering.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkParallel.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkInfovis.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkImaging.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkIO.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkHybrid.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkGraphics.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkGeovis.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkGenericFiltering.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkFiltering.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkCommon.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libvtkCharts.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libitksys-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libitkopenjpeg-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libitkdouble-conversion-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libitkNetlibSlatec-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libgdcmMSFF.so.2.2
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libgdcmDICT.so.2.2
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libQVTK.so.5.10
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKznz-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKniftiio-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKgiftiio-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKWatersheds-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKVtkGlue-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKVideoIO-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKVideoCore-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKVTK-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKVNLInstantiation-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKStatistics-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKSpatialObjects-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKReview-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKQuadEdgeMesh-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKPolynomials-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKPath-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKOptimizersv4-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKOptimizers-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKNrrdIO-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKMetaIO-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKMesh-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKLabelMap-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKKLMRegionGrowing-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOXML-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOVTK-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOTransformMatlab-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOTransformInsightLegacy-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOTransformHDF5-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOTransformBase-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOTIFF-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOStimulate-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOSpatialObjects-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOSiemens-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOPNG-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIONRRD-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIONIFTI-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOMeta-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOMesh-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOJPEG-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOImageBase-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOIPL-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOHDF5-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOGIPL-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOGE-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOGDCM-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOCSV-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOBioRad-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKIOBMP-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKGDCM-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKFEM-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKEXPAT-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKDeprecated-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKDICOMParser-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKCommon-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKBioCell-4.4.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.6-3.fc20.armv7hl requires libITKBiasCorrection-4.4.so.1
	nocpulse-common-2.2.7-2.fc20.noarch requires perl(RHN::DBI)
	obexfs-0.12-7.fc20.armv7hl requires libopenobex.so.1
	gnome-panel-control-3.5.2-3.fc21.armv7hl requires gnome-panel
	perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu-0.09004-4.fc20.noarch requires perl(HTML::FormFu::MultiForm)
	perl-Language-Expr-0.19-4.fc19.noarch requires perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.16.2)
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.armv7hl requires libfreerdp-rail.so.1.0
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.armv7hl requires libfreerdp-kbd.so.1.0
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.armv7hl requires libfreerdp-gdi.so.1.0
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.armv7hl requires libfreerdp-core.so.1.0
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.armv7hl requires libfreerdp-codec.so.1.0
	remmina-plugins-rdp-1.0.0-8.fc20.armv7hl requires libfreerdp-channels.so.1.0
	rkward-0.6.1-4.fc21.armv7hl requires libRlapack.so
	rkward-0.6.1-4.fc21.armv7hl requires libRblas.so
	rootplot-2.2.1-7.fc19.noarch requires root-python
	rubygem-audited-activerecord-3.0.0-3.fc19.noarch requires rubygem(activerecord) < 0:4
	octave-shogun-3.1.0-0.12.git20131226.1c7fbaa.fc21.armv7hl requires octave(api) = 0:api-v48+
	octave-shogun-3.1.0-0.12.git20131226.1c7fbaa.fc21.armv7hl requires liboctinterp.so.1
	siril-0.8-15.fc20.armv7hl requires libcfitsio.so.1
	spacewalk-admin-2.0.1-2.fc20.noarch requires spacewalk-base
	spacewalk-admin-2.0.1-2.fc20.noarch requires perl(RHN::SatelliteCert)
	spectrum-1.4.8-11.fc20.armv7hl requires libgloox.so.8
	spring-maps-default-0.1-11.fc20.noarch requires spring
	syntastic-d-2.3.0-11.20120917git72856e6.fc20.noarch requires ldc
	tango-doc-2-12.20120821git7b92443.fc19.noarch requires tango-devel = 0:2-12.20120821git7b92443.fc19
	tango-geany-tags-2-12.20120821git7b92443.fc19.noarch requires tango = 0:2-12.20120821git7b92443.fc19
	thermostat-1.0.0-1.fc21.armv7hl requires osgi(org.jboss.netty) >= 0:3.6.6
	totpcgi-selinux-0.5.5-1.fc21.noarch requires file:///usr/share/doc/selinux-policy/html/index.html
	wildfly-8.0.0-0.14.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.hornetq:hornetq-server)
	wildfly-8.0.0-0.14.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.hornetq:hornetq-ra)
	wildfly-8.0.0-0.14.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.hornetq:hornetq-journal)
	wildfly-8.0.0-0.14.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.hornetq:hornetq-jms-server)
	wildfly-8.0.0-0.14.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.hornetq:hornetq-jms-client)
	wildfly-8.0.0-0.14.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.hornetq:hornetq-core-client)
	wildfly-8.0.0-0.14.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.hornetq:hornetq-commons)
	wildfly-8.0.0-0.14.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(io.undertow:undertow-jsp)

New package: morfologik-stemming-1.8.3-1.fc21
             Morfologik stemming library

New package: vdr-skinnopacity-1.0.3-5.20131221git0b29805.fc21
             A highly customizable native true color skin for the Video Disc Recorder

Removed package:  OpenGTL-0.9.18-8.fc20
Removed package:  libQtGTL-0.9.3-2.fc20

Updated Packages:

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.5.5-1
- New upstream release 0.5.5
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/rbtools/0.5.5/
- New upstream release 0.5.4
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/rbtools/0.5.4/
- Deprecation:
  * post-review is deprecated (and has been for a while). It now shows a
    deprecation warning in order to remind me to use rbt post.
- Bug Fixes:
  * rbt patch:
    * rbt patch no longer fails to commit on Git if there are untracked files.
    * Fixed committing changes when the description has unicode characters.
    * Fixed compatibility with Review Board 2.0 beta.
  * rbt post:
    * Fixed R1:R2 syntax for --revision-range for Git repositories.
    * Fixed name-based lookups for repositories with Subversion.
  * rbt setup-repo:
    * Fixed error output when failing to write the .reviewboardrc file.
  * post-review:
    * Added --svn-show-copies-as-adds to post-review.

Size change: 1748 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.7.21-1
- New upstream enhancement release 1.7.21
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/reviewboard/1.7.21/
- New Features:
  * Added support for GitLab servers.
  * Added support for the Unfuddle service.
  * Added support for publicly accessible Local Sites.
- Performance Improvements:
  * Massively improved render time of large diffs.
- API Changes:
  * Added new query parameters for filtering lists of repositories.
- Bug Fixes:
  * Fixed issues verifying and accessing files for Subversion repositories on
  * Fixed issues accessing properties on Subversion repositories on some
    hosting providers that require authentication.
  * The activity widget in the administration UI now shows data for the current
  * Fixed issues where the activity widget could break, depending on the date
  * Fixed a regression in error messages provided when setting up a GitHub
  * Fixed links in e-mails to file attachments stored on CDNs.
  * Removed an unnecessary external image included in e-mails.
  * Users no longer on a LocalSite will be excluded from any e-mails on review
    requests or reviews they were previously involved in.

Size change: 15962 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Till Maas <opensource@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.2-0.2.beta2
- Update to new release

* Sun Oct 13 2013 Till Maas <opensource@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.2-0.1.beta1
- Update to new release
- harden build
- Run testsuite
- fix bogus date in changelog

Size change: 596760 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Bill Nottingham <notting@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.3.1beta-0.1
- update to latest upstream
- disable aqebics for now

Size change: 613277 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Adam Williamson <awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7.48-12
- adjust tinymce unbundling for relocation of tinymce and use of
  systemwide tinymce by python-django-tinymce (#1000735)

Size change: 454 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.11.5-1
- Update to 2.11.5

Size change: 1161 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Tomas Hozza <thozza@xxxxxxxxxx> 32:9.9.5-0.3.b1
- non-existance of resolv.conf should not be fatal (#1052343)

Size change: 1425 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Till Maas <opensource@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.12.3-1
- Update to new release
- Harden build

Size change: -5290 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Luis Bazan <lbazan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 20140101-1
- New Upstream version

Size change: 1512 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Wolfgang Ulbrich <chat-to-me@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.1-1
- update to 1.7.1
- remove glib-2.39 fix, already fixed in upstream
- use gtk-docs for release build

Size change: 104001 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Robert Scheck <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.98.1-1
- Upgrade to 0.98.1 and updated daily.cvd (#1053400)

Size change: -7362973 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Eric "Sparks" Christensen <sparks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.0-1
- online QSO upload to HamQTH, ClubLog and HRDLog added
- improved QSL managers import, should be faster a bit
- "Long Path" button to Rotor Control added (Darek, SP2MKI)
- COMMENT field is exported to eQSL server
- Always overwrite info from previous QSO with callbook data option added
- help updated
- country files updated
- membership files updated
- layout improved (mostly new QSO window)
- LoTW QSL RCVD was not imported when ADIF didn't include LOTW_QSLRDATE value - fixed
- CONTESTIA mode was saved as CONSTESTI (increased max length of mode to 10 characters) - fixed
- ReverseBeacon support in Gray line didn't work - fixed
- after click to OK button in Preferences, bandmap stopped deleting old spots - fixed
- bandmap was not updated when any spot was not added - fixed
- station was added to bandmap when offline mode was activated - fixed
- big square statistics didn't work in newer versions of distributions - fixed
- QSO JT65* mode were not confirmed by eQSL - fixed

Size change: 357557 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Petr Pisar <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 12-1
- Version 12 bump

Size change: 265 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Nils Philippsen <nils@xxxxxxxxxx> - 9.20-1
- version 9.20

Size change: 1256 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.6-30
- Add Patch for CVE-2013-6890 (rhbz 1045983).
- Update Source URL.
- Update README.Fedora to indicate syslog requirement.
- Use systemd scriptlet macros.
- Remove pointless macroization.

Size change: -167 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:3.11.4-1
- Update to 3.11.4

Size change: 4007 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.2.0-1
- Update to 0.2.0

Size change: -308221 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.4.0-1
- Update to 0.4.0

Size change: -304397 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.4.0-1
- Update to 0.4.0

Size change: -303779 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> - 7.26-1
- 7.26, SA-CORE-2014-001.

Size change: 1588 bytes

* Thu Jan 16 2014 Michel Salim <salimma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.15-1
- Update to 0.15

Size change: -7018 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7.4-1
- Latest upstream.
- Protect against NotImplementedError in fedmsg-tail.
- Fix documentation templates for broader compatibility with python tools.
- Scrub "None" links from the irc bot.

* Fri Dec 06 2013 Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7.2-2
- Change BuildRequires from python-setuptools-devel to python-setuptools
  See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Remove_Python-setuptools-devel

Size change: 1812 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Kaluza <jkaluza@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.14-14
- fix #1051598 - reverse the order of shebang vs. package keyword detection
  in Perl by increasing strength of all Perl patterns

Size change: 440 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Jerry James <loganjerry@xxxxxxxxx> - 4.7.2-1
- New upstream release
- Upstream no longer distributes an (X)Emacs interface

Size change: 5886475 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:3.11.4-1
- Update to 3.11.4

Size change: 1196 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Sergio Pascual <sergiopr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.8.0-4
- Correct wrong _CONFIG_FILENAME

Size change: 117 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Siddhesh Poyarekar <siddhesh@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.18.90-21
- Sync with upstream master.
- Fix infinite loop in ftell when writing wide char data (#1052846).

Size change: 33088 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]redhat.com> - 3.5.0-0.1beta1
- GlusterFS 3.5.0 beta1 , glusterfs-3.5.0-0.1beta1

Size change: 1071991 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.11.4-1
- Update to 3.11.4

Size change: 132274 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.11.4-1
- Update to 3.11.4

Size change: -4194 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.11.4-1
- Update to 3.11.4

Size change: -11819 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Update to

Size change: 3607 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.11.4-1
- Update to 3.11.4

Size change: 10669 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.11.4-1
- Update to 3.11.4

Size change: 6283 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.11.4-1
- Update to 3.11.4

Size change: 117 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Luke Macken <lmacken@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Updated to work with gnome-shell 3.11 in rawhide

Size change: 169 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5@xxxxxxxxxx> 0-0.21.git708054d
- revert golang 1.2 requirement

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5@xxxxxxxxxx> 0-0.20.git708054d
- require golang 1.2 and up

Size change: 227 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5@xxxxxxxxxx> 0-0.10.gite718e93
- require golang 1.2 and later

Size change: 144 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5@xxxxxxxxxx> 0-0.17.git3b1f648
- revert golang >= 1.2 version requirement

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5@xxxxxxxxxx> 0-0.16.git3b1f648
- require golang 1.2 and up

Size change: 233 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5@xxxxxxxxxx> 0-0.11.hg84a4013f96e0
- require golang 1.2 and up

Size change: -85 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Mosaab Alzoubi <moceap@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5-0.1.RC1
- Update to 1.5RC.
- General clean of spec.
- Using source from GitHub.
- New URL.
- Remove 3 fixes and patches, fixed in upstream.
- Fix a date in changelog.
- Use new desktop-files Fedora method.
- DISABLE_INTERNAL_PLAYER=1 because ffmpeg not found in Fedora repos.
- Add bzip2-devel,lzo-devel to BRs.

Size change: 8677347 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Debarshi Ray <rishi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.11.4-1
- Update to 3.11.4

Size change: 6396 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Bill Nottingham <notting@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.9.0-0.2.beta
- update to latest upstream

Size change: 91063 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Marek Goldmann <mgoldman@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.5.0-0.1.Alpha2
- Upstream release 4.5.0.Alpha2

Size change: 4681 bytes

* Thu Jan 16 2014 Jens Petersen <petersen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.8.50-1
- update to 1.8.50

Size change: -249 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Ding-Yi Chen <dchen at redhat.com> - 1.4.5-1
- Resolves Bug 1013977 - ibus-chewing needs to have ibus write-cache --system in %post and %postun
- Resolves Bug 1027031 - CVE-2013-4509 ibus-chewing: ibus: visible password entry flaw [rhel-7.0]
- Resolves Bug 1028911 - [zh_TW]'Chinese<->English' switch does not work when clicking on the Chewing menu list.
- Resolves Bug 1045868 - ibus-chewing *again* not built with $RPM_OPT_FLAGS
- Option "Sync between caps lock and IM":
  + Default of  is changed to "disable",  because the previous default
    "keyboard" cause bug 1028911 for GNOME Shell.
  + Now Sync from "input method" can control Caps LED in GNOME shell.
- Translation added: de_DE, es_ES, it_IT, pt_BR, uk_UA
- Set environment IBUS_CHEWING_LOGFILE for ibus-chewing log.

Size change: 12596 bytes

* Fri Jan 10 2014 Jiri Vanek <jvanek@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- updated to security icedtea 2.4.4
- and arm tarball updated to security icedtea 2.3.13
 - icedtea_version set to 2.4.4
 - updatever bumped to       51
 - release reset to 0

* Mon Jan 06 2014 Jiri Vanek <jvanek@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- sync with f20
- added and applied patch411 1029588.patch (for 2.4)
- added and applied patch4110 1029588-2.3.patch (for 2.3)
- resolves rhbz#1029588
- added and applied for icedtea 2.4 patch410, 1015432.patch
- resolves rhbz#1015432
- changed Provides: jre-headless = 1.7.0
  to      Provides: jre-headless = 1:1.7.0
- resolves rhbz#1046050

Size change: -6954175 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Josh Boyer <jwboyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.13.0-0.rc8.git2.1.1
- Linux v3.13-rc8-27-g2e67c56

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Josh Boyer <jwboyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix k-m-e Provides to be explicit to only the package flavor (rhbz 1046246)

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Kyle McMartin <kyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- aarch64: enable 4K pages and CONFIG_COMPAT.

Size change: 5523 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: 697 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: 53 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: 108 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: 209 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: 201 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: -354 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: 564 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: 2 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: 269 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: -59 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: 90 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Grulich <jgrulich@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.1-1
- 0.7.1

Size change: 970 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jerry James <loganjerry@xxxxxxxxx> - 4.7.2-1
- New upstream release
- Drop upstreamed -arch patch

Size change: 29089 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Michal Sekletar <msekleta@xxxxxxxxxx> - 14:1.5.3-1
- update to 1.5.3

Size change: 2253 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Lukas Berk <lberk@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.4.0-5.217.gbca43a5
- Automated weekly rawhide release

Size change: 14817 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Petr Hracek <phracek@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:1.6.8-1
- Update to libpng 1.6.8 for minor bug fixes (#1033049)

Size change: 12808 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5-21
- Remove single trailing space in -devel post scriptlet which caused a file
  named " " in / to appear on install.

Size change: -819 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Adam Jackson <ajax@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.3.3-7
- Nuke -mcpu=750 from cflags for PPC, that plus -mcpu=power7 confuses gcc.

Size change: 183 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Petr Machata <pmachata@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7.91-6
- Fix a problem when an invalid command has been found

Size change: 688 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Akira TAGOH <tagoh@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.51-22
- Fix a typo in %description. (#1053146)

Size change: -977 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Peter Schiffer <pschiffe@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.56-1
- resolves: #1051765
  updated to 3.56

Size change: 11855 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Wolfgang Ulbrich <chat-to-me@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.1-1
- update to 1.7.1 release
- use gtk-docs for release build
- remove obsolete BR --disable-scrollkeeper

Size change: 208549 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Wolfgang Ulbrich <chat-to-me@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.0-1
- update to 1.7.0 release
- add --with-gnome --all-name for find language
- removed upstreamed systemd-login patch
- removed --with-console-kit configure flag
- use modern 'make install' macro
- add BR xmlto
- reworked configure flags, use --with-gtk=2.0, --disable-schemas-compile
- --enable-docbook-docs
- fixed versioned doc dir
- use one style for ownning directories

Size change: 224690 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0:1.4.17-1
- update to 1.4.17
- fix building with -Werror=format-security in CFLAGS

Size change: 1295 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jan Safranek <jsafrane@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:5.7.2-18
- Added support for ppc64le architecture (#1052431)

* Thu Jan 09 2014 Jan Safranek <jsafrane@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:5.7.2-17
- Moved tmpfiles.d config file to /usr/lib

Size change: 256 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@xxxxx> - 0.3.3-14
- Streamline BRs

Size change: 76 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Akira TAGOH <tagoh@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:2.1.3-2
- Fix the broken nkf man page. (#1039359)

Size change: 8359 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Tom Hughes <tom@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.4.1-2
- Rebuild against nodejs-sqlite3 2.2.0

Size change: 129 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Tom Hughes <tom@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-2
- Remove nodejs-pre-gyp dependency

Size change: 118 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jerry James <loganjerry@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.10.1-2
- Fix thinko in -devel dependencies

Size change: 104 bytes

* Thu Jan 16 2014 Michel Salim <salimma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.6.1-1
- Update to 1.6.1

Size change: 4569 bytes

* Fri Jan 10 2014 Thomas Sailer <t.sailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.0-1
- update to 1.3.0

Size change: -8888 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Michal Minar <miminar@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.2.6-5
- Added networking library.

Size change: 7114 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Flavio Leitner <fbl@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.0-5
- Enable DHCP support for internal ports
  (upstream commit 490db96efaf89c63656b192d5ca287b0908a6c77)

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Flavio Leitner <fbl@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.0-4
- disabled ovsdbmonitor packaging
  (upstream has removed the component)

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Flavio Leitner <fbl@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.0-3
- fedora package: fix systemd ordering and deps.
  (upstream commit b49c106ef00438b1c59876dad90d00e8d6e7b627)

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Flavio Leitner <fbl@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.0-2
- util: use gcc builtins to better check array sizes
  (upstream commit 878f1972909b33f27b32ad2ded208eb465b98a9b)

Size change: 1601 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.11.4-1
- Update to 3.11.4

Size change: 13679 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.13-2
- Bootstrap EPEL-7 build

Size change: 101 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.964-1
- Update to 1.964
  - Disabling TLSv1_1 did not work, because the constant was wrong; now it gets
    the constants from calling Net::SSLeay::SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 etc.
  - The new syntax for the protocols is TLSv1_1 instead of TLSv11, which matches
    the syntax from OpenSSL (the old syntax continues to work in SSL_version)
  - New functions get_sslversion and get_sslversion_int, which get the SSL
    version of the established session as string or int
  - Disable t/io-socket-inet6.t if Acme::Override::INET is installed

Size change: 1156 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0:0.42.04-1
- 0.4204 bump

Size change: 104 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.58-1
- Update to 1.58
  - Always use size_t for strlen() return value
  - t/external/20_cert_chain.t was missing from dist
  - Version number in META.yml was incorrect
  - Improvements to test t/external/20_cert_chain.t to provoke following bug:
    fixed crash due to SSL_get_peer_cert_chain incorrectly free'ing the chain
    after use
  - Fixed a problem when compiling against openssl where OPENSSL_NO_EC is set
- Drop Fedora/EL ECC support patch, no longer needed

Size change: 745 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.052-1
- Update to 0.052
  - Backslash-to-slash conversion now only happens on Windows (since backslash
    is legal on Unix, we must allow it)

Size change: 429 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Ralf Corsépius <corsepiu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0030-2
- Split out perl-Plack-Test to avoid dependency on Test::More (RHBZ #1052859).

Size change: 334 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.33-1
- 0.33 bump

Size change: -3935 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.04-2
- Add BR perl(Time::HiRes)

Size change: 142 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Petr Šabata <contyk@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3:0.99.07-1
- 0.9907 bugfix bump

Size change: 2506 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski@xxxxxxxxx> 1.7.0-2
- Removed sub-packages (optional dependencies note in description instead)

Size change: -33 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.3-1
- Update to 1.1.3 (stable)
- drop merged patch

Size change: -974 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.7.29-1
- Update to 3.7.29 (stable)

Size change: -430 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Eduardo Echeverria <echevemaster@xxxxxxxxx> - 4.2.2-1
- Update to 4.2.2

Size change: 14647 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Adam Williamson <awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5.2-1
- new upstream release 1.5.2
- drop (one) bundled tinymce, use system copy instead

Size change: -43605 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Thomas Spura <tomspur@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.8-3
- There is no python3 on epel

Size change: -1005 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Andy Grover <agrover@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.fb45-1
- New upstream version

Size change: 2332 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.1.1-1
- 5.1.1

Size change: 306 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.11.1-12
- include ppc64le in %power64 macro (#1052930)

Size change: 286 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Richard Hughes <rhughes@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.21.3-1
- Update to 0.21.3

Size change: 3523 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Jerry James <loganjerry@xxxxxxxxx> - 5.12-2
- Rebuild for libgap 4.7.2
- Adapt gap BRs to new gap subpackage structure

Size change: 96 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 David Teigland <teigland@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.0-1
- Update to sanlock-3.1.0

Size change: 7774 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Gregor Tätzner <brummbq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.1-1
- 0.9.1

Size change: 29793 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Parag Nemade <pnemade AT redhat DOT com> - 1.4.1-1
- Update to 1.4.1 release

Size change: 14211 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Adam Williamson <awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.5.10-1
- oh look, there's an even newer upstream release

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Adam Williamson <awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.5.9-2
- web asset compliance: install to %_jsdir/

Size change: 444 bytes

* Tue Jan 14 2014 Adam Williamson <awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- adjust for new location of tinymce (web assets) - #1000735

Size change: 201 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotnicky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0:7.0.47-2
- Rebuild for bug #1033664

Size change: 115 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 jesus m. rodriguez <jmrodri@xxxxxxxxx> 1.3.1-15
- patch to make it work (jmrodri@xxxxxxxxx)

* Wed Jan 15 2014 jesus m. rodriguez <jesusr@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.3.1-14
- 977368: remove invalid vim-filesystem dependency (maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Size change: 893 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.4.0-1
- Latest upstream.
- Allow certain fields to be banned from fedmsg as per config.

Size change: 440 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Luis Bazan <lbazan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.10-1
- New Upstream version

Size change: -104794 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Tomas Bzatek <tbzatek@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.2-1.fc21
- Update to 2.1.2

Size change: 61645 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Petr Hracek <phracek@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7.0-1
- Update to vim-jedi-0.7.0 (#1047228)

Size change: 8757 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Eduardo Echeverria <echevemaster@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.1-1
- Bumped to new upstream release 1.3.1

Size change: 19198 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.2.3-1
- 1.2.3

Size change: 373 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Dave Airlie <airlied@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.5.1-7.20140115gitfb4d046c
- rebase + fix lines slowdown

Size change: 3814 bytes

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.4.3-130
- update to latest HEAD
- fix "yum --help" with translated "Usage: %s\n". BZ 1033416
- completion: Fix file/dir completions for names containing spaces or tabs
- Fixed yum.8 manpage formatting. BZ 1050902
- yum-cron: fail on unsigned packages. BZ 1052440
- yum-cron: enable random_sleep by default.

Size change: 936 bytes

* Thu Jan 16 2014 Patrick Huang <pahuang@xxxxxxxxxx> 16-2
- Add require resteasy

Size change: 84 bytes

Added Packages: 2
Removed Packages: 2
Modified Packages: 119
Size of added packages: 17516327 (17 M)
Size change of modified packages: 2939961 (2.8 M)
Size of removed packages: 510607 (499 k)
Size change: 19945681 (19 M)
Compose finished at Thu Jan 16 22:31:40 UTC 2014

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