2013-01-09 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora QA Devel Meeting Minutes

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#fedora-meeting-2: fedoraqa-devel

We didn't quite get through everything today, so we'll continue after
the QA meeting on Monday.

I'll be sending an announcement for that meeting shortly.

Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2014-01-09/fedoraqa-devel.2014-01-09-16.01.html
Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2014-01-09/fedoraqa-devel.2014-01-09-16.01.txt
Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2014-01-09/fedoraqa-devel.2014-01-09-16.01.log.html

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (tflink, 16:01:31)

* Current Project Status  (tflink, 16:06:34)
  * Not much is going on with blockerbugs for the short term - we're
    waiting to see how f21 and/or fedora.next shape out before working
    on any new features beyond the small changes ready for review
    (tflink, 16:08:54)
  * LINK: https://phab.qadevel.cloud.fedoraproject.org/project/view/1/
    (tflink, 16:11:22)

* Current Status and Plans - resultsdb and testdays  (tflink, 16:19:33)
  * the reduced re-implementation for resultsdb is up and running at
    http://resultsdb.qa.fedoraproject.org/resultsdb  (tflink, 16:21:57)
  * resultsdb browsing is available at:
    http://resultsdb.qa.fedoraproject.org/resultsdb_frontend/  (tflink,
  * resultsdb API docs are at: http://docs.resultsdb.apiary.io/
    (tflink, 16:22:45)
  * the new resultsdb is (comparing to the old concept) quite simplified
    on the data level - we stripped all the un-used tables from the old
    concept, and adapted the data to what we actually used with the
    autoqa reporting  (tflink, 16:28:11)
  * old and new resultsdb schema displayed at:
    https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/AutoQA_resultsdb_schema  (tflink,

* Current Status - Testday App  (tflink, 16:38:15)
  * the testdays app is IMHO quite self-confined, and I have no
    immediate goals for changing what it does (apart of bug-fixes). This
    is because it's using  the 'old' resultsdb, and uses TurboGears2
    (tflink, 16:40:28)
  * The plans for the future are to re-write it with Flask & New
    Resultsdb but it is (at the moment) quite low-priority  (tflink,

* Current Status - Support Tools  (tflink, 16:43:31)
  * the main support tools that we have are phabricator (code review,
    issue tracking etc.) and buildbot (in progress)/ jenkins (existing,
    not quite working) for ci  (tflink, 16:47:03)
  * phabricator is deployed at
    https://phab.qadevel.cloud.fedoraproject.org/  (tflink, 16:47:22)
  * LINK: http://phabricator.org/   (Viking-Ice, 16:47:46)
  * ACTION: tflink to write up docs on code review with phabricator
    (tflink, 16:49:01)
  * buildbot for qa project CI is deployed to staging at
    https://qadevel-stg.cloud.fedoraproject.org/builds/  (tflink,
  * there is still work to do on buildbot so that we have CI and
    hopefully autogenerated and autodeployed docs for qa devel projects
    (tflink, 16:56:57)

* Priorities  (tflink, 17:00:36)
  * AGREED: As we have a longer break between releases for now,
    automation is a higher priority because it is more disruptive and
    needs to be done soon  (tflink, 17:16:42)

* Fedoraproject Beaker Instance Status  (tflink, 17:17:26)
  * we have a dev instance of beaker deployed at
    https://beaker-dev.fedoraproject.org/bkr/  (tflink, 17:18:11)
  * due to security concerns, it is currently locked down by IP
    (tflink, 17:18:29)
  * ACTION: kparal and tflink to sync up on beaker.fp.o status and come
    up with some ideas on moving forward  (tflink, 17:29:49)

* Taskotron status  (tflink, 17:29:52)
  * The hope was to have taskotron phase 0
    done by now  (tflink, 17:30:47)
  * task description format was proposed and sent out to qa-devel@.
    response has been mostly positive and it is ready to start moving
    forward  (tflink, 17:31:36)
  * initial fedmsg reliability investigation indicates that it will be
    reliable enough to use for automation scheduling but we should
    continue to keep an eye on it  (tflink, 17:32:27)
  * LINK: https://phab.qadevel.cloud.fedoraproject.org/T2   (tflink,
  * there was a proof-of-concept system running in the fedora cloud, but
    it seems to be having issues ATM  (tflink, 17:37:54)
  * The big remaining task for phase 0 is discussion/investigation into
    notifications  (tflink, 17:39:25)
  * the proof-of-concept runner does work locally and does produce
    output to the console, it can't report to resultsdb (yet) and needs
    some refactoring  (tflink, 17:40:29)
  * ACTION: tflink to finish notificaitons email and send it out to
    qa-devel@  (tflink, 17:42:28)
  * depcheck scenarios have been drafted up and fake rpms have been
    coded up for testing  (tflink, 17:45:34)
  * LINK: https://bitbucket.org/fedoraqa/depcheck_scenarios   (tflink,

* Deadlines and Milestones  (tflink, 17:49:04)
  * Current deadline for taskotron phase 1 is 2013-03-01  (tflink,
  * LINK:
    (tflink, 17:49:47)

* Meetings  (tflink, 17:55:59)
  * ACTION: tflink to schedule followup meeting after monday's qa
    meeting  (tflink, 17:58:37)

* Open Floor  (tflink, 17:58:57)

Meeting ended at 18:06:44 UTC.

Action Items
* tflink to write up docs on code review with phabricator
* kparal and tflink to sync up on beaker.fp.o status and come up with
  some ideas on moving forward
* tflink to finish notificaitons email and send it out to qa-devel@
* tflink to schedule followup meeting after monday's qa meeting

Action Items, by person
* kparal
  * kparal and tflink to sync up on beaker.fp.o status and come up with
    some ideas on moving forward
* tflink
  * tflink to write up docs on code review with phabricator
  * kparal and tflink to sync up on beaker.fp.o status and come up with
    some ideas on moving forward
  * tflink to finish notificaitons email and send it out to qa-devel@
  * tflink to schedule followup meeting after monday's qa meeting
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* tflink (231)
* Viking-Ice (64)
* handsome_pirate (34)
* kparal (30)
* jskladan (23)
* zodbot (7)
* mkrizek (6)
* croberts (5)
* roshi (2)
* pschindl (2)
* nirik (1)
* satellit (1)
* danofsatx (1)

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