On 01/03/2014 08:01 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Jan 3, 2014, at 12:23 PM, Robert Moskowitz <rgm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So why is the install failing?
The install fails because the efibootmgr command to write to NVRAM via the kernel fails. And the reason why the kernel is failing to write to NVRAM is uncertain because there's nothing in dmesg at all apparently, which is strange. The usual case is that there are firmware bugs.
I will work on installing firmware 1.17 sunday. see if that makes any difference. They do claim that there were no changes. Only adding support for win8.
Worth a shot. A fix may be undocumented. Or it may induce NVRAM reset or needed garbage collection.
Just tried to come out of suspend mode from over the sabbath, and the
system was hung. No response. So I powered off and rebooted. Nothing.
Panic time; did I brick it? I unpluged the VGA and USB kydb/mouse
connections to my Belkin KVM, repowered up, and it came up. Whew! But
this is new behaviour. Always came out of suspend with the connection
to the KVM, and the external monitor was properly working, in f17. With
f20, it has been the 'wrong size', and I have to cycle through <func-f7>
until I get it properly set. I think this KVM is only supporting 4:3
modes, not 16:9 modes. Even, in the past, with a 16:9 monitor
attached,I could not get that aspect ratio...
Enough complaining about gear. Will build the firmware CD and try it
out. Of course maybe this whole event this evening was firmware NVRAM
gargbage collection...
But I was REALLY worried that I would have to quickly order a new
notebook. My Asus Eee900 is to limited to run things. Only a 16GB SSD.
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