Re: Distribution sizes

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On Wed, 2013-10-09 at 12:46 -0700, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX wrote:
> When operating system distributions had to fit on a spool of paper tape,
> 144000 bytes was a limit to worry about.
> With DVD blanks selling for little more than the price of CD blanks,
> is there a need to limit the size of Live disros to 700k?
> With double layer DVD blanks and 8 GB USB drives coming down in cost,
> is there a need for a 4 GB limit?
> With netinst able to rad an ISO file on a hard drive, is there any limit?
> Perhaps the solution is a 4 GB install DVD with Xfce and no Gnome/KDE.
> On the giant economy size ISO please include Xfce, server and web server
> as installable packages alongside the Dev Sys main choice.
> The desire here is to minimize the downtime for installing Fedora on a 
> server
> that is performing useful work.

1) This is not really a topic for test@, because it's not QA's decision.
2) This is not a new topic and it's kind of pointless to throw out a
mail about it with zero acknowledgement of any of the history or context
of the discussion. Find the previous zillion times this has been
discussed, read through, and see if you have anything *new* to
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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