The following Fedora 18 Security updates need testing: Age URL 181 115 108 95 80 38 34 15 14 7 7 6 5 3 3 2 2 2 The following Fedora 18 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved: Age URL 149 29,network-manager-applet- 11 8 7 6 6 5,sssd-1.9.5-2.fc18,libtdb-1.2.12-1.fc18,libldb-1.1.16-1.fc18 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 1 The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 18 updates-testing dateformat-1.2.3-2.fc18 drupal7-cs_adaptive_image-1.0-2.fc18 drupal7-domain_views-1.5-2.fc18 drupal7-ds-2.4-2.fc18 drupal7-fences-1.0-2.fc18 drupal7-metatag-1.0-0.2.beta7.fc18 fedora-easy-karma-0-0.19.20130707git121694f6.fc18 gimp-2.8.6-3.fc18 gists-0.4.5-3.fc18 mingw-giflib-4.1.6-2.fc18 mingw-gtk2-2.24.20-1.fc18 mingw-leptonica-1.69-2.fc18 mom-0.3.1-1.fc18 nodejs-argparse-0.1.15-2.fc18 nodejs-eventemitter2-0.4.12-1.fc18 nodejs-generic-pool-2.0.3-2.fc18 perl-Starlet-0.19-1.fc18 php-phpunit-FinderFacade-1.1.0-1.fc18 php-phpunit-PHP-CodeCoverage-1.2.12-1.fc18 php-phpunit-PHPUnit-3.7.22-1.fc18 php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium-1.3.1-1.fc18 php-phpunit-PHPUnit-SkeletonGenerator-1.2.1-1.fc18 php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Story-1.0.2-1.fc18 php-phpunit-Version-1.0.1-1.fc18 python-html5lib-1.0b2-1.fc18 python-whoosh-2.5.1-1.fc18 scap-workbench-0.8.0-1.fc18 thinkfan-0.8.1-3.fc18 Details about builds: ================================================================================ dateformat-1.2.3-2.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12639) A simple way to format dates and times according to a user-specified mask -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Initial package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ drupal7-cs_adaptive_image-1.0-2.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12586) Client-side adaptive image -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: The Client-side adaptive image module helps build responsive web designs with fluid images by providing an Image field formatter that allows you to select appropriate image styles for various client widths. With this module, you can ensure that for each Image field only the most appropriately sized image gets downloaded by the client. You can serve light images to mobile users while still providing the best quality images to visitors equipped with large screens. Some highlights: * Per-field configuration (for each view mode) * Relies on JavaScript but provides a clean fallback for clients lacking it * No cookies required * No external libraries required * No extra server configuration needed * Does not attempt to perform any client OS detection * Reverse proxy cache friendly This package provides the following Drupal module: * cs_adaptive_image -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ drupal7-domain_views-1.5-2.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12599) Provides Views integration for Domain Access -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Provides Views integration for Domain Access. This package provides the following Drupal module: * domain_views -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ drupal7-ds-2.4-2.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12624) Extend the display options for every entity type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Display Suite allows you to take full control over how your content is displayed using a drag and drop interface. Arrange your nodes, views, comments, user data etc. the way you want without having to work your way through dozens of template files. A predefined list of layouts (D7 only) is available for even more drag and drop fun! By defining custom view modes (build modes in D6), you can define how one piece of content should be displayed in different places such as teaser lists, search results, the full node, views etc. Watch a screen-cast ( to see it all in action! This package provides the following Drupal modules: * ds * ds_ui * ds_devel (NOTE: Requires install of the devel module) * ds_format * ds_extras * ds_search * ds_forms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ drupal7-fences-1.0-2.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12601) Configurable field wrappers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Fences is a an easy-to-use tool to specify an HTML element for each field. This element choice will propagate everywhere the field is used, such as teasers, RSS feeds and Views. You don't have to keep re-configuring the same HTML element over and over again every time you display the field. Best of all, Fences provides leaner markup than Drupal 7 core! And can get rid of the extraneous classes too! This kind of tool is needed in order to create semantic HTML5 output from Drupal. Without such a tool, you have to create custom field templates in your theme for every field. :( Similar projects include Semantic fields [1], Field Wrappers [2] and a tool inside the Display Suite [3] extras. This package provides the following Drupal module: * fences [1] [2] [3] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ drupal7-metatag-1.0-0.2.beta7.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12585) Adds support and an API to implement meta tags -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: The Metatag module allows you to automatically provide structured metadata, aka "meta tags", about your website. In the context of search engine optimization, when people refer to meta tags they are usually referring to the meta description tag and the meta keywords tag that may help improve the rankings and display of your site in search engine results. Meta tags have additional uses like the Open Graph Protocol used by Facebook, specifying the canonical location [2] of content across multiple URLs or domains. This project is the designated Drupal 7 a from-the-ground-up rewrite and successor of the Nodewords module. This package provides the following Drupal modules: * metatag * metatag_context * metatag_dc * metatag_opengraph * metatag_panels (NOTE: Requires manual install of the panels module) * metatag_twitter_cards * metatag_ui * metatag_views -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ fedora-easy-karma-0-0.19.20130707git121694f6.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12590) Fedora update feedback made easy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: fix the mentioned bugs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Sun Jul 7 2013 Till Maas <opensource@xxxxxxxxx> - 0-0.19.20130707git121694f6 - Update to new snapshot * Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0-0.18.20110825git36efb338 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #825289 - [abrt] fedora-easy-karma-0-0.16.20110825git36efb338.fc17: (18, 'transfer closed with 656621 bytes remaining to read') [ 2 ] Bug #909442 - [abrt] fedora-easy-karma-0-0.17.20110825git36efb338.fc18: ServerError(, 502, Bad Gateway) [ 3 ] Bug #967358 - fedora-easy-karma lacks usability, feedback, and documentation [ 4 ] Bug #694974 - [abrt] fedora-easy-karma-0-0.11.20101123gitf70e9b6d.fc15: ServerError(, 500, Internal Server Error) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ gimp-2.8.6-3.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12587) GNU Image Manipulation Program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: This update fixes quitting while an image is loading. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Jul 8 2013 Nils Philippsen <nils@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2.8.6-3 - exit properly when quitting while loading images (#633107) * Tue Jul 2 2013 Nils Philippsen <nils@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2.8.6-2 - use external help browser directly if help browser plug-in isn't built - fix changelog dates -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #633107 - GIMP doesn't exit properly when quitting while loading images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ gists-0.4.5-3.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12638) A simple tool for pasting info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: initial package. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #980318 - Review Request: gists - A simple tool for pasting info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ mingw-giflib-4.1.6-2.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12598) MinGW Windows giflib library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Initial package. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #961402 - Review Request: mingw-giflib - MinGW Windows giflib library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ mingw-gtk2-2.24.20-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12617) MinGW Windows Gtk2 library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to 2.24.20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Sun Jul 7 2013 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.24.20-1 - Update to 2.24.20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ mingw-leptonica-1.69-2.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12577) MinGW Windows Leptonica library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Initial package. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #961406 - Review Request: mingw-leptonica - MinGW Windows Leptonica library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ mom-0.3.1-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12579) Dynamically manage system resources on virtualization hosts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update to version 0.3.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Jul 8 2013 Adam Litke <agl@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.1-1 - Upgrade to version 0.3.1 - MOM now uses an autotools build process - Multiple policy support * Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ nodejs-argparse-0.1.15-2.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12627) A native port of Python's argparse, an options parsing library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Initial package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ nodejs-eventemitter2-0.4.12-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12636) A Node.js event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards and TTL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Initial package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ nodejs-generic-pool-2.0.3-2.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12634) Generic resource pooling for Node.js -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Rebuild to restrict to compatible architectures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ perl-Starlet-0.19-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12625) Simple, high-performance PSGI/Plack HTTP server -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Jul 8 2013 Ralf Corsépius <corsepiu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.19-1 - Upstream update. - BR: perl(LWP::UserAgent). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-phpunit-FinderFacade-1.1.0-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12583) Wrapper for Symfony Finder component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Upstream Changelog: Version 1.0.1: * Fixed #2: `getVersion()` fails on Windows. FinderFacade 1.1.0: * Added support for Symfony Finder's `notName()` method. PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator 1.2.1: * Fixed #14: `RuntimeException` was looked up in the wrong namespace. PHPUnit_Selenium 1.3.1: * setupPage() method that can be defined to be executed after the session is opened but before tests start * Docblocks work now in Eclipse PDT PHPUnit_Selenium 1.3.0: * BC break: setBrowserUrl() argument is not loaded at the start of a test * waitUntil() now works nicely with implicitWait() * keysHolder() is deprecated, use keys() instead * More complete frame() supportk * Research of elements inside other element objects with by*() methods * Supporting Selenium 2.32.0 * Element names are always lowercase for consistency * Pause support for runSelenese() HTML cases -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Thu May 30 2013 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.0-1 - Update to 1.1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-phpunit-PHP-CodeCoverage-1.2.12-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12641) PHP code coverage information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Upstream changelog: * Fixed #173: JavaScript error in the HTML report. * Fixing an issue where an anonymous function as the last "method" in a class would cause the coverage report to ignore the rest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Jul 8 2013 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.12-1 - Update to 1.2.12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-phpunit-PHPUnit-3.7.22-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12646) The PHP Unit Testing framework -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Upstream changelog: * Fixed #948: Do not die on binary output with JSON logging. * Implemented a workaround for PHP bug #63055. * It is now possible to use generators as data providers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Jul 8 2013 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.7.22-1 - Update to 3.7.22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium-1.3.1-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12583) Selenium RC integration for PHPUnit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Upstream Changelog: Version 1.0.1: * Fixed #2: `getVersion()` fails on Windows. FinderFacade 1.1.0: * Added support for Symfony Finder's `notName()` method. PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator 1.2.1: * Fixed #14: `RuntimeException` was looked up in the wrong namespace. PHPUnit_Selenium 1.3.1: * setupPage() method that can be defined to be executed after the session is opened but before tests start * Docblocks work now in Eclipse PDT PHPUnit_Selenium 1.3.0: * BC break: setBrowserUrl() argument is not loaded at the start of a test * waitUntil() now works nicely with implicitWait() * keysHolder() is deprecated, use keys() instead * More complete frame() supportk * Research of elements inside other element objects with by*() methods * Supporting Selenium 2.32.0 * Element names are always lowercase for consistency * Pause support for runSelenese() HTML cases -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Jun 3 2013 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.1-1 - Update to 1.3.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-phpunit-PHPUnit-SkeletonGenerator-1.2.1-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12583) Tool that can generate skeleton test classes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Upstream Changelog: Version 1.0.1: * Fixed #2: `getVersion()` fails on Windows. FinderFacade 1.1.0: * Added support for Symfony Finder's `notName()` method. PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator 1.2.1: * Fixed #14: `RuntimeException` was looked up in the wrong namespace. PHPUnit_Selenium 1.3.1: * setupPage() method that can be defined to be executed after the session is opened but before tests start * Docblocks work now in Eclipse PDT PHPUnit_Selenium 1.3.0: * BC break: setBrowserUrl() argument is not loaded at the start of a test * waitUntil() now works nicely with implicitWait() * keysHolder() is deprecated, use keys() instead * More complete frame() supportk * Research of elements inside other element objects with by*() methods * Supporting Selenium 2.32.0 * Element names are always lowercase for consistency * Pause support for runSelenese() HTML cases -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Sat Jun 1 2013 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.1-1 - Update to 1.2.1 - add explicit requires -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Story-1.0.2-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12583) Story extension for PHPUnit to facilitate Behaviour-Driven Development -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Upstream Changelog: Version 1.0.1: * Fixed #2: `getVersion()` fails on Windows. FinderFacade 1.1.0: * Added support for Symfony Finder's `notName()` method. PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator 1.2.1: * Fixed #14: `RuntimeException` was looked up in the wrong namespace. PHPUnit_Selenium 1.3.1: * setupPage() method that can be defined to be executed after the session is opened but before tests start * Docblocks work now in Eclipse PDT PHPUnit_Selenium 1.3.0: * BC break: setBrowserUrl() argument is not loaded at the start of a test * waitUntil() now works nicely with implicitWait() * keysHolder() is deprecated, use keys() instead * More complete frame() supportk * Research of elements inside other element objects with by*() methods * Supporting Selenium 2.32.0 * Element names are always lowercase for consistency * Pause support for runSelenese() HTML cases -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ php-phpunit-Version-1.0.1-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12583) Managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Upstream Changelog: Version 1.0.1: * Fixed #2: `getVersion()` fails on Windows. FinderFacade 1.1.0: * Added support for Symfony Finder's `notName()` method. PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator 1.2.1: * Fixed #14: `RuntimeException` was looked up in the wrong namespace. PHPUnit_Selenium 1.3.1: * setupPage() method that can be defined to be executed after the session is opened but before tests start * Docblocks work now in Eclipse PDT PHPUnit_Selenium 1.3.0: * BC break: setBrowserUrl() argument is not loaded at the start of a test * waitUntil() now works nicely with implicitWait() * keysHolder() is deprecated, use keys() instead * More complete frame() supportk * Research of elements inside other element objects with by*() methods * Supporting Selenium 2.32.0 * Element names are always lowercase for consistency * Pause support for runSelenese() HTML cases -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ python-html5lib-1.0b2-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12618) A python based HTML parser/tokenizer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: New source release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Jul 8 2013 Praveen Kumar <kumarpraveen.nitdgp@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.0b2-1 - Updated new source * Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.95-4 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #967471 - html5lib updates -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ python-whoosh-2.5.1-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12581) Fast, pure-Python full text indexing, search, and spell checking library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Update source to 2.5.1. Add Python3 subpackage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Mon Jul 8 2013 Robert Kuska <rkuska@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.5.1-1 - Update source - Add python3 subpackage (rhbz#979235) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #979235 - Please build a python3 sub-package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ scap-workbench-0.8.0-1.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12604) Scanning, tailoring, editing and validation tool for SCAP content -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: New release 0.8.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ thinkfan-0.8.1-3.fc18 (FEDORA-2013-12642) A simple fan control program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information: Fix config location and man pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog: * Sun Jul 7 2013 Matt Spaulding <mspaulding06@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.8.1-3 - Fix config file location and man pages (RHBZ#982011) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [ 1 ] Bug #982011 - Thinkfan packaging broken (man page, conf file) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- test mailing list test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: