As always, minutes and IRC transcript available on the wiki at
Next meeting is scheduled for 2013-02-25 at 1600 UTC in #fedora-meeting.
If you have topics you think we should bring up at the
meeting, please add them to the Wiki page at . Thanks!
TOPIC: Automatic blocker proposal
* The proposal[1] was generally approved of by the group
* It was agreed to add Andre's suggestions and more strongly
emphasize other bugs cannot be made automatic blockers
TOPIC: Blocker review process
* Limiting meetings to 3 hours and separating blocker review
from QA meetings on Mondays seemed to work well during F18
* viking-ice proposed using a dedicated channel for blocker
review meetings instead of -qa or -bugzappers
* tflink and kparal had concerns about having another channel
to monitor, but adamw and viking pointed out this would
mean not needing to use -bugzappers any more
TOPIC: Open floor
* viking-ice wondered whether the nightly images were worth the
effort of building: nirik said that building them is not much
effort, and adamw and others said they were aware of some
testing being done on them
* viking-ice suggested we have a basic smoke test matrix that
all spins must go through at least once before being promoted
as part of a final release
* cwickert said he had made a similar proposal before and
supported the idea
* adamw to write a second draft (of the automatic blocker
proposal) with andre's proposed changes and stronger
explanation not to put 'grey area' bugs in the automatic
blocker list
* adamw to draft up changes to the blocker bug meeting SOP for
3-hour hard limit, no-reviews-during-qa-meetings, and a
dedicated channel for meetings, send to list for further
* viking-ice to discuss the 'smoke test for spins' idea further
with nirik and cwickert
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | adamwfedora
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