Re: RFC: the draft of new i18n test day page

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>>>>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2013 12:00:10 +0530,
>>>>> "AP" == Ani Peter <apeter@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

AP> Really appreciate your proposal. But there is a concern here: On test day, when all testers access the page [1]  simultaneously, it would again
AP> increase the load to that page. This will result in testers facing difficulty to update the wiki page with the results. ie, the same problem we
AP> face in [2]. Infact, the new language matrix implemented from Fedora 18 [3] was introduced to eliminate this load on the main test page on the
AP> test day.

Aha. I was not aware of that issue. thanks for pointing that
out. then I'm wondering if the sort of that issue didn't
ever heppen on other test days too, and want to know how
they addressed it if there was.

That said eventually I should create a summary page at the


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