As always, minutes and IRC transcript available on the wiki at Next meeting is scheduled for 2013-02-11 at 1600 UTC in #fedora-meeting. If you have topics you think we should bring up at the meeting, please add them to the Wiki page at . Thanks! TOPIC: Criteria revision ======================================================================= * adamw planning to draft a plan for improved presentation of the release criteria. tflink suggests moving the criteria out of the wiki could help, but for F19 for now it's likely to stay in wiki * Ideas to keep in mind as part of the plan: * kparal - draw a line between simple explanations and lawyerish complex clauses * kparal/viking-ice - define terms that we're familiar with but a general reader may not be * tflink - ensure there's short text for each criterion for IRC meeting purposes * kparal - group the criteria (installation, desktop, networking...) * kparal - link to background info on each criterion (esp. discussion when it was created) * kparal - some mechanism for tagging criteria - "I hate when I search for PXE, but it is called "network boot" or similar" TOPIC: Test Case Revision ======================================================================= * adamw suggested expanding the upgrade test case set a little * viking-ice suggested identifying hw-dependent and non-hw-dependent test cases in the matrices * kparal said we should finish revising the partitioning criteria * adamw thought we could come up with a set of common partitioning operation test cases * kparal suggested an explicit Secure Boot criterion * We should try and get as much criteria revision and test case revision done before Alpha as possible TOPIC: Fedora 19 Feature list review ======================================================================= * Already listed as features of potential concern from last week's meeting: * Features/NewFirstboot[1] * Features/SyslinuxOption[2] * Features/SystemdPredictableNetworkInterfaceNames[3] * Features/YumGroupsAsObjects[4] * Features/FixNetworkNameResolution[5] * Features/ReplaceMySQLwithMariaDB[6] looks significant but we do not currently have planned testing for MySQL * tflink suggested that a comprehensive MySQL benchmark tool could act as a compatibility checker if we could find such a thing * viking-ice said we should ensure F18->F19 upgrades accomplish the mysql->mariadb switch smoothly * If mysql is to still be available in F19, we should check it can be installed and used * On Features/SystemdPredictableNetworkInterfaceNames - we should check behaviour of firewalld and libvirt, particularly on upgrades; check 'em1' is still used for most onboard adapters * Features/KScreen[7] may impact KDE validation in a small way * Features/SyslinuxOption[8] would be worth doing some optional testing on at least: viking-ice suggested it should be a supported kickstart option TOPIC: Open Floor ======================================================================= N/A ACTION ITEMS ======================================================================= * adamw to draft up a proposal for revising the presentation of the release criteria * adamw to draft up a kickstart criterion for f19 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. -- Adam Williamson Fedora QA Community Monkey IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | adamwfedora -- test mailing list test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: