Re: Manual Partitioning and LVM, Re: Puzzled

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On 12/05/2012 09:07 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Dec 5, 2012, at 11:24 AM, Gene Czarcinski <gene@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

No Logical Volumes listed.  There are only the regular partitions and the Physical Volume partitions listed under unknown.

Did a pvscan which showed the three VGs on this system.  Then I did a lvscan which listed all of the Logical Volumes and showing them inactive.
This is DVD? Netinst? Or LiveCD? I'm using a LiveCD, and VGs are active already.

  Did a vgchange -a y <for-each-VG> and a of the LVs showed active.  I did the just after the first gui screen came up.

When I got the manual storage configuration, no LVs shown.

On Dec 5, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Gene Czarcinski <gene@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
OK, I boot up the "live" gnome desktop and used it to install.  Yes, all of the LVs were there and it figured out all of the installed/bootable systems.  I was able to manually configure and re-use partitions.
OK so you're saying it works with the LiveCD but doesn't with DVD or Netinst? Please file a bug. And reproduce the problem, once you get to Manual Partitioning, go to a shell and grab the .log files from /tmp and post those to the bug report. This is arguably a release blocking bug if it's reproducible.
Yup!  To be clear, I did not try the netinstall.

It will be later today but I will run the install yet again, collect the info and file a bug report.
Just in case it is something about the specific hardware, I will also 
attempt doing this with another system.

BUT, it did not offer me a choice of where to install grub2 (MBR or boot partition) … it did MBR which was not too bad because I could easily recover.
In beta, anaconda 18.29 has an option to not install a bootloader. 1.) It doesn't work, that's fixed in the 18.34 and 18.35 I've tested yesterday; and 2.) there is no option to install GRUB 2 to a partition because it's not recommended by upstream for ext4 to take block lists, which is the only way to get GRUB to install to an ext4 partition since ext4 only has 1024 bytes of boot sector padding.

So if you want GRUB2 on a partition, you have to 'grub2-install --force /dev/sdaX' yourself. Or better, if you're using some other instance of GRUB2, is to add a menu entry for that GRUB's

My current "don't likes are:

1. Of course the first one is that I cannot specify predefined LVs with the installation DVD. Unless this is fixed, I am likely to be a big user of fedup.
2.  It sure would be nice and a lot clearer if "reclaim" was changed to 
something that did not imply (to me) that I could lose my disks.
3. Software selection needs to be expanded.  Yes, I know this can be 
done once the basic system is in but I am used to doing it all up 
front.  I can live with the current situation.
4.  Grub2 and no option to install in a partition.  Not really an 
issue.  I knew that I would need to figure out and implement a new way 
to have multi-boot systems.
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