Fedora 17 updates-testing report

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The following Fedora 17 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
  20  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-17381/seamonkey-2.13.2-1.fc17
   6  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18242/xen-4.1.3-6.fc17
  58  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-14650/tor-
  39  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-16048/cobbler-2.4.0-beta2.fc17
  13  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-17749/libsocialweb-0.25.21-1.fc17
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18659/gnome-system-log-3.4.1-3.fc17
   6  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18210/bugzilla-4.0.9-1.fc17
 138  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-10269/revelation-0.4.14-1.fc17
   2  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18464/cgit-0.9.1-2.fc17
   4  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18315/mod_security_crs-2.2.6-3.fc17,mod_security-2.7.1-3.fc17
   4  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18294/mantis-1.2.12-1.fc17
   3  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18396/sticky-notes-0.3.09062012.4-10.fc17
   3  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18318/perl-CGI-3.51-7.fc17
   4  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18311/insight-7.4.50-4.20120403cvs.fc17
   3  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18423/awstats-7.0-9.fc17
   1  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18526/weechat-0.3.8-4.fc17
   1  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18525/moodle-2.2.6-1.fc17
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18683/firefox-17.0-1.fc17,xulrunner-17.0-3.fc17,thunderbird-enigmail-1.4.6-2.fc17,thunderbird-lightning-1.9-1.fc17,thunderbird-17.0-1.fc17
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18684/kernel-3.6.7-4.fc17
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18677/libssh-0.5.3-1.fc17
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18686/pcp-3.6.10-1.fc17

The following Fedora 17 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
 Age URL
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18684/kernel-3.6.7-4.fc17
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18683/firefox-17.0-1.fc17,xulrunner-17.0-3.fc17,thunderbird-enigmail-1.4.6-2.fc17,thunderbird-lightning-1.9-1.fc17,thunderbird-17.0-1.fc17
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18651/jack-audio-connection-kit-1.9.8-11.fc17
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-18689/NetworkManager-
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 17 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 NetworkManager- (FEDORA-2012-18689)
 Network connection manager and user applications
Update Information:

This update fixes:
* dnsmasq configurations
* setting hostname


* Tue Nov 20 2012 Jiří Klimeš <jklimes@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- core: fix setting hostname returned from DHCP server (rh #875085)
* Wed Nov 14 2012 Jiří Klimeš <jklimes@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- spec: create /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d (rh #873621)

  [ 1 ] Bug #875085 - NetworkManager- doesn't set anymore hostname to value returned from dhcp
  [ 2 ] Bug #873621 - NetworkManager- breaks dnsmasq configurations

 autotest-framework-0.14.4-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18657)
 Framework for fully automated testing
Update Information:

Various packaging bugfixes.

* Mon Nov 19 2012 Cleber Rosa <cleber@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.14.4-1
- Package 0.14.4 release
- Dropped patches applied upstream
* Mon Oct  8 2012 Martin Krizek <mkrizek@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.14.3-2
- replace mod_python with mod_wsgi

 createrepo_c-0.1.12-2.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18680)
 Creates a common metadata repository
Update Information:

New release
Update to 0.1.12

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at redhat.com> - 0.1.12-2
- Fix removing old repomd.xml while --update
* Thu Nov 15 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at redhat.com> - 0.1.12-1
- Fix bug in sqlite filelists database
- Fix memory leak

 dovecot-2.1.10-4.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18649)
 Secure imap and pop3 server
Update Information:

- do not crash during mail search

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:2.1.10-4
- do not crash during mail search (#861742)
* Thu Nov  8 2012 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:2.1.10-3
- fix network still not ready race condition (#871623)

  [ 1 ] Bug #861742 - [abrt] dovecot-2.1.10-1.fc17: mail_search_keywords_merge: Process /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

 eclipse-wtp-jeetools-3.4.0-4.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18678)
 Frameworks and tools focused on development of J2EE artifacts
Update Information:

Fix copying of axis jars: RHBZ 872806

* Wed Nov 14 2012 Gerard Ryan <galileo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3.4.0-4
- Fix copying of axis jars: RHBZ 872806
* Sat Jul 21 2012 Gerard Ryan <galileo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3.4.0-3
- Comment out org.eclipse.wst.web_* removal, to allow building against this
* Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.4.0-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 13 2012 Gerard Ryan <galileo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3.4.0-1
- Update to R3.4.0 Juno stable release.
- Remove duplicate jars build by other wtp packages
- Remove extraneous BR/R that were only needed because of wtp-webservices fault

  [ 1 ] Bug #872806 - Eclipse WebServices and JBoss

 eclipse-wtp-webservices-3.4.0-5.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18678)
 Tools for developing and interacting with Java Web services
Update Information:

Fix copying of axis jars: RHBZ 872806

* Sun Nov 11 2012 Gerard Ryan <galileo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3.4.0-5
- Readd wrapper bundles for axis, jaxrpc, apache-commons-discovery: RHBZ 872806
- Add emf-sdk as BR/R because of some missing bundles.
- Remove problematic org.eclipse.license stuff.
- Fix OSGi imported version of org.w3c.dom* in org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation

  [ 1 ] Bug #872806 - Eclipse WebServices and JBoss

 emacs-common-ess-12.09-2.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18663)
 Emacs Speaks Statistics add-on package for Emacs
Update Information:

Update to latest upstream (12.09). See http://ess.r-project.org/Manual/ess.html#New-features for more details

* Sun Nov 18 2012 Alex Lancaster <alexlan[AT]fedoraproject org> - 12.09-2
- Add additional "BuildRequires:  tex(epsf.tex)" workaround for (#868011)
* Sat Nov 17 2012 Alex Lancaster <alexlan[AT]fedoraproject org> - 12.09-1
- Update to upstream 12.09 (#808707)
- Add BuildRequires for individual tex packages (e.g. parskip)
  for build of PDF docs for texlive 2012 (only in f18+)
* Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.14-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #808707 - emacs-common-ess-12.09_beta_2 is available

 firefox-17.0-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18683)
 Mozilla Firefox Web browser
Update Information:

- First revision of the Social API and support for Facebook Messenger
- Click-to-play blocklisting implemented to prevent vulnerable plugin versions from running without the user's permission (see blog post)
- Updated Awesome Bar experience with larger icons
- JavaScript Maps and Sets are now iterable
- SVG FillPaint and StrokePaint implemented
- Improvements that make the Web Console, Debugger and Developer Toolbar faster and easier to use
- New Markup panel in the Page Inspector allows easy editing of the DOM
- Sandbox attribute for iframes implemented, enabling increased security
- Over twenty performance improvements, including fixes around the New Tab page
- Pointer lock doesn't work in web apps (769150)
- Page scrolling on sites with fixed headers (780345)

* Mon Nov 19 2012 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 17.0-1
- Update to 17.0
* Thu Nov 15 2012 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 17.0-0.1b6
- Update to 17.0 Beta 6
* Wed Nov  7 2012 Jan Horak <jhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> - 16.0.2-4
- Added duckduckgo.com search engine
* Thu Nov  1 2012 Jan Horak <jhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> - 16.0.2-3
- Added keywords to desktop file (871900)
* Tue Oct 30 2012 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 16.0.2-2
- Updated man page (#800234)

 fop-1.0-20.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18660)
 XSL-driven print formatter
Update Information:

Fixes missig xml-commons-apis-ext in fop.script classpath (BZ 825463).

* Sun Nov 18 2012 Mikolaj Izdebski <mizdebsk@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0-20
- Add xml-commons-apis-ext to classpath
* Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0-19
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #825463 - fop: missig xml-commons-apis-ext in fop.script classpath

 ghc-hs-bibutils-4.15-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18650)
 Haskell bindings to bibutils
Update Information:

Haskell bindings to bibutils

  [ 1 ] Bug #861923 - Review Request: ghc-hs-bibutils - Haskell binding to bibutils

 gimp-2.8.2-6.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18205)
 GNU Image Manipulation Program
Update Information:

This update contains fixes for these issues:

- Using "Crop to selection" doesn't adapt selection to cropped image.
- Large amounts of RAM trigger a bug which makes GIMP crash.
- Saving/exporting from the context menu fails to make the file dialog transient to the main window and generates warnings.

Additionally, it enables using the system monitor profile for color management by default. This only affects users which haven't run GIMP before and can be changed in Edit → Preferences → Color Management.

* Mon Nov 19 2012 Nils Philippsen <nils@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2.8.2-6
- fix gimprc syntax error introduced in previous patch
* Thu Nov 15 2012 Nils Philippsen <nils@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2.8.2-5
- try using the system monitor profile for color management by default (patch
  by Richard Hughes)
* Wed Nov 14 2012 Nils Philippsen <nils@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2.8.2-4
- fix marking file dialogs as transient if opened from context menu (#835736)
* Tue Nov 13 2012 Nils Philippsen <nils@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2.8.2-3
- don't trip over too much installed memory, reenable all tests
- realign selection after "Crop to Selection" (#873212, fix by Michael
* Sat Oct 20 2012 Nils Philippsen <nils@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2.8.2-2
- run "make check", skip problematic tests
- don't build help browser on EL

  [ 1 ] Bug #873212 - Crop to Selection leaves artifacts
  [ 2 ] Bug #835736 - gimp-2.8.0-1.fc17.x86_64 gets (gimp:4154): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_window_set_transient_for: assertion `parent == NULL || GTK_IS_WINDOW (parent)' failed

 gnome-system-log-3.4.1-3.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18659)
 A log file viewer for GNOME
Update Information:

This update changes gnome-system-log to use a stricter polkit policy when running with elevated privileges. Previously, it would only ask for the user's own password; now it requires anadministrator password.

This problem has been reported as CVE-2012-5535 

* Mon Nov 19 2012 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:3.4.1-3
- Use auth_admin instead of auth_self for pkexec (#878115)

  [ 1 ] Bug #878115 - CVE-2012-5535 gnome-system-log: polkit policy too lax, allows reading arbitrary files on the system

 ibus- (FEDORA-2012-18652)
 Intelligent Input Bus for Linux OS
Update Information:

Removed the package dependencies of im-chooser and imsettings-gnome in f18.


  [ 1 ] Bug #868452 - please drop the ibus-gtk3 -> imsettings-gnome dependency
  [ 2 ] Bug #868453 - please drop the ibus -> im-chooser dependency

 jack-audio-connection-kit-1.9.8-11.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18651)
 The Jack Audio Connection Kit
Update Information:

This updates disables optimization (see bug 827748).

It also corrects an error in jackdbus sigsegv fault handling.

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Brendan Jones <brendan.jones.it@xxxxxxxxx> 1.9.8-11
- Build with -O0. RHBZ#827748 still not resolved with gcc-4.7.2
- Update README, add jack_control to dbus package
- Add upstream sigsegv fault handling patch

 kernel-3.6.7-4.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18684)
 The Linux kernel
Update Information:

CVE-2012-4461: kvm: invalid opcode oops on SET_SREGS with OSXSAVE bit set

Update to upstream stable release 3.6.7

Assorted other fixes.

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Josh Boyer <jwboyer@xxxxxxxxxx>
- CVE-2012-4461: kvm: invalid opcode oops on SET_SREGS with OSXSAVE bit set (rhbz 878518 862900)
- Add support for BCM20702A0 (rhbz 874791)
* Mon Nov 19 2012 Josh Boyer <jwboyer@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Apply patches from Jeff Moyer to fix direct-io oops (rhbz 812129)
* Sat Nov 17 2012 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.6.7-1
- linux 3.6.7
* Fri Nov 16 2012 Josh Boyer <jwboyer@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix oops causing typo in keyspan driver (rhbz 870562)
- Don't WARN_ON empty queues in iwlwifi (rhbz 873001)
* Thu Nov 15 2012 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix panic in  panic in smp_irq_move_cleanup_interrupt (rhbz 869341)
* Mon Nov 12 2012 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix list_del corruption warning on USB audio with twinkle (rhbz 871078)

  [ 1 ] Bug #862900 - CVE-2012-4461 kernel: kvm: invalid opcode oops on SET_SREGS with OSXSAVE bit set

 libssh-0.5.3-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18677)
 A library implementing the SSH2 protocol (0xbadc0de version)
Update Information:

This is an important SECURITY and maintenance release in order to address CVE-2012-4559, CVE-2012-4560, CVE-2012-4561 and CVE-2012-4562.

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Petr Lautrbach <plautrba@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.5.3-1
- update to security 0.5.3 release (#878465)
- CVE-2012-4559, CVE-2012-4560, CVE-2012-4561, CVE-2012-4562

  [ 1 ] Bug #871612 - CVE-2012-4559 libssh: multiple double free() flaws
  [ 2 ] Bug #871614 - CVE-2012-4560 libssh: multiple buffer overflow flaws
  [ 3 ] Bug #871617 - CVE-2012-4561 libssh: multiple invalid free() flaws
  [ 4 ] Bug #871620 - CVE-2012-4562 libssh: multiple improper overflow checks

 mipv6-daemon- (FEDORA-2012-18664)
 Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) Daemon
Update Information:

Scriptlets replaced with new systemd macros
Update to latest umip git tree

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Thomas Graf <tgraf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Scriptlets replaced with new systemd macros (#850209)
* Sun Nov 18 2012 Thomas Graf <tgraf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Update to umip.git HEAD 74528e1ffd2ecdd31e1a17f9d9ade530a86632fd
* Fri Jul 20 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Apr 25 2012 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> -
- Migrate to systemd, BZ 789773.

  [ 1 ] Bug #850209 - Introduce new systemd-rpm macros in mipv6-daemon spec file
  [ 2 ] Bug #877809 - RFE: Update to latest umip.git HEAD

 mlpack-1.0.1-5.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18685)
 Scalable, fast C++ machine learning library
Update Information:

Initial packaging of mlpack for f17

  [ 1 ] Bug #843997 - Review Request: mlpack - scalable C++ machine learning library

 opendkim-2.7.2-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18676)
 A DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) milter to sign and/or verify mail
Update Information:

Updating to newer 2.7.2 source.

Source release notes available here:


* Mon Nov 19 2012 Steve Jenkins <steve stevejenkins com> 2.7.2-1
- Updated to use newer upstream 2.7.2 source code

 openvswitch-1.4.2-6.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18658)
 Open vSwitch daemon/database/utilities
Update Information:

Increase max fd limit to support 256 bridges

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Thomas Graf <tgraf@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.2-6
- Increase max fd limit to support 256 bridges (#873072)

 pcp-3.6.10-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18686)
 System-level performance monitoring and performance management
Update Information:

Resolve insecure temporary file use flaws in PCP shell scripts

* Mon Nov 19 2012 Nathan Scott <nathans@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.6.10-1
- Update to latest PCP sources.
- Resolve tmpfile security flaws: CVE-2012-5530
- Introduces new "pcp" user account for all daemons to use.

  [ 1 ] Bug #875842 - CVE-2012-5530 pcp: Insecure temporary file use flaws

 pekwm-0.1.16-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18675)
 A small and flexible window manager
Update Information:

New version 0.1.16

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Germán A. Racca <skytux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.16-1
- Updated to new version

 perl-Authen-Credential-0.8-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18681)
 Abstraction of a credential
Update Information:

updating to latest upstream version 0.8


  [ 1 ] Bug #877911 - Upgrade to new upstream version

 perl-DateTime-0.78-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18544)
 Date and time object
Update Information:

Round nanoseconds always down.

* Mon Nov 19 2012 Petr Pisar <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:0.78-1
- 0.78 bump

  [ 1 ] Bug #877724 - perl-DateTime-0.78 is available

 python-libcloud-0.11.4-3.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18688)
 A Python library to address multiple cloud provider APIs
Update Information:

Here is where you give an explanation of your update.

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Daniel Bruno dbruno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - 0.11.4-3
- Update to the upstream release 0.11.4

  [ 1 ] Bug #497880 - unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000068 while PALM Treo plugging in

 rubygem-color-1.4.1-2.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18673)
 Colour management with Ruby
Update Information:

Part of fedora-katello packaging effort.

 sems-1.4.3-4.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18666)
 SIP Express Media Server, an extensible SIP media server
Update Information:

- Build against external iLBC
- Allow conditional build with bcg729

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.3-4
- Build against external iLBC
- Allow conditional build with bcg729
* Mon Oct  1 2012 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.4.3-3
- rebuild (sip)
* Thu Jul 19 2012 Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.3-2
- Fixed init-script

  [ 1 ] Bug #814230 - Bundled library - iLBC (which is quite old) in SEMS.

 squid-3.2.3-2.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18670)
 The Squid proxy caching server
Update Information:

This update provides latest stable version of Squid cache software.

* Fri Oct 26 2012 Michal Luscon <mluscon@xxxxxxxxxx> - 7:3.2.2-2
- Resolved: #854356 - squid.service use PIDFile
- Resolved: #859393 - Improve cache_swap script
- Resolved: #791129 - disk space warning
- Resolved: #862252 - reload on VPN or network up/down
- Resolved: #867531 - run test suite during build
- Resolved: #832684 - missing after dependency nss-lookup.target
- Removed obsolete configure options
* Mon Oct 22 2012 Tomas Hozza <thozza@xxxxxxxxxx> - 7:3.2.3-1
- Update to latest upstream version 3.2.3

  [ 1 ] Bug #854356 - squid.service should use PIDFile=/var/run/squid.pid
  [ 2 ] Bug #859393 - squid does not start after a clean install (if /var/spool/squid is empty)
  [ 3 ] Bug #791129 - WARNING: Disk space over limit
  [ 4 ] Bug #862252 - [PATCH] Squid doesn't reload on VPN up/down, or network down
  [ 5 ] Bug #867531 - Run test suite during build, build with $RPM_LD_FLAGS
  [ 6 ] Bug #832684 - Squid fails to start if named-chroot service is used
  [ 7 ] Bug #863790 - squid-3.2.2 is available
  [ 8 ] Bug #868640 - squid-3.2.3 is available
  [ 9 ] Bug #850326 - Introduce new systemd-rpm macros in squid spec file

 starcal-2.0.2-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18646)
 A full-featured international calendar written in Python
Update Information:

Updated to new upstream version 2.0.2 with many enhancements

* Sun Nov 18 2012 Hedayat Vatankhah <hedayat.fwd+rpmchlog@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.2-1
- Update to 2.0.2
- Add new requires
* Sat Jul 21 2012 Hedayat Vatankhah <hedayat.fwd+rpmchlog@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.0-1
- Update to 2.0.0

 stompclt-0.6-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18667)
 Versatile STOMP client
Update Information:

updating to latest upstream version 0.6

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Massimo Paladin <massimo.paladin@xxxxxxxxx> 0.6-1
- Update to 0.6.

  [ 1 ] Bug #878005 - Upgrade to new upstream version

 thunderbird-17.0-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18683)
 Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client
Update Information:

- First revision of the Social API and support for Facebook Messenger
- Click-to-play blocklisting implemented to prevent vulnerable plugin versions from running without the user's permission (see blog post)
- Updated Awesome Bar experience with larger icons
- JavaScript Maps and Sets are now iterable
- SVG FillPaint and StrokePaint implemented
- Improvements that make the Web Console, Debugger and Developer Toolbar faster and easier to use
- New Markup panel in the Page Inspector allows easy editing of the DOM
- Sandbox attribute for iframes implemented, enabling increased security
- Over twenty performance improvements, including fixes around the New Tab page
- Pointer lock doesn't work in web apps (769150)
- Page scrolling on sites with fixed headers (780345)

* Mon Nov 19 2012 Jan Horak <jhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> - 17.0-1
- Update to 17.0

 thunderbird-enigmail-1.4.6-2.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18683)
 Authentication and encryption extension for Mozilla Thunderbird
Update Information:

- First revision of the Social API and support for Facebook Messenger
- Click-to-play blocklisting implemented to prevent vulnerable plugin versions from running without the user's permission (see blog post)
- Updated Awesome Bar experience with larger icons
- JavaScript Maps and Sets are now iterable
- SVG FillPaint and StrokePaint implemented
- Improvements that make the Web Console, Debugger and Developer Toolbar faster and easier to use
- New Markup panel in the Page Inspector allows easy editing of the DOM
- Sandbox attribute for iframes implemented, enabling increased security
- Over twenty performance improvements, including fixes around the New Tab page
- Pointer lock doesn't work in web apps (769150)
- Page scrolling on sites with fixed headers (780345)

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Jan Horak <jhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.6-2
- Rebuild against newer Thunderbird
* Fri Nov  9 2012 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.4.6-1
- Enigmail 1.4.6 for Thunderbird 16

 thunderbird-lightning-1.9-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18683)
 The calendar extension to Thunderbird
Update Information:

- First revision of the Social API and support for Facebook Messenger
- Click-to-play blocklisting implemented to prevent vulnerable plugin versions from running without the user's permission (see blog post)
- Updated Awesome Bar experience with larger icons
- JavaScript Maps and Sets are now iterable
- SVG FillPaint and StrokePaint implemented
- Improvements that make the Web Console, Debugger and Developer Toolbar faster and easier to use
- New Markup panel in the Page Inspector allows easy editing of the DOM
- Sandbox attribute for iframes implemented, enabling increased security
- Over twenty performance improvements, including fixes around the New Tab page
- Pointer lock doesn't work in web apps (769150)
- Page scrolling on sites with fixed headers (780345)

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Jan Horak <jhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.9-1
- Update to 1.9

 vidalia-0.2.20-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18653)
 GUI controller for the Tor Onion Routing Network
Update Information:

Updated to latest stable version

* Thu Nov 15 2012 Paul Wouters <pwouters@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.20-1
- Updated to 0.2.20
* Sun Jul 22 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.15-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild

 wesnoth-1.10.5-1.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18668)
 Turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme
Update Information:

Upstream maintenance update.

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.10.5-1
- New upstream maintainance release.

 xulrunner-17.0-3.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18683)
 XUL Runtime for Gecko Applications
Update Information:

- First revision of the Social API and support for Facebook Messenger
- Click-to-play blocklisting implemented to prevent vulnerable plugin versions from running without the user's permission (see blog post)
- Updated Awesome Bar experience with larger icons
- JavaScript Maps and Sets are now iterable
- SVG FillPaint and StrokePaint implemented
- Improvements that make the Web Console, Debugger and Developer Toolbar faster and easier to use
- New Markup panel in the Page Inspector allows easy editing of the DOM
- Sandbox attribute for iframes implemented, enabling increased security
- Over twenty performance improvements, including fixes around the New Tab page
- Pointer lock doesn't work in web apps (769150)
- Page scrolling on sites with fixed headers (780345)

* Mon Nov 19 2012 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 17.0-3
- Updated second arch patches
* Mon Nov 19 2012 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> - 17.0-2
- webrtc is available only on selected arches
* Mon Nov 19 2012 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 17.0-1
- Update to 17.0
* Wed Nov 14 2012 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 17.0-0.2b6
- Update to 17.0 Beta 6
* Tue Nov 13 2012 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 17.0-0.1b5
- Update to 17.0 Beta 5
* Tue Nov  6 2012 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 16.0.2-2
- Added fix for rhbz#872752
* Wed Oct 31 2012 Martin Stransky <stransky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 16.0.2-1
- Updated mozilla-746112.patch for second arches
- Removed unused one (rhbz#855919)

 zukini-20120817-3.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18679)
 Themes for GTK+2, GTK+3, Metacity and GNOME Shell
Update Information:

Add fields "Provides" and "Obsoletes" to the "common" subpackage.
Package the GNOME Shell theme only for Fedora up to 17.

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Mattia Meneguzzo <odysseus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 20120817-3
- Add fields "Provides" and "Obsoletes" to the "common" subpackage
* Sun Nov  4 2012 Mattia Meneguzzo <odysseus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 20120817-2
- Package the GNOME Shell theme only for Fedora up to 17

 zukitwo-20120817-3.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18647)
 Themes for GTK+2, GTK+3, Metacity, GNOME Shell and Xfwm4
Update Information:

Add fields "Provides" and "Obsoletes" to the "common" subpackage.
Package the GNOME Shell theme only for Fedora up to 17.

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Mattia Meneguzzo <odysseus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 20120817-3
- Add fields "Provides" and "Obsoletes" to the "common" subpackage
* Sun Nov  4 2012 Mattia Meneguzzo <odysseus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 20120817-2
- Package the GNOME Shell theme only for Fedora up to 17

 zukiwi-20120817-3.fc17 (FEDORA-2012-18674)
 Themes for GTK+2, GTK+3, Metacity, GNOME Shell and Xfwm4
Update Information:

Add fields "Provides" and "Obsoletes" to the "common" subpackage.
Package the GNOME Shell theme only for Fedora up to 17.

* Tue Nov 20 2012 Mattia Meneguzzo <odysseus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 20120817-3
- Add fields "Provides" and "Obsoletes" to the "common" subpackage
* Sun Nov  4 2012 Mattia Meneguzzo <odysseus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 20120817-2
- Package the GNOME Shell theme only for Fedora up to 17

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