On 2012/05/29 09:15 (GMT-0700) Adam Williamson composed:
On Tue, 2012-05-29 at 10:30 -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
Even though I strongly prefer seeing legible white on black framebuffer text kernel and init messages throughout the boot process, Gfxboot has always been one of my favorite SuSE things, with cmdline sitting right there ready to edit on every boot. Did the Grub devs really do something to v2 to make GUI boot a problem Fedora can't handle?
The fault here isn't really with the grub developers. The problem is simply that hardware (and firmware) sucks. There are several ways you can ask a system what graphical modes it supports. Whichever way you pick, some hardware will give you the wrong answer.
I'm not terribly familiar with gfxboot, but its wiki page - http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Gfxboot - says "gfxboot relies on the VESA Video BIOS for setting a video mode". This means it will inevitably fail on some hardware, just as grub2 currently does, unless it grows some clever heuristics / exceptions.
Judging from the Gfxboot config output below, I don't think there's more than token "reliance" on the VBIOS. NAICT, Gfxboot uses 800x600 if it thinks it can, otherwise falls back to VGA basic 640x480 which AFAIK even the most broken of VBIOS supports.
It sounds like grub2 graphical is about as likely to succeed in any given config as gfxboot.
I've yet to see catastrophe happen. In contrast, I rarely have seen anything resembling competence on any tty during or after boot on *buntu. The worst I've seen is it assuming 800x600 when in fact 640x480 is operative, which cuts off some of the right side and bottom. ESC exits to 80x25 plain text mode, so booting is never prevented. Gfxboot configuration (openSUSE 11.4 'gfxboot --show-config' output): ; Sections are read in the order given in base::layout, with section 'base' ; implicitly added at the end. If a config value is given more than once, ; the first entry wins. ; ; If a screen resolution can't be set, 640x480 is used as fallback (and ; section '640x480' added to the layout list). ; ; If the penguin screen is active, section 'penguin' is automatically added ; to the layout list. ; ; Setting livecd=1 implicitly adds section 'live' to the layout list. ; ; Color values: 24 bit RGB (e.g. 0xff0000 = red). ; [base] ; theme name theme=openSUSE ; product name product= ; other sections to read layout=800x600,boot ; penguin theme likelihood (in percent, -1 = auto) penguin=-1 ; activate speech output talk=0 ; sound volume (0..100) volume=70 ; menu background transparency (0..255) menu.transparency=0x20 ; default font font.normal=16x16.fnt ; main menu font font.large=16x16.fnt ; background image background=back.jpg ; max. visible main menu items mainmenu.entries=8 ; minimal main menu selection bar width mainmenu.bar.minwidth=300 ; main menu selection bar transparency (0..255) mainmenu.bar.transparency=150 ; main menu colors mainmenu.bar.color=0xffffff mainmenu.normal.fg=0xffffff mainmenu.selected.fg=0x000000 ; boot option colors bootopt.label.fg=0xffffff bootopt.text.fg=0xffffff ; progress bar color progress.bar.color=0x295202 ; menu colors menu.normal.bg=0xd8deed menu.normal.fg=0x000000 menu.selected.bg=0x6c6c6c menu.selected.fg=0xffffff ; window colors window.bg=0xd8deed window.fg=0x000000 window.title.bg=0x217b05 window.title.fg=0xffffff window.title.error.bg=0xc00000 ; help system colors help.link.fg=0x0000a0 help.link.selected.fg=0xffffff help.link.selected.bg=0x0000a0 help.highlight.fg=0x009000 ; panel colors panel.fg=0xffffff panel.title.fg=0xffffff panel.f-key.fg=0xffe050 ; default keymap (e.g. de-latin1-nodeadkeys or cz-lat2-us) keymap= ; replace underscores ('_') with space in menu entries _2space=1 [800x600] ; screen size screen.size=800,600 ; upper left corner, if x = -1, center horizontally mainmenu.pos=-1,170 ; boot option input field position bootopt.pos=263,480 [640x480] ; screen size screen.size=640,480 ; upper left corner, if x = -1, center horizontally mainmenu.pos=-1,122 ; boot option input field position bootopt.pos=263,380 [penguin] ; upper left corner, if x = -1, center horizontally mainmenu.pos=220,163 ; main menu selection bar transparency (0..255) mainmenu.bar.transparency=120 ; boot option input field position bootopt.pos=263,490 ; background image background=pback.jpg [install] ; show welcome animation welcome=1 ; beep when menu is ready beep=1 ; main menu item shown only if iso is tagged for media check mediacheck=mediachk ; main menu items where user can't add boot options nobootoptions=harddisk,memtest ; main menu items that are not passed an 'install' parameter noinstallopt=harddisk,firmware,memtest ; default install method (one of: cdrom, slp, ftp, http, nfs, smb, hd; default: cdrom) install= ; default repo location install.http.server= install.http.path= install.nfs.server= install.nfs.path= install.ftp.server= install.ftp.path= install.ftp.user= install.ftp.password= install.smb.server= install.smb.share= install.smb.path= install.smb.domain= install.smb.user= install.smb.password= install.hd.device= install.hd.path= ; default driver update (one of: yes, no, file, url; default: no) dud= ; if 'dud=file': file name on DVD dud.file= ; if 'dud=url': URL dud.url= ; if 'dud=url': menu item name (default = 'URL') dud.url.name= ; serial line setup (up to four lines) ; format: port,baud,dev ; - port: 0-3: first four BIOS serial lines (COM1-COM4); >=4: I/O port (0x3f8) ; - baud: baud rate (e.g. 115200); 0 = autodetect (considers baud rates >= 9600) ; - dev: linux device name (e.g. ttyS0) ; - all lines are set up with 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit ; - if the bootloader also has a serial line setup, the port is ; automatically used serial.line0=0,0,ttyS0 serial.line1=1,0,ttyS1 serial.line2= serial.line3= ; show keymap menu as submenu in lang dialog keymap.submenu=1 ; check min memory size memcheck=0 ; apppend *.spl to initrd spl=1 ; move down one menu entry the first time an F-key is used autodown=1 ; F-key assignments ; value can be one of: lang, video, install, kernelopts, dud, bits, keymap, ; profile, restore ; note1: 'bits' is only shown on x86_64, 'profile' only when a file 'profile' ; exists, 'restore' only when there is a boot entry 'restore' ; note2: F1 is always help, F9 enables speech output, F10 exits gfxboot key.F2=lang key.F3=video key.F4=install key.F5=kernelopts key.F6=dud key.F7=bits ; add 'lang' option with current locale addopt.lang=1 ; add 'keytable' option with current keymap addopt.keytable=1 [boot] ; show welcome animation welcome=0 ; beep when menu is ready beep=0 ; show keymap menu as submenu in lang dialog keymap.submenu=0 ; system restore menu entry restore.title= ; F-key assignments, see install section for doc key.F2=lang key.F3=profile key.F4=keymap key.F11=restore ; add 'lang' option with current locale addopt.lang=0 ; add 'keytable' option with current keymap addopt.keytable=0 [live] ; set livecd flag livecd=1 ; move down one menu entry the first time an F-key is used autodown=0 ; F-key assignments, see install section for doc key.F2=lang key.F3=video key.F4=kernelopts key.F5= key.F6= key.F7= key.F8= key.F11= key.F12= ; add 'lang' option with current locale addopt.lang=1 ; add 'keytable' option with current keymap addopt.keytable=0 -- "The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation) Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks! Felix Miata *** http://fm.no-ip.com/ -- test mailing list test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/test