unable to run tests requiring "updates=http://jlaska.fedorapeople.org/updates/traceback.img" option

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Kamil Paral <kparal <at> redhat.com> writes:

> > QA:Testcase_Anaconda_save_traceback_to_remote_system
> > QA:Testcase_Anaconda_save_traceback_to_bugzilla (Alpha)
> > QA:Testcase_Anaconda_save_traceback_to_disk (Alpha)
> > QA:Testcase_Anaconda_traceback_debug_mode
> I have tried Alpha RC4 (anaconda 17.11), it's there. I'll update the test
cases now.

I hadn't checked past the first anaconda screen (where the traceback appeared
previously). Going through the first few screens as indicated in the new test
cases, I see it now. It might have been in RC3 as well. Anyway, I verified that
the last 3 tests work as advertised.
QA:Testcase_Anaconda_save_traceback_to_remote_system did not work, using an URL
of the form "scp://andre:mypassword@" (which worked previously).
The installer claims it wrote the file successfully, and tells you the exact
name of the file, but it never actually appears on the remote system.

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