The new loader was able to find a BIOS partition and hence net-install F16 Wednesday. uses p1p1 to talk with Comcast and p37p1 for the local net. The server does NAT, mail and Apache. Dnsmasq does dhcp, dns and pxeboot for the local net. For some reason the gateway setting was scrambled and I had to edit the config files by hand. The firewall applet needs to learn about p1 ... pNN and forget about ethN. -- Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R caf@xxxxxxxx Developer of Industrial ZMODEM(Tm) for Embedded Applications Omen Technology Inc "The High Reliability Software" 10255 NW Old Cornelius Pass Portland OR 97231 503-614-0430 -- test mailing list test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: