On 01/29/2015 01:19 AM, Jayson Hurst
This is what seems to trigger the home dir creation
issue for me:
# touch /.autorelabel
# reboot
Then ssh into the box as a new user.
Declaring userdom_home_filetrans_user_home_dir(vasd_t) in the
vasd.te file doesn't change the behavior. The user home dirs are
still created with a security context of home_root_t.
A restart of the vasd daemon fixes the issue. Any suggestions
on how/why a restart of the daemon fixed it?
Most likey vasd was not running with the correct domain.
ps -eZ | grep vasd
to make sure it is running as vasd_t.
From: swazup@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx; selinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Creating home directories with wrong context
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:00:28 -0700
So should I open a bug for this?
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 10:49:56
From: dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx
To: swazup@xxxxxxxxxxx; selinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Creating home directories with wrong context
Is it in an optional block? Could you send me your
On 01/12/2015 11:48 AM,
Jayson Hurst wrote:
I declare
userdom_home_filetrans_user_home_dir($1) in vasd_admin
method in the vasd.if file. vasd.te calls
$ sesearch -T -s vasd_t -t home_root_t -c file
The command above returns a blank line.
Could I there be a conflicting rule that might be
causing me problems. Where do I look to figure out
why this no longer works?
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2015
07:03:17 -0500
From: dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx
To: swazup@xxxxxxxxxxx;
Subject: Re: Creating home directories with wrong
On 01/08/2015 09:22
PM, Jayson Hurst wrote:
I am trying to figure out why a
policy that was written on RHEL 6.0 doesn't work
the same on RHEL 6.5.
I have a policy whose domain is vasd_t
I am using the userdomain.if interface call
which is supposed to give the domain access to
create directories in the home dir root with the
user home directory type.
Which calls:
files_home_filetrans($1, user_home_dir_t, dir)
Which calls:
filetrans_pattern($1, home_root_t, $2, $3)
Which is defined as:
allow $1 $2:dir rw_dir_perms;
type_transition $1 $2:$4 $3;
I would expect this to allow me to create a new
directory in /home which is of type home_root_t,
but what I am seeing is that the new homedir is
being created with the type of home_root_t and
not user_home_dir_t as expected.
I have also tried not calling the interface
methods and defining it by hand as:
allow vasd_t home_root_t:dir rw_dir_perms;
type_transition vasd_t home_root_t:dir
I have also tried calling
sesearch shows:
$ sesearch -AC | grep 'allow vasd_t' | grep ':
dir' | grep home_root_t
allow vasd_t home_root_t : dir { ioctl read
write getattr lock add_name remove_name search
open } ;
The way the daemon works that is associated to
the vasd_t domain is that it calls a script that
does the actual creation of the homedir. I
believe the problem lies in this fact that
perhaps the script isn't being invoked in a way
to give it proper creation rights.
Like I said this use to work in RHEL 6.0 but now
I cannot seem to get it to work in 6.5. Any
help would be appreciated. I don't know what I
am missing here.
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You should only need.
You need to look at your transition rules.
sesearch -T -s vasd_t -t home_root_t -c file
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