Re: SELinux and Shorewall with IPSets

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> So I'm curious as to why this isn't working for you.  Did the restorecon
> command in fact change the label of the program to iptables_exec_t?  Did
> you get the same AVC message as before?
Mystery solved! I've had an inspiration this morning.

At the time I installed ipset at least 2 times (from Fedora Fusion as 
well as compiling it from source), so I assumed ipset was installed in 
the same location. 'whereis ipset' revealed that I have TWO copies: one 
in /sbin and another one (which I have 'used' up until now) in 
/usr/sbin. So, for some reason, even though I specified the executable 
in /usr/sbin to be executed in my shorewall init (the one with the 
'right' SELinux attributes) the executable in /sbin must have been 
picked somehow. When I removed the copy in /sbin and then rebooted - all 
was well and shorewall ran without any problems. Bizarre!
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