drew einhorn wrote:
I used to struggle with troubleshooting selinux problems,
until I discovered setroubleshoot, a package that
runs under X, that really makes it a lot easier, but I really
don't want to run X on all my vms.
Does anyone here know of an equivalent that doesn't
require X?
setroubleshoot also runs without X, e.g. without a GUI.
Instead of installing the package setroubleshoot install the package
setroubleshoot-server. To see your alerts run 'sealert -l *' or to get
email sent to you when an alert occurs edit
/var/lib/setroubleshoot/email_alert_recipients, add a line containing
your email address, if you only want email the first time an alert fires
and not subsuequently add "filter_type=after_first" after the email address.
John Dennis <jdennis@xxxxxxxxxx>
fedora-selinux-list mailing list