Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
Daniel J Walsh wrote:
Paul Howarth wrote:
Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
Bind mount:
Ok, the issue is solved. What I did not know is, you
need to make sure that when you create an empty directory,
you also need to make sure that the ownership of that
directory is: cvs:cvs before bind mounting. So:
1) mkdir /cvs
2) chown cvs:cvs /cvs
3) mount --bind /var/cvs /cvs
it all works now!
mount --bind /var/cvs /cvs
One more issue: How to I make the bind-mount permenant,
i.e. do I need to add this to fstab and if so, how?
Here's an example from one of my boxes:
/home/local /usr/local auto bind 0 0
Dan: As far a LVM, I do not use it. I haven't yet learned of
it's benefits so I have not applied it to my current filesystems
for fear of blowing up my current installation.
I use LVM over RADI1 on most of my machines these days. I use separate
filesystems for /, /usr, /tmp, /home, /var, swap, and /srv, only make
them as big as I expect them to be in the medium term (i.e. leaving
unallocated space in the volume group) and then extend their sizes as
and when it's necessary.
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