Thank you.
Eric Paris wrote:
On Fri, 2007-09-07 at 09:47 -0400, Eric Paris wrote:
On Fri, 2007-09-07 at 15:32 +0200, "Stanisław T. Findeisen" wrote:
Which Fedora version do you use? Mine is 64 bit.
Huh, looks like you are right.... Anyway you could get the F7 version
right out of the build system rather than from F6.
/me goes poking to find out where the x86_64 version is.
Its in the fedora-updates repo. Not sure why it isn't in the fedora
repo, but anyway if you have the fedora-updates repo enabled you should
be able to grab it with yum. If not you can grab it from a mirror.
Eric Paris wrote:
On Fri, 2007-09-07 at 09:59 +0200, "Stanisław T. Findeisen" wrote:
[I'll let dan comment on the postfix policy]
What's more, it turned out that checkmodule (policy language compiler)
is not present, so I had to install one from Fedora Core 6.
[paris@localhost ~]$ cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 7 (Moonshine)
[paris@localhost ~]$ rpm -qf `which checkmodule`
[paris@localhost ~]$ rpm -ql checkpolicy
[paris@localhost ~]$
Seems to be there for me.....
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