This is a reminder to submit WiPs, BoFs, and Case Studies for the 2006
SELinux symposium. If you have interesting information about SELinux
that is not already part of the agenda, please consider submitting
The deadline for case studies and WiPs is February 1. The deadline for
BoFs is February 15. There is limited space for all three. Accepted
presenters will be notified by email and the final schedule will be
placed on the website and posted at the conference.
SELinux Case Studies
Case studies are an opportunity to present lessons-learned and success
stories about deployed, SELinux-based enterprise solutions and/or
SELinux-based products. There is time for 2-3 case studies with
presentations of 20-30 minutes with no formal paper required. Interested
parties can submit case studies to chair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please
include a title, no more than one-page description of the case study,
participating organizations, and contact information for the presenters.
Work-in-Progress Reports (WiPs)
WiPs are an opportunity to present emerging projects and technologies to
the community in short presentations. The presentations usually cover
works-in-progress, new results, status updates, or timely topics. There
is time for 6-8 WiPs with presentations of 10 - 15 minutes with no
formal paper required. Speakers should submit the title of the
presentation, a one paragraph abstract, and a brief speaker bio to
Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BoFs)
BoFs are an opportunity to have an informal gathering of community
members interested in a particular topic. BoFs often include a brief
presentation or demonstration followed by discussion. There is time for
4 BoFs of 45 minutes each. BoFs will be scheduled during the Symposium
reception. Interested parties can submit suggestions for BoFs to
chair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please include a title, brief description
of the topic, and contact information for the organizer.
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