Better late than never, eh? If you have an FAQ about Fedora and SELinux: * Something not covered in the FAQ already * An FAQ in FC3 is different or not needed for FC4 * An entry that needs to be expanded Here is the best (and only) way to get in the queue. 1. Use this easy-to-fill-out bug: * Make the Summary meaningful * Fill out the description * _Do not_ remove the blocking bug 118757 Okay, wait, there is another way. If you send me an email with a collection of pointers to specific messages/threads in online archives on this or other mailing lists, I'll make the bug report myself. Thanks, Karsten -- Karsten Wade, RHCE * Sr. Tech Writer * gpg fingerprint: 2680 DBFD D968 3141 0115 5F1B D992 0E06 AD0E 0C41 Red Hat SELinux Guide
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