Re: more latest selinux policy change problems

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Tom Lisjac wrote:

We can't afford RHEL. If updating installed Fedoras is going to cause
them to become unstable after a new version release, we'll have no
choice but to migrate to another OS.

I backed out of the problematic policy update by getting the
source for the previous update, using rpmbuild to construct the
binary .rpm and using the --force option to return to the
earlier policy.  If I can do it, you can do it.  It was
inconvenient, but nothing compared to my peer Windoze
users' weekly struggles with the latest and greatest anti-virus


Daniel Normolle, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor Senior Research Associate
Department of Radiation Oncology      UMCCC Biostatistics Unit

Room 8D22                               Voice:    734-764-2473
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