Justin Conover wrote:
Well, it looks like the problem is between mkfs and selinux. The box
that works is set to
# sestatus
SELinux status: disabled
While the one that doesn't work is running selinux, so is this a bug,
can anyone else mkfs on selinux=1 box's? I haven't run into this
before and I know I have other box's running selinux that i've created
new fs on.
Forgot to include the fact I booted with selinux=0 and made the file system.
fedora-selinux-list mailing list
You machine needs to be relabeled. If you boot as selinux=0 you will
need to relabel when you want to run
selinux again. Using enforcing=0 (setenforce 0) is a better option,
since it maintains the file context.
touch /.autorelabel
fedora-selinux-list mailing list