A new version of Setools is available from http://www.tresys.com/selinux. This release contains major new features including: - Sediff: a new tool that allows a user to take two policies and find the differences including added or removed types, users, roles, booleans and most importantly type enforcement rules. The semantic difference of a policy is different from the syntactic difference in that it shows the cumulative effect of rules rather than doing a line-by-line comparison. - File contexts database: major improvements were made to the file context indexing and searching tools including conversion to an on-disk database for reduced memory usage and integration into Apol. - Direct file relabel analysis: a new analysis module was added to Apol for analyzing direct object relabeling. - Type relationship analysis: a new analysis module was added to Apol for to facilitate understanding the relationship between two types. This analysis builds on the rule searching and other analysis in Apol to give the user convenient access to many queries and anlyses at once. - Seaudit report: generation of reports was integrated into seaudit. Previously this was only available as a commandline tool. More details on the new features can be found at http://www.tresys.com/selinux/setools_new_noteworthy.html. --- Karl MacMillan Tresys Technology http://www.tresys.com (410) 290-1411 ext 134