On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 22:43 -0500, Daniel J Walsh wrote: > You could add these lines to syslog.te Will it work to add them to local.te? > can_exec(syslog_t, { bin_t shell_exec_t } ) > allow syslogd_t etc_runtime_t:file { getattr read }; > allow syslogd_t proc_kmsg_t:file write; > allow syslogd_t proc_t:file { getattr read }; > allow syslogd_t sbin_t:dir search; > allow syslogd_t self:capability { chown fowner fsetid sys_admin }; I see these and a few more from using audit2allow. How did you decide which to use? Does can_exec() replace some of the rules? These ones, at least: allow syslogd_t bin_t:file { execute execute_no_trans getattr read }; allow syslogd_t shell_exec_t:file { execute execute_no_trans getattr read }; > There is some directory in /usr that needs to be relabeled > syslogd_var_run_t to eliminate the following > > allow syslogd_t usr_t:dir { add_name remove_name write }; > allow syslogd_t usr_t:file { append create getattr read setattr unlink > write }; In other words, relabel the directory in /usr so that these rules are not needed? thx - Karsten -- Karsten Wade, RHCE, Sr. Tech Writer a lemon is just a melon in disguise http://people.redhat.com/kwade/ gpg fingerprint: 2680 DBFD D968 3141 0115 5F1B D992 0E06 AD0E 0C41