dragoran wrote:
I am running FC3 with selinux on targeted policy. When PHP tryies to
connect to the mysql server i get this messages in dmesg:
sbin/httpd name=mysql.sock dev=hda3 ino=309535
scontext=user_u:system_r:httpd_t tcontext=user_u:object_r:var_lib_t
Disabling SELinux for Apache fix this, but I want to run httpd with
So how can i fix this?
fedora-selinux-list mailing list
A couple of things to try.
I am thinking of adding mysqld.te file to targeted policy. (attached)
You can try to use it by doing the following
* Install selinux-policy-targeted-sources.
* yum install selinux-policy-targeted-sources
* cd /etc/selinux/targeted/src/policy
* cp MYSQLD.te domains/program/
* make load
* rpm -q -l mysql | restorecon -R -f -
* service mysql restart
Or you can just add the ability to write to sock_files in var lib.
* Install selinux-policy-targeted-sources.
* yum install selinux-policy-targeted-sources
* cd /etc/selinux/targeted/src/policy
* echo "allow httpd_t var_lib_t:sock_file rw_socket_perms;" >
* make load
#DESC Mysqld - Database server
# Author: Russell Coker <russell@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
# X-Debian-Packages: mysql-server
# Rules for the mysqld_t domain.
# mysqld_exec_t is the type of the mysqld executable.
type mysqld_port_t, port_type;
allow mysqld_t mysqld_port_t:tcp_socket name_bind;
allow mysqld_t mysqld_var_run_t:sock_file create_file_perms;
typealias mysqld_etc_t alias etc_mysqld_t;
type mysqld_db_t, file_type, sysadmfile;
# for temporary tables
allow mysqld_t usr_t:file { getattr read };
allow mysqld_t self:fifo_file { read write };
allow mysqld_t self:unix_stream_socket create_stream_socket_perms;
allow initrc_t mysqld_t:unix_stream_socket connectto;
allow initrc_t mysqld_var_run_t:sock_file write;
allow initrc_t mysqld_log_t:file { write append setattr ioctl };
allow mysqld_t self:capability { dac_override setgid setuid };
allow mysqld_t self:process getsched;
allow mysqld_t proc_t:file { getattr read };
# Allow access to the mysqld databases
create_dir_file(mysqld_t, mysqld_db_t)
allow mysqld_t var_lib_t:dir { getattr search };
# read config files
r_dir_file(initrc_t, mysqld_etc_t)
allow mysqld_t { etc_t etc_runtime_t }:{ file lnk_file } { read
getattr };
allow mysqld_t etc_t:dir search;
allow mysqld_t sysctl_kernel_t:dir search;
allow mysqld_t sysctl_kernel_t:file read;
can_unix_connect(sysadm_t, mysqld_t)
# for /root/.my.cnf - should not be needed
allow mysqld_t sysadm_home_dir_t:dir search;
allow mysqld_t sysadm_home_t:file { read getattr };
ifdef(`logrotate.te', `
r_dir_file(logrotate_t, mysqld_etc_t)
allow logrotate_t mysqld_db_t:dir search;
allow logrotate_t mysqld_var_run_t:dir search;
allow logrotate_t mysqld_var_run_t:sock_file write;
can_unix_connect(logrotate_t, mysqld_t)
ifdef(`user_db_connect', `
allow userdomain mysqld_var_run_t:dir search;
allow userdomain mysqld_var_run_t:sock_file write;
ifdef(`daemontools.te', `
domain_auto_trans( svc_run_t, mysqld_exec_t, mysqld_t)
allow svc_start_t mysqld_t:process signal;
')dnl end ifdef daemontools
ifdef(`distro_redhat', `
allow initrc_t mysqld_db_t:dir create_dir_perms;
# because Fedora has the sock_file in the database directory
file_type_auto_trans(mysqld_t, mysqld_db_t, mysqld_var_run_t, sock_file)
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