On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 20:07, Andrew Farris wrote:
>On Sun, 2004-10-10 at 12:04 -0700, Park Lee wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm doing something in SELinux, and need the libselinux-
>> devel-1.11.4-1.src.rpm. I try to find it on the web, I've tried to
>> search it either in http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/selinux/ or in
>> http://rpmfind.net/. but I would only find
>> libselinux-1.11.4-1.src.rpm, libselinux-1.17.14-1.src.rpm,...... etc.
>> So, would you please tell me where libselinux-
>> devel-1.11.4-1.src.rpm is?
>This should be on all the mirrors in the SRPMS directory.
>> Hi,
>> I'm doing something in SELinux, and need the libselinux-
>> devel-1.11.4-1.src.rpm. I try to find it on the web, I've tried to
>> search it either in http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/selinux/ or in
>> http://rpmfind.net/. but I would only find
>> libselinux-1.11.4-1.src.rpm, libselinux-1.17.14-1.src.rpm,...... etc.
>> So, would you please tell me where libselinux-
>> devel-1.11.4-1.src.rpm is?
>This should be on all the mirrors in the SRPMS directory.
Thanks a lot.
But what I want to get is libselinux-devel-1.11.4-1.src.rpm, not the libselinux-1.11.4-1.src.rpm one. I think these two are not the same thing. Would you please give me a hint about the former one?
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