For example:
The variable 'SELINUX' in the file /etc/selinux/config has the value choices 'enforcing' or 'permissive'.
The variable 'enforce' in the /boot/grub/grub.conf file has the value choices '=0' or '=1'
The variable shown by the command 'getenforce' is either 'Permissive' or 'Enforcing' (note the initial capitalization)
When using the runtime command 'setenforce', the argument is either '0' or '1'
When using the script command 'selinuxenabled', the result is '0' if it IS enabled.
The variable 'SELINUX' is either 'enabled' or 'disabled'
The variable 'enforcing' is either 'enabled' or 'disabled'
(This can be named 'enforce' rather than 'enforcing' - would help when trying to remember whether the runtime command is 'setenforce' or 'setenforcing')
The variable 'SELINUXTYPE' is 'strict', 'targeted', 'myownpolicy', 'strangleddaemons', etc.