After backing out gawk and reinstalling .541, I have a system that boots, but only in permissive mode.
In strict mode, many avc's rush past, and then the systems automagically reboots before I have time to examine the screen (nothing makes it to the log).
Booting in permissive mode produces scads of avc's.
I notice the following on 'make reload' of the policy:
Sep 2 20:26:29 fedora kernel: security: 4 users, 6 roles, 1220 types, 23 bools
Sep 2 20:26:29 fedora kernel: security: 53 classes, 278677 rules
Sep 2 20:26:29 fedora kernel: security: context user_u:user_r:dbusd_t is invalid
checkpolicy doesn't seem to complain .....
Anything to worry about? tom