Good day all, It's been a long time since I used any Linux, last was slackware 2.3, Anyway I found a umongus changes, well done to all devloppers.. This question is about several ports 21, (FTP) 25, (SMTP) and 110 (Pop) did I mist something while I was away? None of them work from the network, port 25 work from the fedora machine but not any others. Yes Postfix is installed. Sendmail and Spamassasin are also installed and running. I am running NO firewall for this testing. I am trying to figure out what is the command to install the pop and FTP server. From the GUY server setting, there is no MAIL, or FTP... at the add/remouve application I did install all services.. DOVECOT is installed and the IMap is working, but ni POP... Any one can put some light on this??? Thanks, Jean