On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 03:59, "t l" <concert@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > These changes seem to make crond/mailman happy: > > allow system_crond_t mailman_lock_t:dir rw_dir_perms; > allow system_crond_t mailman_lock_t:file create_file_perms; > allow system_crond_t mailman_log_t:file { append read }; The problem with this is that it removes the entire point of having a policy for mailman. > Subject: Cron <mailman fedora> /usr/bin/python -S /var/mailman/cron/gate_news Above is the real problem. /usr/bin/python is run instead of /var/mailman/cron/gate_news. I presume that python is specified on the command-line to give the -S option. From the python man page: -S Disable the import of the module site and the site-dependent manipulations of sys.path that it entails. If we make the first line of each python script be: #!/usr/bin/python -S Then the "/usr/bin/python -S" part can be removed and a domain_auto_trans() rule will take place and run things in the right domain. Also the mailman.fc file was missing some things. I've attached a revised version (untested) which should work better. -- http://www.coker.com.au/selinux/ My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/ Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark http://www.coker.com.au/postal/ Postal SMTP/POP benchmark http://www.coker.com.au/~russell/ My home page
# mailman list server /var/log/mailman(/.*)? system_u:object_r:mailman_log_t ifdef(`debian', ` /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mailman/.* -- system_u:object_r:mailman_cgi_exec_t /usr/lib/mailman/cron/.* -- system_u:object_r:mailman_queue_exec_t /usr/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper -- system_u:object_r:mailman_mail_exec_t /usr/mailman/mail/wrapper -- system_u:object_r:mailman_mail_exec_t /var/lib/mailman(/.*)? system_u:object_r:mailman_data_t /var/lib/mailman/archives(/.*)? system_u:object_r:mailman_archive_t /etc/cron\.daily/mailman -- system_u:object_r:mailman_queue_exec_t /etc/cron\.monthly/mailman -- system_u:object_r:mailman_queue_exec_t ') ifdef(`redhat', ` /var/mailman/cgi-bin/.* -- system_u:object_r:mailman_cgi_exec_t /var/mailman/data(/.*)? system_u:object_r:mailman_data_t /var/mailman/locks(/.*)? system_u:object_r:mailman_lock_t /var/mailman/cron -d system_u:object_r:bin_t /var/mailman/cron/.+ -- system_u:object_r:mailman_queue_exec_t /var/mailman/archives(/.*)? system_u:object_r:mailman_archive_t /var/mailman/scripts/mailman -- system_u:object_r:mailman_mail_exec_t /var/mailman/bin/qrunner -- system_u:object_r:mailman_queue_exec_t /var/mailman/cgi-bin/.* -- system_u:object_r:mailman_cgi_exec_t /var/mailman/mail/mailman -- system_u:object_r:mailman_mail_exec_t ')