These allow rules were developed by running the latest /devel tree using selinux-policy-strict-sources-1.13.10-3 and putting the resulting avc denied messages through audit2allow.
Most are necessary to perform normal operations while in enforcing mode.
Some of the rules marked "#from booting" may be candidates for dontaudit rules.
Thanks for the help, Richard Hally
#from " logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf" while root(sysadm_r) allow logrotate_t devpts_t:dir { search }; allow logrotate_t initrc_t:process { transition }; allow logrotate_t mysqld_log_t:file { execute }; allow logrotate_t mysqld_log_t:file { execute_no_trans }; allow logrotate_t privoxy_log_t:file { execute }; allow logrotate_t privoxy_log_t:file { execute_no_trans }; allow logrotate_t selinux_config_t:dir { search }; allow logrotate_t selinux_config_t:file { getattr read }; allow logrotate_t staff_home_dir_t:dir { read search }; allow logrotate_t var_t:file { getattr }; allow logrotate_t var_t:file { read };
# from booting
allow lvm_t file_t:dir { getattr read };
allow mount_t ptmx_t:chr_file { read write };
allow mount_t rhgb_gph_t:fd { use };
allow mount_t rhgb_t:unix_stream_socket { read write };
allow rhgb_t staff_home_dir_t:dir { search };
# from booting
allow udev_t dbusd_t:unix_stream_socket { connectto };
allow udev_t dbusd_var_run_t:dir { search };
allow udev_t dbusd_var_run_t:sock_file { write };
allow udev_t file_t:dir { search };
# from exe=/usr/bin/mDNSResponder during boot allow user_t dns_port_t:udp_socket { name_bind };
# from starting mozilla as staff_r allow staff_mozilla_t file_t:dir { getattr }; allow staff_mozilla_t staff_home_t:file { unlink }; allow staff_mozilla_t xdm_tmp_t:dir { search };
# from normal gnome session as staff_r allow staff_screensaver_t xdm_tmp_t:dir { search }; allow staff_screensaver_t xdm_tmp_t:sock_file { write }; allow staff_t file_t:dir { getattr }; allow staff_t staff_t:netlink_route_socket { create };
#from starting postgresql server during boot and using postgresql as user.
allow initrc_su_t postgresql_db_t:dir { search };
allow user_t postgresql_db_t:dir { add_name getattr read remove_name search write };
allow user_t postgresql_db_t:file { create getattr read rename unlink write };
allow staff_t user_tmp_t:sock_file { write };
allow staff_t user_t:unix_stream_socket { connectto };
#from " logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf" while root(sysadm_r) allow logrotate_t devpts_t:dir { search }; allow logrotate_t initrc_t:process { transition }; allow logrotate_t mysqld_log_t:file { execute }; allow logrotate_t mysqld_log_t:file { execute_no_trans }; allow logrotate_t privoxy_log_t:file { execute }; allow logrotate_t privoxy_log_t:file { execute_no_trans }; allow logrotate_t selinux_config_t:dir { search }; allow logrotate_t selinux_config_t:file { getattr read }; allow logrotate_t staff_home_dir_t:dir { read search }; allow logrotate_t var_t:file { getattr }; allow logrotate_t var_t:file { read }; # from booting allow lvm_t file_t:dir { getattr read }; allow mount_t ptmx_t:chr_file { read write }; allow mount_t rhgb_gph_t:fd { use }; allow mount_t rhgb_t:unix_stream_socket { read write }; allow rhgb_t staff_home_dir_t:dir { search }; # from booting allow udev_t dbusd_t:unix_stream_socket { connectto }; allow udev_t dbusd_var_run_t:dir { search }; allow udev_t dbusd_var_run_t:sock_file { write }; allow udev_t file_t:dir { search }; # from exe=/usr/bin/mDNSResponder during boot allow user_t dns_port_t:udp_socket { name_bind }; # from starting mozilla as staff_r allow staff_mozilla_t file_t:dir { getattr }; allow staff_mozilla_t staff_home_t:file { unlink }; allow staff_mozilla_t xdm_tmp_t:dir { search }; # from normal gnome session as staff_r allow staff_screensaver_t xdm_tmp_t:dir { search }; allow staff_screensaver_t xdm_tmp_t:sock_file { write }; allow staff_t file_t:dir { getattr }; allow staff_t staff_t:netlink_route_socket { create }; #from starting postgresql server during boot and using postgresql as user. allow initrc_su_t postgresql_db_t:dir { search }; allow user_t postgresql_db_t:dir { add_name getattr read remove_name search write }; allow user_t postgresql_db_t:file { create getattr read rename unlink write }; allow staff_t user_tmp_t:sock_file { write }; allow staff_t user_t:unix_stream_socket { connectto };