Hi, In my projects, I am trapping basic system calls like open, read, write, close etc ... for creating POSIX interface semantics for remote file. I am using SOAP protocol to communicate with the remote foles. http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jagan/research.htm I rewrite functions such as open, read, write etc... as shown below and I created a library module and preloaded by using LD_PRELOAD environemnt variable. --------------------------------------- for open call, open, _open, __open, __libc_open, open64, _open64, __open64, __libc_open64 for read call read, _read, _read, __libc_read for write call write, _write, __write __libc_write etc ..... ------------------------------------------- It is working pefectly well with Redhat 7.3, but in the recent releases of redhat 8 and 9. I am not able to trap system calls, it seems there are some changes to interfaces for enter in to system calls. If any body have any idea about the new changes, I will be glad to here. my email addess: jagan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with regards, Jagan Kommineni
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