OK. I tracked things down a bit.
The swap problem is spurious (i.e. not related to SELinux). (My swap space got trashed a few days ago and I didn't notice.) Sorry to confuse matters.....
I'm tracking down 'vestigial' files that were not assigned contexts by fixfiles. There were some in /var/tmp (kdecache-tbl, e.g.), etc.
tom ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* /From/: Stephen Smalley <sds epoch ncsc mil> * /To/: "Fedora SELinux support list for users & developers." <fedora-selinux-list redhat com> * /Subject/: Re: Enabling SELinux (was Re: How to make SELinux in Fedora work?) * /Date/: Thu, 27 May 2004 14:18:08 -0400
On Thu, 2004-05-27 at 14:07, Tom London wrote:
I see nothing in /var/log/messages about this...
Did you try enabling all auditing? See http://people.redhat.com/kwade/fedora-docs/selinux-faq-en/index.html#id3354612
Any thoughts on what happened to swap? Something I did?
I have no idea.
-- Stephen Smalley <sds epoch ncsc mil> National Security Agency