I tried to install my shiny new FC2 CDs (verified!) 'on top of' an existing FC2T3/selinux=enabled system. I entered 'selinux' at the install/boot prompt.I had the same problem. I went for a fresh install. One thing that may help is at the configure the firewall screen during the install, change the selinux option to 'warn'.
I tried both 'updating existing system' and a clean install on top of the existing partitions. After selecting packages and writing the install image to disk, both attempt produce an anaconda abort message saying OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/mnt/sysimage/selinux'
I bugzilla'ed this against anaconda as the abort message requested (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=123687), but
I'm guessing that I missed something quite basic. Do I need to
completely wipe the drive clean to proceed?
Suggestions warmly welcomed.
Richard Hally