Hello all, Not sure if this should go to fedora-test-list instead, but here goes... I have successfully managed to get Gaussian03 (commercial software for computation chemistry) going on FC2 test2. Here's a quick HOWTO: 1. Extract the LI2-800N.taz file provided by Gaussian, Inc. to /opt/g03. This is the x86 binary distribution of Gaussian03. 2. Gaussian03 won't run if its files are world readable, so create a seperate group for Gaussian03 users: /usr/sbin/groupadd -r g03 /usr/bin/gpasswd -a myuser g03 3. Set up the permissions on the Gaussian03 files: chown -R root.g03 /opt/g03 chmod -R a+rX /opt/g03 chmod -R o-rwx /opt/g03 4. Set the SELinux security context for the Gaussian03 files: chcon -t bin_t `find /opt/g03 -perm +111 -type f` (Modified command from the comment in bug 120140. Is this right?) Now Gaussian03 can be run by any user in the g03 group (provided he/she sets the g03root environment variable and sources the necessary file from /opt/g03/bsd). Cheers, Albert Strasheim